Effects of old medium CA on finish?

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May 16, 2005
Beaverton, Oregon, USA.
I think I have read this before, but wanted to double check. With all the discussion of CA thought I would try again, even though I was thinking my medium CA was getting old (8+ months) and never had luck with the thin (could be brand related). Well I had stuck the medium in the fridge for past several weeks hoping to stretch shelf life out now that weather is improving. When I got it out it had a consistency of thick syrup. I applied to pen, smoothed out, but went back to smooth again and really messed finish up. Ok, my fault (@#$%!@#). Resanded to 220 and back up. Applied again and let it set for 2 minutes spinning. Still was wet so started gently blowing on it and it began drying immediately (breath is an accellerator?). When it dried, it got very rough and foggy. Looked dry, but when I touched it lightly it moved/curdled (finish was soft and not dry). SOOOOooo, got to resand and try again. But since it is nearly midnight, that will wait till tomorrow. In meantime, could alot of my problems be because my CA is old?


- Clayton
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Jul 18, 2005
Alvada, Ohio, USA.
I have asked the same question you have, as I had the same results as you are experienceing. I was given the advice to try new CA. I have not finished a pen with the new CA yet, however I have noticed a huge difference in the way the tubes are curing using the new CA. I would expect that I will have better luck with the new CA on my pens as well. I bought my new CA from Arizona Silhouette recently.


Group Buy Coordinator
Mar 4, 2005
Pearland, Texas, USA.
I am by no means, nor do I present myself as an expert on the CA glue. But, I have been selling it for about a year now and from personal experience, it has a useable shelf life of 6-8 months depending on the conditions under which it is kept (your milage may vary). I have a 16oz bottle of med CA that I have been using in the shop and have kept it on the shelf in the shop for about 6 months. It is now as thick as the thick CA, drying time is longer, and when used as CAS/BLO finish it shows a slight cloudy look. When I compared this bottle to a fresh bottle of thick, the fresh cured faster and clearer. You are correct in your assumption that moisture (your breath) can act as a mild accellerator, but not as fast as CA accellerator. However from my experience, moisture appears to cause the CA to become cloudy when it dries. Also you can store it in the fridge to extend the shelf life. When you remove it from the fridge for use, make sure the bottle has reached room temp before opening it(wait at least 1-2 hours) or you may introduce moisture in the bottle by condensation.
My best advice would be not to buy more than you expect to use in 6 months.


Nov 3, 2005
sheridan, Ar.
I buy my CA in the tiny 4g tubes which are completly sealed and will remain fresh indefinatly unles the seal is broken. You can sometimes buy 4 tubes for a dollar at the dollar stores. I find it more convienant this way as sometimes I go for weeks without turning.,, and if you buy it at the dollar stores is no more expensive than buying in bulk and then throwing it away after a few months. Once a bottle is opened, no matter how careful you are you introduce moisture in to the mix.


Apr 14, 2005
Austin, TX, USA.
Originally posted by Monty
Also you can store it in the fridge to extend the shelf life. When you remove it from the fridge for use, make sure the bottle has reached room temp before opening it(wait at least 1-2 hours) or you may introduce moisture in the bottle by condensation.

I agree with this 100%.

I have a few CA on my shop/garage that are still good even after they've been there for months...left open (no cap). I have yet to have a bottle go bad on me. I always finish each bottle...to the last drop [;)]

This may change since the (thin) ones I am using are about a year and a half (or 2 years?) old...but kept in the fridge until needed/opened. Monty, I know you will have a benchmark on this...my thin CA were bought from Marc about six months before he handed over the operation to you.


Group Buy Coordinator
Mar 4, 2005
Pearland, Texas, USA.
Originally posted by Dario
I agree with this 100%.

I have a few CA on my shop/garage that are still good even after they've been there for months...left open (no cap). I have yet to have a bottle go bad on me. I always finish each bottle...to the last drop [;)]

This may change since the (thin) ones I am using are about a year and a half (or 2 years?) old...but kept in the fridge until needed/opened. Monty, I know you will have a benchmark on this...my thin CA were bought from Marc about six months before he handed over the operation to you.
The actual shelf life depends on so many factors. Ask 10 people, get 10 different answers. A lot may depend on small factors we don't even think about. What works in one place may not work in another. As one person here so aptly states, <h2>"Your milage may vary"</h2>
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