First turnings

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Mar 5, 2022
I have done about a half-dozen turnings so far. I made 5 of these duraclick EDC pencils with acrylilc. Here are two of them.


As I picked up this hobby I discovered that there is a Woodcraft store not too far from where I live and when I went to check it out I came across a higher end pen kit that I loved. I picked it up even though I figured I would make a mess of it but it came out ok in the end.

Black titanium and copper with black palm. I really have a thing for copper and couldn't resist.


Comments/critique would be welcome as I have a long way to go for sure.

The camera didn't pick it up too well but there are some fine radial scratches in the CA finish which can be seen under direct light. I do sand axially between each grit and wipe down between all sandings with denatured alcohol.

I have been using 600 grit paper after applying CA before moving to micromesh pads which I think is the source of the scratches as they seem to be in the finish and not in the base material (I think?).

I have been using conventional paper but have ordered some abranet mesh which should be here later today. After doing some reading here I think that may help but would still appreciate any advice on improving.
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Jun 9, 2017
Columbus, Nebraska, USA
Those turned out very nice, especially the Black Palm - although it can make a very attractive pen, in my opinion it is one of the most difficult woods to work with. After many splinters (in my fingers) and the turning difficulties I went through using it, I got rid rid of all of the Black Palm I had.

I think you are spot on about the scratches coming from sanding before MicroMesh. I apply the CA in very thin layers so it winds up quite even with no lumps, drips, or buildups that need to be sanded off before going right to wet sanding with MicroMesh. The one thing I do though is I have two of the coarsest grit in my MicroMesh stack because the first round usually leaves a few shiny (low) spots behind. Doubling up on the coarse grit pretty much takes care of it for me.

Some swear by Abranet and I think I have some of it somewhere, but I have never used it.

I am a big fan of those EDC kits with the stripes machined into the knurling. All of your pens turned out very nice!



Mar 5, 2022
Thanks all! I absolutely demolished my first piece of black palm, trying for 'just one more pass' to get it closer to the bushings.

Lesson learned, my second attempt I stopped a bit sooner and turned to sanding for the final fit and finish. This is also my first time using a lathe so I was also getting accustomed to the tools and techniques. I have found that a skew at about a 45 degree angle does a pretty fair job with the black palm.

I just finished the companion pencil to the pen...

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