Been a little busy!

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Dec 30, 2004
This is the receint order of Corian pens. 250 with 11 pen holders. The colors were their choices. They wanted to stay with the last 3 years and mostly calm colors.

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Originally posted by jwoodwright
<br />Alice, all I say is WOW! Looks great. All this and working still?

Dumb Question: What do you use to protect the plating on the pen holders?
I sand and polish the inside of the holes of the pen holders.
I only count 248; are you sure they are all there? [:D]

No wonder you've been so quiet laately! They look great! I hope all the other personal stuff has been resolved in a positive way, too. Glad to see you back.
Good to see you back, Alice. Certainly an impressive order!!

Hope you are feeling well-collecting corian is a lot easier than picking up logs (last post I remember).
That's amazing! I wouldn't even attempt that big an order! I do thi for fun. I had a job once! After 35yrs said thats the last job I want!!
Alice....That's a butt load of corian!!!!! I've finally gotten around to gluing up some 1/2 inch stuff and hope to turn it this week.
Originally posted by elody21
<br />Been a Little Busy

That seems to be a teency-weency bit of an understatement Alice...... I guess that If you were really busy you would need a 5000 pen order?
Congrats Alice, how long did it take you to turn all of those?
JimGo, that new baby must have caused you to miscount, there is only 247 [:D]
The first order they gave me 3 years ago was 450 and it really took me a while. I now have it down to a science.. They are done in an assembly line method. They are all cut to 5" then in half, then all drilled, then all trimmed , then all tubed. I only use 2part 5 min. Devcon Epoxy for the brass tubes. It has more flexiblity than any CA and costs much less. I let the tubes set at least overnight. Then I trim all of the tubes with a jig for the disc sander. So now all of the pens are ready to be turned. At this point I usually turn and assemble about 50 in a day, not takeing the entire day.It is very taxing and the last 25 of the order is murder!, but if they asked for 500 I'd still do it! Once a corian pen is off the lathe it is done. All the sanding and polishing is done in place and there are no suprizes. No knots, no bugs, no rotton spots to deal with, just sand and polish! 150,220,400,600,then Novis fine polish
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