What'd I miss?? PLEASE comment

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I'm not sure if it's been mentioned, but what about buffalo horn?

Also, how about variations on cast, painted tubes?

I remember seeing a string/twine pen (wrapped around the tubes and cast or glued). How about colored yarn wrapped or even knitted? Or, as a variation on the copper braid or metal ideas -- spiral wrap wire around the tubes.

Just a few thoughts that come to mind.

Originally posted by jtate


I still have that hornet's nest - a great big old thing. All it needs is to be cut into pieces and cast. It's easily cut with a slightly serated knife since it's just essentially paper made by hornets who've chewed up trees. All I'd need is a couple of blanks from it once it's been cast. I'll ship you and Dawn the whole thing. It even still has some dead hornets in it. Yummy!




I tried casting a bee's nest last year and it was a dismal failure. If you do try it I would suggest that you stabilize it with CA BEFORE you cast it. I failed to do that and the nest pretty much just fell apart. Perhaps alumilite would have been a better choice.
How about the elusive Peacock eye feather.

I dabbled in it a while ago and failed. I saw a show called "Fooled by Nature" which explained that the colors that we see on the feather are not "actual" colors. I didn't catch it all but I shelved the feather idea until spring.
Here's something I've never seen before...
A replacement zipper, the short kind used for trousers or pockets, wrapped and glued around a tube and cast, with the zipper parallel to the tube. It'd have to have a small pull tab so it wouldn't get hit by a gouge. They come in all sizes, colors and materials.
I'd try it, but I don't cast. At least not yet!!:D[:p]
Mudder, the reason beehive or comb would be very difficult, more probably impossible to cast, is that it is made from wax.
you are right about the paper wasp nest, it will beed to be stabilized before casting.
I cast and turned a Sierra from yellow jacket wasp nest and it turned out ok. Unfortunately I gave it away before I was able to take a pic of it. I would not call it striking, though.
How about either Sandstone, Petrified Wood, slate, Cardboard (Cast different ways), pool que chalk with a 8-ball doo-hickey, beach sand with a buried treasure, charcoal (Just think some kind of exotic hardwood custom charred and cast or stabilized).

Just a few.

Safe turning......
Hey Ed, I have some of that Wrigley Field Bleacher wood left. What are his favorite sports teams? Maybe there is some wood around from their stadium.
Howdee Ed,

If you are looking for something unique, you might want to try something like Mammoth tooth. I also like the feather idea. In fact, I picked up some nice peacock eye tail feathers and pheasant plumage from Michaels today for just that purpose.


How about a Chinnel Yarn pen. It turned out alot nicer than I originally thought, and I have had some great comments on it.


You've had a lot of great input from this group. However, here is another idea you might want to consider...

If you know how to get in contact with this "special customer", why don't you ask him what he would like to have in the way of a pen? He's obviously already impressed with your talents and quality of the work you do, so it might be worth your time to get his input. Tell him you appreciate his business and that you would like to create something special for him but need his input and thoughts to make it really special.
I appreciate ALL the suggestions. I will work on some of them - you'll probably know which ones as I finish the pens and post them.

Don, I tried asking him last Christmas. I admitted I was running out of ideas and he reassured me that I had always given him several choices, he was confident I could continue to do so.

He's a unique guy. Walks up and looks, we talk a little and he leaves. He'll be back in about an hour and select a couple pens. (He gets a discount!!!)

Wish I could find about 20 more like him!!!

Thanks for the offer, but, much to Dawn's dismay, we have a fine selection of hornets' nests every year. So, if I decide to try that (which is NOT real likely, but COULD happen), I will be able to experiment several times with "locally available raw materials".:D:D:D:D

BTW, those "dead hornets" may start hatching in the spring. Just a thought!
This is impractical but poison ivy or oak would be interesting. You wouldn't have to worry about trying to figure out who stole your pen. :biggrin: And think of all the fun you'll have when annoying non buyers come to your booth and touch everything, they'll ask what's this one and you can say "Poison Ivy" and watch their reaction. :D

More serious note I have seen some dead english ivy along a road near my house, the ivy has some really thick runners like 1-2" thick stuff. I am thinking about cutting some down and drying it out. Also we have a wonderful vine here in Georgia called Kudzu. I had also thought about taking small "green" vine and wrapping a pen tube, let it dry out then cast it in resin so you see the vine.

