Second Custom Finial Pen

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Jun 9, 2017
Columbus, Nebraska, USA
Greetings from Nebraska.

Well, as I should have expected, my second custom finial pen was a learning experience. I made a Gold Jr Gent using Cocobolo. I had a blowout on my first Cocobolo blank when I was drilling the cap - just not enough blank for the size of hole I was putting in it. The second blank came out much better - I don't know if it made the difference or not, but I wound up using a drill bit designed for plastic instead of my standard twist drill. The pointier end is less grabby especially when piercing through the bottom of the hole.

My learning take away from this one is that I need to undersize my custom finials more when I turn them. This one had a very tight fit and I think some of the CA must have scraped off around the edge when I pressed it in. Having to press it in was another clue that it would have been better undersized a little more. Still, I think it made a pretty good pen. Here are the pictures. - Dave

Glamor Shots.
IMG_2251 Cropped.jpg
IMG_2249 Cropped.jpg

Standard Pictures as it is rotated (with Cap on).
IMG_2242 Cropped.jpg
IMG_2243 Cropped.jpg
IMG_2244 Cropped.jpg

Standard Pictures as it is rotated (with Cap posted).
IMG_2245 Cropped.jpg
IMG_2246 Cropped.jpg
IMG_2247 Cropped.jpg

Here is a shot of the Finial by itself.
IMG_2252 Cropped.jpg

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Apr 8, 2017
Rural America
nice pen.
for these finials i don't do it by measuring but by testing the cap to the turning. the final dimension can be a little loose but you want the tenon to be a snug fit, ensuring that any gap is even. I don't remember having a blowout with CB. Be sure to go slow on the last 1/4 " or if everything is true drill from both ends.
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