Which would you buy...

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Jan 30, 2017
Elkhart IN, USA
Yes I know, another "which lathe to buy" post lol.

I'm narrowing my options down, and I have my eye on these 3 machines.

1. https://littlemachineshop.com/products/product_view.php?ProductID=5200&category=1271799306

2. 8" x 16" Variable-Speed Lathe with DRO | Grizzly Industrial
Manual: http://cdn0.grizzly.com/manuals/g0768z_m.pdf

3. https://www.factoryauthorizedoutlet...d-bench-metal-lathe-with-quick-change-gearbox
Manual: https://www.northerntool.com/images/downloads/manuals/426417.pdf

1 and 2 are very similar, Both have DRO's, #2 is a little bit bigger and has a slightly more powerful motor. and both have a 20mm bore. I really like the idea of having a DRO. However, #3 isn't a whole lot more expensive and seems to be quite the step up in size, power and bore diameter.

Usage would be general "job shop" one-off type stuff as well as pen parts, wood, metal, plastics, Prototyping and dust collection (when it;s just sitting :) ). So not sure what I my need to make from time to time, I'm thinking the #3 is a better option in that sense, but then I need to figure out how to mount DRO's later.

Little experience with little Machine shop although I have herd nothing but good things about them. Grizzly in my view is a small step up from Harbor fright, not always the best tool but gets the job done and from what I have read, I could probably get parts from LMS. My wood lathe is a shop fox and I have no issues with it, but I haven't really found places to get parts if I need them, but it all seems fairly standard stuff and could probably get replacements from other places.

So, Which machine would you buy?
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If budget was no object, I would get the Shop Fox due the the increased capacity and ease of setting up threading. If it was between the Grizzly and the LMS I'de get the LMS primarily because they have upgraded the Sieg lathe. More money = more capacity.
Good luck, I think with any you will make great things.
Number 3 ix just a Grizzly 10x22 that has a different name and longer bed. I have the 10x22 with VS and DRO....I am so new I don't feel I'm qualified to comment on the other two, but the Shop Fox line is totally Grizzly with a little extra twist here or there.

I was not originally a Grizzly fan, I am still not a fan of their delivery, but the machine seems nice. I think I would do it again, and I would go for that size. I would definitely go for VS...and I don't think I would do the DRO again.
Number 3 ix just a Grizzly 10x22 that has a different name and longer bed. I have the 10x22 with VS and DRO....I am so new I don't feel I'm qualified to comment on the other two, but the Shop Fox line is totally Grizzly with a little extra twist here or there.

I was not originally a Grizzly fan, I am still not a fan of their delivery, but the machine seems nice. I think I would do it again, and I would go for that size. I would definitely go for VS...and I don't think I would do the DRO again.

Well shiver me timbers, your may be right!

Now this one is on the table, Ill have to look into it a bit further but seems like the best of both #2 and #3, and cheaper than #3!

10" x 22" Benchtop Metal Lathe with DRO | Grizzly Industrial

I think all these small lathes all come from the same factory in China!
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What is the DRO on the Grizzly actually showing? It says DRO in the title but neither shows the scales mounted or even mentions them in the spec...???
I think you should look for VS even if it's only so you can slow it right down when doing threads.
What is the DRO on the Grizzly actually showing? It says DRO in the title but neither shows the scales mounted or even mentions them in the spec...???
I think you should look for VS even if it's only so you can slow it right down when doing threads.

You can see how it is mounted on page 2 of the manual,

There is another just like this one with the VS, but $500 more, the VS version without the DRO is $1,795.00
The VS one without DRO is virtually identical to mine. :biggrin: That's the one I'd get. :wink:
If I had to do it again, I'd get a longer bed and bigger swing. Even with making just pens, I often run out of space. Mine is 10 x 22.
I'm pretty sure that the PM and the Shop Fox are the same base machine, However when you compare the specs, PM wins hands down:

1. PM is variable speed; Shop Fox is not.
2. PM comes with QCTP; Shop Fox does not.
3. PM has quick change chuck; Shop Fox does not specify, but from picture assume it is threaded like Grizzly.

You pay a few hundred bucks more for the PM when you figure in shipping, but I would consider it a no brainer for the features and customer service that the customers here have reported.

(Not a PM customer yet, but hope to be soon.)

A quick change chuck would clinch the deal for me. Quick change tool post can be added at any time, the quick change chuck not. I had a 12X36 with threaded chuck. Not good.
The DRO is magnetic on the x and y axis....the z axis is on the readout but is not hooked up. My issue with it is no matter what I do it does not begin to register on the DRO until I am about .002 into the cut......
It is helpful to me being a rookie, but I always have to remember that it is off and somewhat confusing. I called CS and they helped me get it to just .002 which was better than where it started, but for the cost, I just don't think it's worth it.

I agree on the QCTP. I only mentioned it because it is pretty much a necessity, and by the time you buy one it puts the cost of the machines that much closer.

Regarding Skiprat's comment, notice that for another hundred bucks you can kick the bed length to 30 inches.


I think you guys are right, QCTP and VS are higher on the pole than the DRO. I do like the the PM, but.

I can either buy a less expensive one and get a bunch of tooling/accessories and dive right in, or I can get the More expensive one and build my tooling base slowly. Perhaps I'll save for another month or so - That will give me time to research what tooling I will need to get started. I would rather get the best one I can afford now, than start small and wish I had a bigger, more powerful one later. :) decisions decisions.
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What ever you get make sure you get variable speed. I have the grizzly g0602 and wish I would of paid for the one with variable speed. I hate changing belts.
I probably will be in over $500 upgrading it my, just need to find a motor for it again.
The PM also has a bottom end speed of 50 rpm which makes threading easier but it's 360 lbs. I'm also looking at the PM or the LMS Deluxe. Have not decided. LMS is about 80 miles north of me but the bottom end speed is 100 and 250 lbs.
You will never regret buying a twist lock spindle. Screw on chucks and bolt on chucks are a royal pain. But that is just me. However, Little Machine Shop or Grizzly will do a good job.
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