Where do I go for Pen Turner's Anon meetings?

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Redistribute the wealth

Skie, The shipping to my place would be minimal for all that cocobolo.
I have the good sense to use a high speed fan to blow the dust out the door, rather than working in a basement corner for crying out loud. :eek::biggrin::biggrin:
sounds like my favorite all time bar with all the shavings. No! It was peanut hulls, sorry.
It sounds like you live in the little house on the prairie over there. I had a house north of you in Foss, Ok built 1907 had 3 inches of dirt from the dust bowl days in the rafters. Didn't have a basement either, no shavings on floor though so you may not have liked it.
Okay so is it bad that my entire job is recovery and support groups and all I can think about now is how many pens to make for the room of people with me?

Hmmm ... if you can get them all involved in turning pens too, you might be able to share some of the cost and make a few more friends too! :)
Ohhh My Gosh!

What started out as a good natured Hobby, suddenly turned into a high financed Hobby, in my opinion? I originally thought i was going to invest, into this hobby, about 6-700.00.....I guess in hindsite I was seriously kidding myself. 6 months into this project, and I've had pneumonia for 2 of those months so in reality, I only have been working for 4 months. And those have been easy working 4 months! Anyways I have racked up $3,118.00 in bills so far for this Hobby. This includes, Pen kit's in inventory, Bushing's, Tool's, Wood and Blank's, Book's and DVD's, Acrylic Blank's, and misc. In case you have not noticed, I inventory everything as I buy it..........Sales so far of about $320.00. Yes, I plan on making this more than just a hobby, more into a $$$$ making hobby.....But so far I have only made three items. Pens, a Cigar Holder and multiple Hidden Key Chain's......But I have so much FUN when i'm working that Lathe!!!! Can't wait till I'm over this sickness so that I can make more pens as I have more orders to do.....Anyways, this is my story and I'm sticking to it.....
Invest in a dust collector while you're at it, Mike .... perhaps even an air filtration system for your shop to reduce airborne particles.

Good luck, keep at it, and we shall all persevere! Someday, hand made pens shall rule the world!
My treatment for my addiction was a scroll saw.

Trust me, it doesn't help. Now I am making laminated pen blanks on the scroll saw.

My lathe was just the gateway drug.
Yeah, it's just like that marrow from cow and deer bones for dogs .... it's as addictive as crack/cocaine and magically delicious...

Next thing you know, we'll be talking about how to legally sell marijuana by casting leaves in pen blanks ..... o_O
The rumors of a cure are just that, rumors. I have been kicked out of rehab a dozen times. The doctors say it's impossible to cure. If you could have been caught before that first one there was hope, but now it's worse than crack. Sorry brother, its over. Just feel comfort in the fact that you are not alone in your affliction.
OK the only cure is go shirtless, OH! I mean kitless that should slow you down. But up the upside is you get to buy Taps and Dies and other neat things for making a Kitless Pen. Me I can't got far to many other Hobbies that cost a whole more LOML has me on a short leash with a choker collar, if I am not careful I will have to go back to work to support my hobbies, not a good idea at 73. I would make a lousy Greeter at WalMart.
OK the only cure is go shirtless, OH! I mean kitless that should slow you down. But up the upside is you get to buy Taps and Dies and other neat things for making a Kitless Pen. Me I can't got far to many other Hobbies that cost a whole more LOML has me on a short leash with a choker collar, if I am not careful I will have to go back to work to support my hobbies, not a good idea at 73. I would make a lousy Greeter at WalMart.

"Hello, an welcome to the Walls Mart, you rascally youngun's! HEY! GIT BACK HERE WITH ME CANE!!!"

Hmm ... not sure that fits ....

You could try being a bowling coach, but I'm not sure people are into 9-pins anymore ... :)
I figured that my first pen cost me about $3,000. Therefore, I keep making more in hopes that the unit cost will eventually get down to $2.00-$3.00 each. But its a fun ride and I don't dwell on the cost anymore. I just go with the flow and try to learn more and expand my knowledge. The wife says that at least I'm off the streets and she always knows where to find me.
Turncrazy 43 Georgia

Glad to know that I ain't the only one that has $3000 in pen # 1
I think the trick to get more people addicted to turning pens is to invite them over to use your lathe and tools and show them how easy it really is, and THEN they'll go shell out a few mortgage payments on a hobby ....

Just don't make the mistake of trying that out on the missus, as you'll find yourself making jewelry/bling for her and her friends for the rest of your life without the possibility of parole ...
I think the trick to get more people addicted to turning pens is to invite them over to use your lathe and tools and show them how easy it really is, and THEN they'll go shell out a few mortgage payments on a hobby ....

