Your Suggestions please

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Feb 11, 2008
Barriere, B.C., Canada.
I had a stroke in 2003 which left my right arm a little slow but my left arm is in good working order. I am driving my motor home and presently in Ft. Myers area and will be for awhile. It has been suggested to me that I should make wooden pens and I have done some research on this. Do you know of anyone in the Ft. Myers area that I could talk to for more information either by phone or in person. I have not done this type of work before and thinking that a lathe could be mounted in the motor home. Are you up to this type of challenge? I can be reached by email. Please either contact me via email or this forum.

Thanks -
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Cappy, I'm not in a position to help you as I am up here in the Commonwealth of Virginia, but I'd like to welcome you to IAP. Since we have a number of members in Florida, I hope we have someone in the Ft. Myers area who can give you some advice. Pen turning is a great hobby and pen turners are a great fraternity. While you wait for a local Floridian to identify him or herself, please look around the site and familiarize yourself with the numerous resources we have.
Welcome to the forum.
Ft Myers is roughly a 4-hour car drive to my place up in McIntosh.
I write this because on Saturday, Feb. 23rd a bunch of us will be getting together at my home. A link to details is in my signature below. There's a bunch of guys closer than me who'll likely see your post but if you want to join us for some sawdust and a good social time, feel free to join us. Sawdust sessions will start around 9:00 AM.
Wow Gary, that sounds like fun. Wish I was closer.
Cappy, that would be a super way to get info and see if you wanted to get into the addiction, I mean hobby. [}:)]:D
Welcome aboard Cappy. I've read some articles about people with your type of problem taking up turning. Seems they all enjoy it. Wish I could remember where the articles are. All the best.:):)
Welcome Cappy! In 2004 I fell 40' off a ladder truck at work and broke the whole left side of my body. I need crutches to walk and I can't lift my left arm above my chest. I was a weekend woodworker before the accident and someone also suggested to me that penturning might be a way I could continue my hobby. That was 3 1/2 years ago and I haven't looked back. It's all about a positive attitude and making adjustments. I can't walk too good so I made an adjustment. I took my shop stool and put wheels on it. Now I tool around the shop like nobodys business.
The whole point of this long winded welcome is just to say that if I can take a difficult situation and make it work than so can you!
I say buy that lathe and put it in your motor home. You've got nothing to lose and EVERYTHING to gain. GOOD LUCK!:D
Welcome Cappy ! Hope you enjoy it here , as I do . These folks will be a big help to you . If you can possibly make that invitation to the get-together , do so . I lived in a coach for awhile . I know that space is limited . I was thinking , maybe , since you will be starting up , you could learn to drill your blanks on your lathe to save space . Some here may agree or not . Just a thought . Good luck !
Cappy, check the member map on the site. It may be of some help. Also check the Community College if they offer night adult classes. You may find some folks who do wood turning.
All the best.

John 3:16
Originally posted by rherrell

Welcome Cappy! In 2004 I fell 40' off a ladder truck at work and broke the whole left side of my body. I need crutches to walk and I can't lift my left arm above my chest. I was a weekend woodworker before the accident and someone also suggested to me that penturning might be a way I could continue my hobby. That was 3 1/2 years ago and I haven't looked back. It's all about a positive attitude and making adjustments. I can't walk too good so I made an adjustment. I took my shop stool and put wheels on it. Now I tool around the shop like nobodys business.
The whole point of this long winded welcome is just to say that if I can take a difficult situation and make it work than so can you!
I say buy that lathe and put it in your motor home. You've got nothing to lose and EVERYTHING to gain. GOOD LUCK!:D
Welcome Aboard Cappy,

I would also suggest first and foremost, live the dream.
Please provide yourself a few things, quadrant off an
area of your mobile home to prevent sawdust everywhere.
Next Invest in a good dust collection devices. Third
but not least be safe and live it up buddy,
turn turn turn!!! We only live once.

NeoDon1 [8D]
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