What to do at our meetings

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Feb 12, 2008
Mansfield, Ohio, USA.
In anticipation of our first meeting, I would like to see your thoughts on what you like to see at our meeting.:confused:

For example, I am still struggling with a consistent CA/BLO finish. I am hoping that someone who has it down pretty good can show me what I am doing wrong.:mad-tongue:

I would also like to see a pen blank swap done but not sure how to do it.

I would also like to see examples of other people's creations.

Please post here if you have any ideas for our first meeting.
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If you haven't seen Lou's post about Keys to a successful chapter meeting, it is full of ideas. I would like see those suggestions in our meetings. I know the first meeting may be a little unorganized but as we go along I think more members from Ohio will join in and it will get better and better. Even once a quarter or even twice a year is good for me. I tend to get bogged down in planning so much that the event never happens, lol. I'm off to work. I look forward to your ideas when I get home tonight.
Hmm...Where to start.

First I'd say once you get a list of who will definitely be coming break them up into groups based on levels of experience.

Ask the more experienced turners if they would mind "buddying up" with a newbie (i.e. me!) so that we (I mean me) can find out who would be willing to demonstrate a lot of super basic stuff to someone without a lick of turning knowledge(again me).

I say this because I notice a lot of pen turners who live right around me, but am unsure as how to approach and ask if they would show me the ropes before I invest lots of money to make sure it's for me. I don't want to just invite myself over to their shop and ask to use their equipment.

Maybe get people to donate for a raffle or towards door prizes? I know that a pen blank swap would be weird for me because I don't have any pen blanks (I could cut off a piece of my maple trees?)

Maybe make up Newbie packs of your dusty unused stuff that can help newbies out? (ok that is just me hoping to try this stuff out without investing lots of money!)

Maybe just a swap area where people could bring stuff that they would like to get rid of. I.e. you don't want that hollowing tool because you hate vessels, but you really want some BOW bottle stopper blanks that joe schmoe has but doesn't need.

I like the idea of displays set up to see what others are up to.

Again I'd like to see anything and everything because I'm a newb, but I'm not sure if everyone who came would be at the low level I'm at would be bored.

The only thing I have to offer right now are my expertise at making brochures and PDF files.

Although if you wanted to move the meeting back we could all meet at artistry in wood at the expo center here in Dayton the 8 & 9 of November for an informal meet and greet. Maybe breakfast before?

Plus your support would be benefitting United Rehabilitation services where my wife works, thereby helping a truly good cause.

So all in all just ignore my ramblings. If the meeting is still on for the 18th I don't think I'll be able to swing it due to other obligations.
I think for our first meeting, we should focus more on getting to know each other and finding out where each of our strengths and weaknesses lie. I know I still have a lot to work on. I made quite a few mistakes on my last couple pens and as a result, I've been very hesitant to try any more. Once we know what each person does best, we can decide who would work best with whom.
I agree with Alicia that we should spend time getting to know each other and also discuss the fundamental purpose of our group, i.e share ideas and experiences, swap materials and tools, demonstrate finishing and turning methods, etc. We can then decide what to do at our next meeting and how often we should meet.

For all the newbies that don't have pen blanks to swap, I would be more than happy to give you a bag of blanks from my stash...my shop is overwhelmed with them..actually I have dreams about them developing arms and legs and marching in cadence around my shop.

I agree with Alicia that we should spend time getting to know each other and also discuss the fundamental purpose of our group, i.e share ideas and experiences, swap materials and tools, demonstrate finishing and turning methods, etc. We can then decide what to do at our next meeting and how often we should meet.

For all the newbies that don't have pen blanks to swap, I would be more than happy to give you a bag of blanks from my stash...my shop is overwhelmed with them..actually I have dreams about them developing arms and legs and marching in cadence around my shop.


I'd definitely take you up on that offer there Mickey! :biggrin:
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