Zen Pen final detail

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Chuck Key

May 3, 2005
Richmond, Virginia, USA.
Here is a close up of the final end of a pen showing access to the spare ink cartridge.


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We live in a nation of solving non-existent problems Randy. Finding the best way to establish a lunar colony is not a problem, but a gazillion dollars are spent anually to find a solution.
Originally posted by Hello

We live in a nation of solving non-existent problems Randy. Finding the best way to establish a lunar colony is not a problem, but a gazillion dollars are spent anually to find a solution.

It's a problem if you are among those who actually want to be lunar colonists (and in my youth, I was one of them).

People will always pursue what interests them if they have the means, and seek solutions to whatever they regard as a problem if they can. We monkey folk are a curious lot.

What is so great about this site is that we have thousands of minds all working on their various interests and publishing any new "solutions" to what they regard as "problems". You are presented with a buffet of "solutions" that you can pick and chose from as you see fit.

Me, I'm in the "all you can eat" line.
Originally posted by rincewind03060

Originally posted by Hello

We live in a nation of solving non-existent problems Randy. Finding the best way to establish a lunar colony is not a problem, but a gazillion dollars are spent anually to find a solution.

It's a problem if you are among those who actually want to be lunar colonists (and in my youth, I was one of them).

People will always pursue what interests them if they have the means, and seek solutions to whatever they regard as a problem if they can. We monkey folk are a curious lot.

What is so great about this site is that we have thousands of minds all working on their various interests and publishing any new "solutions" to what they regard as "problems". You are presented with a buffet of "solutions" that you can pick and chose from as you see fit.

Me, I'm in the "all you can eat" line.

Originally posted by Sfolivier

I'm lost. The Zen pen isn't a fountain pen... Maybe a larger picture / explanation could help... I don't really understand the modification. :(

This is not the Zen pen, but the "Stretch" sold by Aaron Lau in Hawaii - it comes as a rollerball, but I guess one can modify it that it uses a fountain pen nib.
Originally posted by Rudy Vey

Originally posted by Sfolivier

I'm lost. The Zen pen isn't a fountain pen... Maybe a larger picture / explanation could help... I don't really understand the modification. :(

This is not the Zen pen, but the "Stretch" sold by Aaron Lau in Hawaii - it comes as a rollerball, but I guess one can modify it that it uses a fountain pen nib.

Are you sure, Rudy? The finial on Aaron's Stretch appears to have some bands on it that this pen's finial lacks (and that CSUSA's Zen also appears to lack) and Aaron's Stretch cap has some stamped design work on it that the cap on this pen lacks (and that CSUSA's Zen also appears to lack). It's hard to tell the details from Internet pictures, but I think this is the Zen.
At least now that I realize that it's a fountain pen, it makes more sense :) I'm curious about the conversion from rollerball to fountain pen... Is the Zen or the stretch thread compatible with another kit?
Sfoliver: Is the Zen or the stretch thread compatible with another kit?

I have only worked with the Zen and am not aware of any compatible kits in the very limited selection I looked at.

Maskman: I'm interested in finding some of those blanks. What is the name of the acrylic and where is it available?

I got the blanks from IAP member Baldysm.

Originally posted by Proud_Poppa_of_2

Originally posted by Rudy Vey

Originally posted by Sfolivier

I'm lost. The Zen pen isn't a fountain pen... Maybe a larger picture / explanation could help... I don't really understand the modification. :(

This is not the Zen pen, but the "Stretch" sold by Aaron Lau in Hawaii - it comes as a rollerball, but I guess one can modify it that it uses a fountain pen nib.

Are you sure, Rudy? The finial on Aaron's Stretch appears to have some bands on it that this pen's finial lacks (and that CSUSA's Zen also appears to lack) and Aaron's Stretch cap has some stamped design work on it that the cap on this pen lacks (and that CSUSA's Zen also appears to lack). It's hard to tell the details from Internet pictures, but I think this is the Zen.

Guess I had a mind fart here. Well, I remember seeing a fountainpen version of the Stretch pen at dayacom's website, and since CSUSA does only offer a rollerball version of the Zen......I thought someone got the FP's of the Stretch.
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