Wisconsin January Meeting

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Local Chapter Leader
Feb 3, 2008
Milwaukee, Wi, USA.
I've been trying to schedule a meeting in January but due to NFL Playoffs I've been having problems scheduling far enough in advance so everyone can make plans. So what I've decided to do is schedule for Jan 29th. By then everything is done.

At this meeting we will be working with laser inlay kits. I will have inlay kits for everyone. I would suggest if you want to work on your kit at the meeting either bring a Sierra/Wallstreet kit with you or purchase one from Woodcraft. (Woodcraft has them on sale through the 27th.) We will also had a demo by a factory rep and samples on "Woodturners Finish" from General Finishes.

As at every meeting we will have a pen exchange for those that want to participate. And also a blank exchange.

The meeting will be January 29th at noon at Woodcraft.

Note to Alphageek: New members are invited to attend. :biggrin:
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O.... M.... G.... I have got to make this meeting! I'm getting tired of the "new member" jokes. LOL. Actually - fingers are crossed that there is no-one sick or injured this time.

The only other thing that COULD stop me is bad weather since I'm 2 hours away, but I am going to work VERY hard to try and get there!!!!

Then I can moderate all these jokes in person :)
WHAT jokes????

We're OLD, (especially Dave) can't expect us to remember you forever!!
Now, wanna know what happened in 1955??? I'm all over that!!!!
I should be there assuming I don't get held up since I'm traveling to Boston and Toronto during the week prior.
WHAT jokes????

We're OLD, (especially Dave) can't expect us to remember you forever!!
Now, wanna know what happened in 1955??? I'm all over that!!!!

(especially Dave):eek::eek::eek:

You can ask be about 1955-1962, 1964-1967, 1972-1985 and 2001 until the day before yesterday. Everything else is a blur.
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ssajn said:
(especially Dave):eek::eek::eek:

You can ask be about 1955-1962, 1964-1967, 1972-1985 and 2001 until the day before yesterday. Everything else is a blur.

Dad??? My birth and the year leading up to it falls into one of those gaps? :)
Wife and son BOTH have birthday on the same day. Won't be able to make this one. For some reason, SWMBO thinks I should be here for the party.:confused:
ssajn said:
(especially Dave):eek::eek::eek:

You can ask be about 1955-1962, 1964-1967, 1972-1985 and 2001 until the day before yesterday. Everything else is a blur.

Dad??? My birth and the year leading up to it falls into one of those gaps? :)

Oh... and to make this even funnier.. My real dads name is Dave... I think I'm going to have to start referring to you with the nickname of "dad" :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
Wife and son BOTH have birthday on the same day. Won't be able to make this one. For some reason, SWMBO thinks I should be here for the party.:confused:

Well the nerve of them having a birthday on a meeting day. I'd say they owe you one. :)

Give me a call when you get a chance. Anytime during the day or until around 9pm.
Wife and son BOTH have birthday on the same day. Won't be able to make this one. For some reason, SWMBO thinks I should be here for the party.:confused:

Well the nerve of them having a birthday on a meeting day. I'd say they owe you one. :)

Better yet... bring them with!! We like birthday cake! :biggrin: :cake:
Wife and son BOTH have birthday on the same day. Won't be able to make this one. For some reason, SWMBO thinks I should be here for the party.:confused:

Well the nerve of them having a birthday on a meeting day. I'd say they owe you one. :)

Better yet... bring them with!! We like birthday cake! :biggrin: :cake:

And after the cake goes where she just suggested I put it after reading this out loud, I don't think anyone would want to eat it:crying:
I am planning on coming to Woodcraft for your meeting this Sunday, joined by my sons. I would like to know if we need to register somewhere or sign up in advance? We've been to the store to help Turn for the Troops but this would be our first meeting, any help would be appreciated.

I am planning on coming to Woodcraft for your meeting this Sunday, joined by my sons. I would like to know if we need to register somewhere or sign up in advance? We've been to the store to help Turn for the Troops but this would be our first meeting, any help would be appreciated.