Just don't make the mistake of trying that out on the missus, as you'll find yourself making jewelry/bling for her and her friends for the rest of your life without the possibility of parole ...

Sure, get your friends hooked and then become a vendor dealin' to them.

..."Oh, and it's a hollow feelin' when
It comes down to dealin' friends
It never ends"
Hi my name is Josh I am pretty new to pen turning but I can already tell that I could possibly have a problem with it. Just last week I agreed to do a small tile job for 30 pen kits and 300 pen blanks.
I just hope that I don't find myself selling plasma to support my new pen habit.

Okay that's it for now.
Repeat the Serenity Prayer a few times then work on Step 1 (Acceptance), then keep turning. :)
Selling plasma to support my turning habits .... yup, got that one checked off ...

It's a good thing selling home made wines and meades is not legal in the USA, or I'ld definitely do that to support my turning habits! Of course, my Cherry Elderberry Melomel got 2nd place in a 20-bottle competition where the judge said that the "worst" bottle was still something she'ld pay 90 dollars for ...
Pen Turner's Anonymous???? That's for QUITERS! My Daddy raised my better than that!

I've graduated from wood and acrylic to exotic metals, Phosphor Bronze, Titanium, and Stainless Damascus Steel.
Oh, hell no ... it's not about quitting! It's about dealing with our addiction in more affordable ways while thinking up ways to hide those expenses from our dearly beloved ones who are getting more and more exasperated by our efforts to wrap our very lives around the spindle of a lathe! :)

And if you want exotic, I'm working on a way to turn genuine semi-precious stones into pen blanks .... o_O
Oh, hell no ... it's not about quitting! It's about dealing with our addiction in more affordable ways while thinking up ways to hide those expenses from our dearly beloved ones who are getting more and more exasperated by our efforts to wrap our very lives around the spindle of a lathe! :)

And if you want exotic, I'm working on a way to turn genuine semi-precious stones into pen blanks .... o_O

So you just want to form a group of like addicted turners for pointers on hiding the addiction, not getting cured? I like the way you think, where can I sign up?

A lapidary lathe or a poor man's version? Gotta share pics and how to when you get there.

My SS Damascus is made of 2 metals. One metal (304) you heat up and quickly quench to soften while the other metal (AEB-L) hardens when heating up and just putting in the air. The maker said they chose the lesser of the 2 evils and annealed the hardest steel (AEB-L) requiring a 2 day cool down period. Guess who is now buying expensive tungsten carbide drill bits?

Cobalt ain't hard enough, eh?

You should just go whole hog and get the sintered diamond drills... just make sure you're always drilling with water, and keep it (the water) off the lathe! :)

And tell the wife that you decided to make an extra house payment or somethin' ...
Now that I've sold my business I will probably start again....problem is I have about 150 unsold pens besides the hundred or so in my collection.....Hmmmm.
Make yourself a hot cup of tea. Drink it slowly while looking at new lathes and turning tools on the web. You will feel better.
Make yourself a hot cup of tea. Drink it slowly while looking at new lathes and turning tools on the web. You will feel better.

Dude ... seriously????

You'ld just sit there relaxing with a cup of hot tea while subjecting yourself to the best hardcore wood porn our dirty mudball of a planet has to offer???
True ... I don't watch TV ... I just download or stream whatever I'ld like to see. :)

I'll keep it private, concerning what percentage of that stuff is wood shop related ....
1. To involve oneself in something habitually, to the exclusion of almost anything else.
2. obsolete To adapt; to make suitable; to fit.

I have 3 cord of wood split and stacked and maybe room for one face cord. I can't stop picking up wood if it's sitting by the road ( in our town if people have logs or branches they need to get rid of they just put it by the road and the city picks it up). I used to drive around looking at the scenery now I drive around looking for wood. We had a storm on Saturday night I snuck out of the house at 10 pm looking for spoils. Is it just me or is everyone here addicted to the smell of split wood? Cause I can't help walking back to the pile just to catch a whiff or two of that sweet smell.
Would it help your feelings knowing that my next purchase of parts and boxes will be over a $1000. I ain't saying its a problem, but half of that will be boxes 25% will be refills and ink and a then both of those amounts together in pen parts, aww heck I am spending at least $1500 easy.
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I too have the addiction. It started with a simple Pen then kept growing. My Kids and Grandchildren have threatened me with an intervention if I don't stop gathering wood for my "hobby".
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