JohnU returns!!

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Local Chapter Manager
Mar 25, 2005
Racine, WI, USA.
Always nice to see John's box of blanks arrive!!

So, if you want the Original FANTASTIC Feathers, you will find quite a few here:

For the newer IAP members who may not remember, John was the first to make "feather blanks" for resale. Although these take a lot of time and effort, John continues to supply us regularly, but his products will be GONE in short order.

So, If you would like to see the master--take a peek. Look quick and you MAY be able to purchase some.

As always we warn, when you put a product into your cart, it is not guaranteed to be yours until you check out. If two people have the same blank, he who checks out first GETS it. So, if you see one you like, load into your cart and check out. You can return to shop more (start another order--we will combine when we ship).

Enjoy, we will post more "goodies" tomorrow--too late to go through them all tonight---but wanted to give you all a chance, before our "regulars" see them and they "fly the coop"!!:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

Happy Bird watching!!!

John, Dawn and Ed!!

PS If you have not seen or turned John's blanks, you can see one being turned on my YouTube page here:

May help!!
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Local Chapter Manager
Mar 25, 2005
Racine, WI, USA.
Sunday update:

Not ALL the blanks are gone!!

About a dozen left, so if you want to make a gorgeous pen--follow the link above, but check page 2 as well, there are several left on that page, for sierra style pens!!

Get em quick---they are usually sold out by the end of the day!!

Thanks for looking and, as usual we thank John for making these beautiful blanks!!!


Local Chapter Manager
Mar 25, 2005
Racine, WI, USA.
Monday: John still has a couple blanks left but last night, Dawn posted several blanks from
The Polyclay queen returns!!

You can find her newest creations here:

Dawn and I are almost caught up to shipping, after John's Feathers' flight--so we look forward to being buried in orders that are PC (no, not politically correct, POLYCLAY!!)

As always, thanks for looking!!!
(Keeps our page views up!!:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:)

Ed & Dawn
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