From what I hear, they are a REALLY tough group. You can get IN just fine, just heaven help you if you miss some meetings. :biggrin::biggrin: (there is some jokes about how bad last year was for me)

Seriously, nope.. just show up by about noon and you'll be good to go. No signup and the folks at woodcraft treat us really nice!
Well Chris, you have no idea how much self control this is taking--but here is the "straight scoop":

You go to the store, all the way to the back, past the rest rooms, hang a left and down the stairs. At the bottom, you will see Dave or Me or one of a few other guys who will help you make out name tags and you are READY!!!!


NOW, at this meeting you will get a lazer kit to put together and somebody will, hopefully have a plan as to how we will show (or help) each person leave with more knowledge than they had when they arrived.

If we fail in that endeavor, at least you will know a few of us and have had a cup or two of good coffee, if you wish.

Plan on noon until 3 PM or later, but you CAN leave any time if you have other commitments.

Look forward to meeting you and the boys!!!!

(who can now SEE you!!!!)
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Hi Chris,

Dean (If he does exist) and Ed just about covered it all. Once you get in and learn the secret handshake your expected to come to more meetings. If you miss a few like Dean you will never live it down.

All kidding aside.

All you have to do is show up. We start at noon. You and the boys are more than welcome to join us. We will be working on laser inlay kits. You will need a Wallstreet/Sierra style kit. Woodcraft currently has them on sale thru the 27th but Chris said he will extend the sale for us.

I'm planning on having a demo to do one start to finish then we will have a group to help others put theirs together. I'm not sure how much turning we'll get done but we'll do what we can.

The meeting is downstairs. My grand daughter will be running the sign in.

See you sunday.
arkie said:
So if someone shows up claiming to be this "Dean" guy, will anyone recognize him?

I doubt it!!!!

I do have to say that the history of WHY I missed all of last year will not be missed at all! Only 1 missed meeting was due to work. Every other one my daughter was sick and some of those issues were not small!!
ssajn said:
He'll be the one with his name in RED on his name tag.

Either that or look for the new guy with the Mickey Mouse Ears hat.

I left the mouse ears at home by mistake... But I do have my Mickey pen with!!!!
arkie said:
So if someone shows up claiming to be this "Dean" guy, will anyone recognize him?

I doubt it!!!!

I do have to say that the history of WHY I missed all of last year will not be missed at all! Only 1 missed meeting was due to work. Every other one my daughter was sick and some of those issues were not small!!

Excuses excuses.

Glad you can make this one. Oh did I forget to tell you. Your doing thte demo today. :eek:
arkie said:
So if someone shows up claiming to be this "Dean" guy, will anyone recognize him?

I doubt it!!!!

I do have to say that the history of WHY I missed all of last year will not be missed at all! Only 1 missed meeting was due to work. Every other one my daughter was sick and some of those issues were not small!!

Excuses excuses.

Glad you can make this one. Oh did I forget to tell you. Your doing thte demo today. :eek:


Nah!!! That was my evil twin :)

That being said - I don't think I'm going to be likely to make the next meeting. I got approval on the way home to look for hotels for the MPG, which is a week before the next meeting - and since I've never got to go to one of those yet....
I'm glad I made the meeting yesterday, it was informative and it was great to meet some people with the same addiction I have! I'm sure bringing Kringle nev hurts to gt off on the right foot, either! Lol

Another dave
I'm glad I made the meeting yesterday, it was informative and it was great to meet some people with the same addiction I have! I'm sure bringing Kringle nev hurts to gt off on the right foot, either! Lol

Another dave

Glad you able to join us.

I forgot to tell you. Your required to keep bringing Kringle until we get another new Dave. :biggrin:
Sorry it took me so long to post this but my internet has been down.

We had a great turnout at our last meeting with 40 participants. That's almost double our previous high.

Thanks to the following for their support
(In alphabetical order)

General Finishes
Kallenshaan Woods
Star Bond CA

Thanks also to Dennis for videoing our demo and Ron for the photography.

I'll post pictures when I get them from Ron.
Just to prove it really did happen.:biggrin:

Our next meeting will be May 6
The demo will be Ron Nelson to help us with photography.
Here's proof. It really did happen.


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