You have been around here a while if-

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Well...I have have spent a weekend with Eagle and his best friend Lou (DCBluesman) in DC........:wink:
....and I've had lunch with you and Charlie in New England.:biggrin:

Both very fond and memorable occasions:wink:

You've also been around a bit if you can remember the old original IAP Forum...
I remember all the locals going nuts while we were off air....thought the world had come to an end!!:eek::biggrin:
You should add Skiprat to that list .... been here since 2006 ! .... and certainly belongs in the "memorables" list.

PenPal also .... since 2006.
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I talked to Gary Max a few weeks ago. He's the one that got me started turning pens. A few guys not on here are on Facebook, so that helps.

But I miss Hunter27 (Landon) the most. We had some great late night conversations.
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Anyone remember Tom McMillan? He used to drill a maple blank - say about 3/8 inch and fill the hole with 3/8 dowel of bloodwood or red heart, then carve the maple to reveal the red up under.

I really liked those pens.

Oh and Tom Mullane? (I think that is his name but he posted under Old Griz, IIRC.
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Oh yes, I remember! Thanks for the trip down memory lane! One of the people I remember is Daniel Yourdon. He was one of the first people through the door at the IAP. We're still friends on Facebook.

Frank still drops in from time to time.

Ed Davidson is still turning class AAAAA yo-yos, many with rose engine enhancements.
I was intrigued by Hank's description of Tom McMillan's technique, so I looked up an example. Here's a pen he entered in an IAP contest back in 2004 and his explanation of how he made it. Pretty cool!

Slimline made from ebony and bloodwood. I made the pen by first turning down a base wood of bloodwood to an even diameter. I drilled out a piece of ebony to that diameter and glued it over the bloodwood. I turned it to shape. Then I laid the pen out for a spiral cut. I cut the spiral by hand with a rasp. I made a loose diamond shaped centerband. For a finish I used CA with friction polish over it, and applied Renaissance Wax over that. The penholder is made of bloodwood with ebony posts. The pen is held in place by magnets which I put in the top of the penholder.


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Here's that pen holder that Tom McMillan made for that spiral pen - I should have included this pic in my previous post.


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Anyone remember Tom McMillan? He used to drill a maple blank - say about 3/8 inch and fill the hole with 3/8 dowel of bloodwood or red heart, then carve the maple to reveal the red up under.

I really liked those pens.

Oh and Tom Mullane? (I think that is his name but he posted under Old Griz, IIRC.

Tom Mullane passed away in 2013.
Good folks. Never met Eagle, but talked to him on the phone regularly. Lou as well. Was looking through a recumbent bike thing a while back and saw a yoyo-spin logo. Sent Ed an email and he responded. Gleaned a lot from some those guys.
I remember a dinner one night after the DC pen show...Lou (DCBluesman), the Kennedys, Dawn and Ed and I...wonderful company. I got up and caught the waiter to try and pay the check (VERY small payment for all I learned from the group) and he told me it was already paid. Get back to the table and Lou looks at me with his characteristic twinkle and says "not in my town, kid"....great people all.
longest back member I have met is Jon (GoodTurns)

We went to prison together.

It had to be when you guys saw Johnny play Folsom Prison Blues :biggrin: I seem to remember Goodturns mad a wrong turn and ended up in Alabama at Phil's Pen Studio. From there you guys loaded the car with two bags of grass, seventy-five pellets of mescaline, five sheets of high powered blotter acid, a salt shaker half full of cocaine, and a whole galaxy of multi-colored uppers, downers, screamers, laughers... and also a quart of tequila, a quart of rum, a case of Budweiser, a pint of raw ether and two dozen amyls.
Not that you needed all that for the trip, but once you get locked into a serious drug collection, the tendency is to push it as far as you can. And don't forget the part where you went through Bat Country :eek:. I'm sure that was an awesome trip!!
Below is the pen that Tom McMillan had posted that intrigued me. I had forgotten about the one that Edgar posted. Thanks Edgar for posting that pen and holder.

The one below is not of maple (as I posted earlier) but it looks like olive wood and bloodwood.

