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Mar 15, 2007
Finally we have the top three winners of the Ball Point Pen Contest.

A couple of familiar faces and one new face breaks into the elite club of previous winners.

In 3rd place - pen #2

Mike@CSUSA (Mike)

In 2nd place - pen #18

Dogrunner - (Jeff)

and our returning King of the Hill

In 1st place - pen #9

Brian_G - (Brian)



In the random drawing for the Polyclay blank donated by Toni Ransfield

Spanx (Dale)​

A special Thank You to our generous members Mark, George and Smitty
for donating the terrific prizes for this contest.​

To all of our entrants, as always, you never stop impressing everyone with your skills and artistic abilities. I know that I am not alone telling you that I never miss these opportunities to pick up a few new ideas for future projects.
Cheers~ ......(microphone drop)
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Interesting. Congrats to each and everyone and well deserved. Tough competition for sure. Hope to see everyone back next year.
Thank you for the comments, and thank you to the voters for choosing my pen. Well done, Jeff and Mike. There were some excellent entries, and the pressure builds each year.

Thank you Bob, for chairing the contest, and thank you to the prize donors.

I give credit to Darrin McArthur (darrin1200) for making available in the Library the tutorial, Herringbone 360, that I used as a guide. My mind has never been good at visualizing in multiple dimensions, so having the tutorial as a guide helped.

I won't be doing this technique with metal ever again. It's wasteful, tedious, and frankly, a little dangerous. I have sore "Kegel muscles" from turning the bulk of the upper barrel down to rough round. I had two minor blow ups, which you can see in the upper right of the barrel, and faintly adjacent to the clip.

The right way to approach this would have been to make the herringbone longer than the upper barrel, TBC, then cut the blank to size. That would end up wasting a lot of metal and veneer. I sort of got myself stuck figuring out how to orient the wood segments.

We need to find some kryptonite for Brian.

The craft takes care of that on it's own. I had three color schemes in mind: brass with green veneer on walnut and green alumilite accents, copper with plum veneer on cherry with redheart accents, and the entry I submitted. I found out quickly that I needed to focus on finishing one of the three, and go back to the others. There were no other survivors. Frankly, I think I got a lot lucky that I was able to finish one.

Thank you to everyone involved with the contest! There were some fantastic pens entered.
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