New member form SE Wisconsin

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Nov 11, 2022
SE Wisconsin
Good afternoon. I joined this forum on recommendation from another turner from another turning forum. So, I thought I'd join and introduce myself.

I am Dan from SE Wisconsin. I have been turning for around 10-years, or so. I started with turning spindles on an early 90's Craftsman 12" lathe, and then got into turning pens. It took a few pens before I got into it and figured out my groove. After the Craftsman gave up the ghost, I purchased a Harbor Freight 12" x 33" lathe. That wasn't a great lathe for pen turning, so I went and purchased the Harbor Freight 10" X 18" for $1.78 (It was on sale, I had a 30% coupon, and I was given a gift card, so that was my out-of-pocket). That was the perfect lathe for pen turning. I have since upgraded my larger of the two lathes to the Grizzly G0766, but kept the small Harbor Freight lathe as it works perfectly. I've even turned small bowls and stuff on it, and it holds its own just fine, so no reason to get rid of it. I have since added a smaller, vintage Tomlee drill press (restored and painted to match the lathe, I know, I'm a dork) with a self-centering vise (Stripped and also painted to match) for pen blanks, and have it parked next to the small lathe. Next to that is the pen press. So, I essentially have my pen making station.

Anyhow, it's good to meet you all, and I hope to offer up some advice and gain some knowledge.


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Jul 9, 2016

welcome to the asylum 😜

re painting your kit to match, it's your kit, it makes you happy so enjoy it. My workshop started off that well organised ( bout 28 years ago) and now is best not photographed due to mess.Sorry that should of course read "careful and selective storage on all flat surfaces" 😉

Just done a major woodshow today and SAVED a fortune ( kind of like women in shoe shops ….😉) . So more stuff to use / hide / break ( select your own adjective people ) but after 3 years off IT WAS FUN to see most of the old faces. A relief to see they too have aged and are still with us.

Have fun
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