Buckeye, bigleaf maple and olive wood from Rockb...#42

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Dec 18, 2008
Redding, CA
Hi Guys....Three different species this time. Buckeye in a few different configurations, maple and some crosscut olive. Hope you can use a few of 'em. I'll pay shipping on all of them. Easier to do that than spend time doing the calcs. Plus, easier for you to see at the get go what it's gonna cost. BTW guys, I have about 7 bucks in the small ones to ship, IAP listing, PPal $$ and that doesn't include my price for the wood. Not complaining, just sayin'.

International wood buddies are certainly welcome to buy any of these with the exception of the casting blanks, BP46. Please don't ask me to adjust values on Customs forms. I don't think the Customs guys would take kindly to that if they found out...and I'm the one filling out the form. : ( I'll subtract whatever shipping would be to a US address from your amount.

I'm still a working guy so if I don't answer your mail immediately, I will be in touch in the evening when I get home. I'm way out in California so there's a 3 hour difference for you east coast guys.

Okay, if you're still readin', here they are:

BP41, $20.00 Buckeye burl pen blanks. Nine pieces measuring 3/4 x 3/4 x at least 4". I'll pay shipping. A couple 'em are a little shy of a full 3/4...got a little heavy handed on the sanding. : (


BP45, $22.50 Buckeye burl pen half blanks. Twenty two pieces measuring 3/4 x 3/4 x 2 1/2 to just under 4". I'll pay shipping.


BP46, $20.00 Buckeye burl casting blanks. Sixteen pieces measuring 3/4 x3/4 x 5". I'll pay shipping.


BP54, $25.00 Buckeye burl pen blanks. Eight pieces measuring 3/4 x 3/4 x 5". I'll pay shipping.


BP67, $20.00 Buckeye burl undersize blanks. Thirty two pieces. These are mostly "sides" off a larger piece. They won't make a full size blank but I think there are some full size 5/8 blanks in the bunch. They're mostly 5" long and anwhere from 1/2" to 5/8 thick...a few at 3/4 but they're not all uniform. Nice wood though, just odd sizes. I'll pay shipping.


MP101, $25.00 Big leaf maple burl pen blanks measuring 3/4 x 3/4 x 5" long. I'll pay shipping.


MP102, $25.00 Big leaf maple burl pen blanks measuring 3/4 x 3/4 x 5" long. I'll pay shipping.


MP103, $25.00 Big leaf maple burl pen blanks measuring 3/4 x 3/4 x 5" long. I'll pay shipping.


OL110, $25.00 Olive wood cross cut pen half blanks. Sixteen pieces measuring 3/4 x 3/4 x 2 1/2 to 4" long. These came from Corning, California.....the Olive Capital of the World. Pretty impressive. ; ) At least that's what the sign says. I'll pay shipping.


OL111, $25.00 Olive wood cross cut pen half blanks. Measuring 3/4 x 3/4 x 2 1/2 to 4" long. These came from Corning, California.....the Olive Capital of the World. Pretty impressive. ; ) At least that's what the sign says. I'll pay shipping.


Not a disclaimer but a note between wood workers. If you get a pen blank or two
that's been mis-measured or labeled, it's gotta be my fault. Let me know and
I'll fix it. Sometimes when I'm sanding, a blank might end up a bit on the shy
side of 3/4...so...let me know.

Please respond in the thead if you want some so we'll all know what's taken. Also, when/if you PPal...please make sure your address is on the invoice...or just send me your addie...speeds things up a bit. thanks

That's all this time guys....thanks to all you who have bought my wood in previous posts.....I appreciate it. Rocky
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Hey Guys, they're all gone except for the crosscut olive.... OL110 and OL111 and BP46, buckeye casting blanks.
Thanks to all you who bought the others.
Rocky, do you have anymore of the buckeye that is the "ashiest" looking you can get? Please let me know if you if one or two blanks you can slip in the MZ burl's I will be buying from your other post.

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