When You Address Dr's By Their First Name

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Aug 5, 2013
Sydney. NSW. Australia
Over the past several years with a Series of Medical Conditions, and Procedures.
I have spent a Lot of Time with a Group of 4 Medical Practitioners, and Specialists.
So Much Time, that we became very Familiar, that I started to become comfortable addressing them by their First Name.

Where as Previously, I followed the Old Traditional Practice, of using their Title e.g. Doctor, as the means of Address.

I received so much from these Doctors, that not only did I feel comfortable on a First Name Basis, but I felt I wanted to Share with them something that would be Meaningful to them, of their Profession, that would be Somewhat Unique.

I chose to Make a Gold Plated Slimline, In Bethlehem Olive, and fit a Caduceus Clip.

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While I was delighted with the Pens, I was somewhat disappointed with the size of the Caduceus Clip, it's Wings spread too far.
I considered bending them around the Body, but they were too solid, and I was scared that I would break or damage them or the Plating.

All Criticism and Comments Appreciated.
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I agree 100% on the clip and that is why I stayed away from them. I guess the alternative is an inlay blank from one of the laser guys or a decal. You may use a larger kit too. I made a desk clock for one of mine with that symbol in it. Have to agree it gets to the point they become your friend over time.

I am sure the pens will be well received. Thanks for showing.
Did the same for my eye surgeon only I used an American Classic. Same observation, clip is too big and stiff. Nice pens any way.
Thank you for you Critiques and Comments,

Jim (Jim15) I have already given them to my Doctors, and the Reception was very positive.

John (jtheclockman) If I want to do it again (which well I may) I will probably use a larger Kit, I will not use the 7mm Caduceus Clip.

Terry (terryq) They sure are large, possibly dangerous, the tips of the Wings could rip out a nice sliver of skin, if you got caught against it.

Jim (JimV) I found difficulty in locating a Caduceus Clip for any pen other than the Slimline.

Bob (Bob in SF) Yes , they were very taken, that I would go to the trouble of making a Pen for them.

Again, thank you Gentlemen.
Kindest regards,
Nice juster Brian.....Nice job.....I also like the fact that you answer ever one who made a comment......Thanks for sharing
Brian, great job on the pens as usual. As I've always said, you are a true gentleman and your thoughtfulness to your doctors shows that. I think that they'll treasure them.
I think they are great Brian . The sentiment behind them makes them even more so . I do agree the clips seem too big , even to my novice eye , but I think for this group of pens and the back story of them makes them appropriate with that clip .
Great looking pens! I'm sure they were more than happy to receive this gift.
How did you do your finish? It seems more satin than the gloss I get out of CA finish. I'm interested in learning how to be able to achieve a flat or smooth satin look.
Nice juster Brian.....Nice job.....I also like the fact that you answer ever one who made a comment......Thanks for sharing

Thank you Terry, for you Kind Remarks.
As you have probably gathered, I am from that "Old School", that believe that if someone is Kind and Thoughtful enough to Read and Respond to something I have Written, then I am Obliged to Acknowledge and Respect their Kindness. :biggrin:
I know it Sounds a bit like "Here Endeth the Second Lesson". :yawn:
I can't help it it's me," Warts an All". :wink:
Kindest regards,
Brian, great job on the pens as usual. As I've always said, you are a true gentleman and your thoughtfulness to your doctors shows that. I think that they'll treasure them.

Thanks, John, for your Warm Comments. I truly believe that they were Genuinely Pleased.
Kind Regards my Friend. :highfive:
I think they are great Brian . The sentiment behind them makes them even more so . I do agree the clips seem too big , even to my novice eye , but I think for this group of pens and the back story of them makes them appropriate with that clip .

Thank you Herb, for your Kind Comments and Considered Opinion.
I hope I may have saved Someone from making the same Mistake that I did.
But as I was always told Growing Up at the End of the Great Depression, and then through WW11, when everything was Scarce or Rationed, "It's the Thought that Counts". :rolleyes:
Kind regards,
Great looking pens! I'm sure they were more than happy to receive this gift.
How did you do your finish? It seems more satin than the gloss I get out of CA finish. I'm interested in learning how to be able to achieve a flat or smooth satin look.

Thanks Rob for your Kind Remarks.
The Pens actually did have quite a Sheen. I probably I played with the Photograph, Edit Function to remove Shadows and Improve the Contrast, that may have dulled the Posted Photograph.

My Finishing Technique, is to Turn with a Skew to close to the Finished Diameter.
Abranet from probably, with Bethlehem Olive, 320 grit through to 500 Grit, then Micro Mesh through all grades up to 12000.
I then give one or two coats of Thin CA, depending on the Finished Surface, to Seal the Finish.
Then when Dry I use the last 4 Micro Mesh on the CA finish, to smooth out and any imperfections in the CA, and to Burnish, which is what the 12000 MM really does.
Finally, a thin coat of Renaissance Wax, and a stiff Polish with a Paper or Cloth Pad.
I do no not Wet Sand or Micro Mesh, nor do I Buff the CA.
Basically the CA is to Seal the Finish obtained on the Virgin Wood, for added Wear Resistance and Serviceability.
The Renaissance Wax Gives a High Sheen, and Resistance to Finger Marks etc.

Hope this is of benefit for you,
Kind regards,
Brian, I was able to fit the clip to the pen with some minor modifications. It worked very well. The clips I used look to be the same as yours.
Lovely Pens Brian, the olive wood is spectacular.
I agree about the clips, but that is far outweighed by the gesture.
You truly are a Gentleman.


Thank you Bob, for your Kind and Thoughtful Words,
If a Gentleman I am? then I am in the Company of many here in the IAP :handshake:
Kind regards,
Brian, I was able to fit the clip to the pen with some minor modifications. It worked very well. The clips I used look to be the same as yours.

Thank you Jim, I must admit I hadn't considered using it on other than a Slimline.
I will keep that in mind,
Thanks again,
Truly a great gesture and awesome work. The pens are outstanding, great blanks and finish. Thank you for the finish explanation! I am going to have to try that approach!
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