P.S. Sorry to necro an old thread but I was searching for odd stuff to turn and this thread cam up and I had to put in my $.02
Copper Wire Pen

Have you looked under the 2004 library for this unusual pen by Kenn Osborne. I have been thinking of trying it and if you should try it this may give the courage to try it also.
You could ask the wizard to conjure something up. Actually you'd have a lot better chance if you begged the princess to ask. She's hard to refuse.
You've gotten some great ideas here so it's a bit difficult to come up with something "new". I realize that it would be bone but you might try casting a Baculum from a black bear. You can get them here if you want to see what they look like. http://www.hideandfur.com/inventory/7895.html

It would be unique and a great conversation starter and/or stopper. I don't think the idea is too girly:) Just a thought...

Jim Smith
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Hey Ed, I'm working on some gator bone for you. Season starts soon down here. I' ve got some friends (yes, believe it) that go down to the everglades every year. Mmmmmmmm, tastes just like chiken.
Well, no one has come up with one I've thought about ever since I saw some canes made with it..........it's a bull's........how to say this delicately.....'TOOL'! There's a sporting goods store not too far from here and I have seen 'Canes' made with them! Don't know how they'll turn...but, it sure would be interesting and quite possible 'ONE' of a kind! Just don't go chewing on the pen!!!! LOL

Ed....not a new idea but one we seem to have gotten away from lately. How about a hand wrapped denim pen? I still make them and sale one every other show or so. It's not something I make a lot of so when you only see one or two they remain unique enough to pique someone's interest. I've even made them with a piece of orange thread entertwined to mimic the stitching of a pair of blue jeans.
Sand. Have members from the site around the world send you sand from their area - White sand, great lakes sand, black sand, etc. Even throw a miniature sea shell in for effects.
I am heavily involved with Japanese sword arts. The "tsuka" (handles) are wrapped with "same", which is ray skin.

It's very textured and, I think, visually appealing. It takes dye well and the "bumps" vary from little sand-like grains to big nodules.

The skins are available because a lot of us (re)wrap our own sword furniture. Try Google and ebay for "tsuka", "same" and "tsukamaki" if you're interested.

Come to think of it, I may just do this myself.

Another thought: Canadian shredded money (pretty colours!) and/or other foreign currencies. I think that Neil might have a little bit of Canadian shred on-hand.


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You've gotten some great ideas here so it's a bit difficult to come up with something "new". I realize that it would be bone but you might try casting a Baculum from a black bear. You can get them here if you want to see what they look like. http://www.hideandfur.com/inventory/7895.html

It would be unique and a great conversation starter and/or stopper. I don't think the idea is too girly:) Just a thought...

Jim Smith

So, there I was, wondering what the heck a baculum was...

So I clicked the link and then I knew. Then, out of morbid curiousity, I just HAD to click the link that offered photos arranged by species...

All I can say is that I'm glad that I'm not a lady raccoon! (and now I know the reason why otters are always so playful and happy...)


Thanks for reviving this. It will remind me to get on the stick before the Christmas shows.

Dawn and I buy many strange things, when they come up on ebay or other places. So, you should not be surprised to know I already have bone from many animals (zebra, bison, bear, giraffe and others). Also have eel skin and ray skin. So, now it's just a matter of DOING it.

I will print this thread and keep it in my shop. Some day, who knows what will emerge from the "dungeon".

Thanks and keep it up!!!
Going back to the thread opening, it seems your guy has an affection for both unusual and natural materials. I did not notice mention of maybe one of Curtis's cactus blanks elsewhere in the thread, but am facinated by the pens I've seen posted of them. Also, along the antler lines, I really like the elk antler I have used. The marrow is a deep charcoal color and once stabilized several really unique effects can be had by using half marrow/half bone from an elk antler. I've used whitetail, mule deer, caribou, moose and elk antler. For my money the elk has been the most unique look of the assortment. Finally, definitely unique and a real surprise each time for me has been tree conk (fungi). As luck would have it, I added a couple conk blanks to the package I just sent your way this morning.
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