Thanks Jeff for the update on "Old Griz". I miss the old fellows, and even some of our arguments. :rolleyes: :biggrin:


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Here's a few more names that bring back memories.....some old , some recent but rare...

Brad...the bonkers chemist,
Jeff - Scrollmaster Workinforwood,
Derek - D Oliver...seems very quiet these days??,
UK's George Watkins - Best resin/wood caster on the planet,
Amazing Steampunk Simon -Si90,
Gerry Rhodes - cool dude,
TerryF - Bomb disposal expert in S Africa,
Charlie - NewEngland88....I really miss him and his humour,
Dawn - PR Princess - excellent PR and always a smile
Wolftat - Neil Pabia and his late brother but forgive me, I forgot his name
Constant - cool in stainless...never did make that removable finial to convert to postable
JoeFyffe - Indy's Dad
Bruce Boone - stunning high tech craftsmanship
VisExp - Visual Expressions Keith Larrett - top dog with fine segmentations

And please help me on this one.....who was the guy that made world class pens mostly with a straight line ornamental lathe? He did a few videos where he carved a few silver pen barrels.

I hope I haven't forgotten an old friend...:redface: Apologies in advance..:wink:
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Neil had a tie to former military service and went on some sort of civilian venture I believe in Iraq. His twin brother died somewhat unexpectedly and Charlie is around-just not doing pens. I am in contact with him.
Below is the pen that Tom McMillan had posted that intrigued me. I had forgotten about the one that Edgar posted. Thanks Edgar for posting that pen and holder.

The one below is not of maple (as I posted earlier) but it looks like olive wood and bloodwood.

Thanks Jeff for the update on "Old Griz". I miss the old fellows, and even some of our arguments. :rolleyes: :biggrin:

Thanks for posting that one, Hank. I'm going to have to try that technique.

Do you know what he used to carve the cross in that one? He did a beautiful job on that.
Below is the pen that Tom McMillan had posted that intrigued me. I had forgotten about the one that Edgar posted. Thanks Edgar for posting that pen and holder.

The one below is not of maple (as I posted earlier) but it looks like olive wood and bloodwood.

Thanks Jeff for the update on "Old Griz". I miss the old fellows, and even some of our arguments. :rolleyes: :biggrin:

Thanks for posting that one, Hank. I'm going to have to try that technique.

Do you know what he used to carve the cross in that one? He did a beautiful job on that.

I am think he used a thin rat tail (rasp) file then fine sandpaper.

It seems like I remember him doing the spiral the same way and I couldn't believe that he did that so consistently by hand. I could be wrong.
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And please help me on this one.....who was the guy that made world class pens mostly with a straight line ornamental lathe? He did a few videos where he carved a few silver pen barrels.

I hope I haven't forgotten an old friend...:redface: Apologies in advance..:wink:

Are you thinking of Rich L...

Prototypes and Custom Work
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Below is the pen that Tom McMillan had posted that intrigued me. I had forgotten about the one that Edgar posted. Thanks Edgar for posting that pen and holder.

The one below is not of maple (as I posted earlier) but it looks like olive wood and bloodwood.

Thanks Jeff for the update on "Old Griz". I miss the old fellows, and even some of our arguments. :rolleyes: :biggrin:

Thanks for posting that one, Hank. I'm going to have to try that technique.

Do you know what he used to carve the cross in that one? He did a beautiful job on that.

I am think he used a thin rat tail (rasp) file then fine sandpaper.

It seems like I remember him doing the spiral the same way and I couldn't believe that he did that so consistently by hand. I could be wrong.

I have no idea of his method, but I have made some similar blanks. I turned both the inside blank and outside blank. Then I carved out the design on the outside blank using a Dremel with a small round burr, then smoothed the edges etc. with popsicle sticks with glued on sandpaper. Then glued the inside blank in. Plan on breaking a few if you get in a hurry, patience is your best friend.
I have read numerous references to Eagle and Russ Fairfield. Were they one and the same?
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The link, cited several times above, does not work for me ....

I get "Invalid Attachment specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator"

I like "history" so would like to view that link .... can somebody check, please .... and if you know the correct link, please let me know or post it here. Thanks.
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