What is your weakness

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Feb 22, 2005
I saw this question on Facebook the other day and it did not get much air time there but I found it to be an interesting question. I will not take credit for the question but will repeat it here somewhat. Being this is what we do here. Of all the aspects of pen turning and that includes everything from buying the kits, learning the artform, to assembly and finishing and also selling or giving away, what area is your weakest point or you may have more than one. This would be something that you need to make a conscious effort to improve. Are you doing anything to strengthen this now?? How as a pen turner can you become an even better pen turner???

Just another silly question to get some chatter. :)
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Time, bank account and the never ending vortex of turning and woodworking ADD.

Honestly I'm happy with what I've learned with very limited shop time in three years but I've got so much more to learn. I'm thankful for IAP, YouTube, our local chapter and a couple of turners that have given me their time to help the learning curve vastly.

Craigslist is another weakness haha.

Specifically though I did get to do a little skew practice last night and saw improvement. Need way more work on end grain tear out and/or sharpening and technique on bowls. So many more things.
Weakness? I don't think it is a weakness but I am always looking for bargains for the Kid's Prize Packages. I promote the IAP and turning to the kids the most. I want them to have a fun hobby where you learn something even when something goes wrong.

If done right, you can get hooked on this hobby and it doesn't need to cost an arm and a leg. It can also give you a different outlook on life. Seeing trees down and instead of the damage.......seeing the bowls, pens, and other beautifuls things that can come from mother nature.

This hobby also pushes me to do better and accept what happens. Mostly for the best. This something I try to pass on to others that are new turners. All my kids are wonderful turners. All I ask them is to do their best. And then I tell them how great they did,

Weakness? ...... KIDS! They are the future.
I think my weakness is my shopping. I think we all spend too much money at times. Starting out, turning was all about the basics but there is so much more to do and so much more to buy. I might be turning and encounter a small problem and tell myself I need _____ machine or tool to help prevent that but in reality I think it's dangerous to go for all of those expensive fixes. If you're a master turner and you make pens as a livelihood, your time is worth more and so a piece of machinery that can save you time is important. For people like me who enjoy turning and keep it pretty small, where most pens are even given away, your money is worth more than your time.

Does that make sense?
CA coating, no matter how much I practice, read watch videos. One day I'll master it.

My other weakness is buying to much from the marketplace, just so many awesome deals.

I'm loving the forum, the market place, and all the pictures people post.
Being I started this topic I thought maybe I should include my weakness. That is I have way too many ideas floating in my head. creativity is never a problem with me. I see an object or something that can be made into a pen or even a clock or some other scrollsawn project or woodworking project. I am getting old and my time is limited here on earth and I will never be able to complete these ideas I have. What is the curse of it all, is that now I think about the project and start thinking what materials I need. Now I start buying them and hoarding them and probably never get to use them. I have things that I have no idea why I bought them but at the time it was the thing to do.

Call it a weakness or a curse but I have it bad. :)

I think it's time to take on an apprentice and pass on those projects to the next generation, may they be 40, or 12 years of age it doesn't matter. Just a thought. :biggrin:

Being I started this topic I thought maybe I should include my weakness. That is I have way too many ideas floating in my head. creativity is never a problem with me. I see an object or something that can be made into a pen or even a clock or some other scrollsawn project or woodworking project. I am getting old and my time is limited here on earth and I will never be able to complete these ideas I have. What is the curse of it all, is that now I think about the project and start thinking what materials I need. Now I start buying them and hoarding them and probably never get to use them. I have things that I have no idea why I bought them but at the time it was the thing to do.

Call it a weakness or a curse but I have it bad. :)

I think it's time to take on an apprentice and pass on those projects to the next generation, may they be 40, or 12 years of age it doesn't matter. Just a thought. :biggrin:

Being I started this topic I thought maybe I should include my weakness. That is I have way too many ideas floating in my head. creativity is never a problem with me. I see an object or something that can be made into a pen or even a clock or some other scrollsawn project or woodworking project. I am getting old and my time is limited here on earth and I will never be able to complete these ideas I have. What is the curse of it all, is that now I think about the project and start thinking what materials I need. Now I start buying them and hoarding them and probably never get to use them. I have things that I have no idea why I bought them but at the time it was the thing to do.

Call it a weakness or a curse but I have it bad. :)

Rob I will say this. I have been out of my shop close to 3 years due to health issues and family issues. I have just recently returned and started trying to catch up on inventory for my craft shows which is not pens. After the first of the year I will have more time to devote to pen making and other forms of artistry that I will be sharing here. And any and all projects that I shown before or at a later time can and encouraged to be copied or enhanced by the members here. You will get to see some neat stuff that has not been seen here. Taking new ideas and transforming them to that small canvas and turning them is never easy but that is what drives me. I love seeing new and innovative ideas. Maybe, just maybe I can awaken some inner ideas from other members here over the next year or so once again. Time will tell. :)
Well then I'm glad your back in the shop. I wish you luck and time. Can't wait to see the new ideas:0)
I think my weakness is thinking I have to try every new tool/technique I see here and elsewhere. Seems like I'm always buying something to try what I've seen. Sometimes I don't even getting around to try i t! Too many things to try, not enough time to try them, and not working to perfect the basic skills needed to make a pen which almost all of my customers to date seem to love, regardless of the flaws I see in the pens.
Patience. Finding it, using it, giving it to myself. Letting creation have it's own time and not forcing my own ideas into the material or the kit. Waiting for the AHA to aha.
I identify with Cody and Bob (Posts 20 & 21). I have a stack of about 20 partly finished pen kits, and these are really nice(!), but not completed. My imagination was caught up in something else!

I have selected a nice length of ratty old 2 X 4, and slammed myself up along side my head (this activity is sometimes called discipline). Now that my thinking is realigned, I am ready to tackle these partial projects prior to starting anything new. I am keeping the 2 X 4 handy, just in case. :eek::redface:
I do this with a lot of things, not just pens. I have material for ideas in drawers, on the shelf, etc. my biggest weakness is along the lines of another post up the line, is to just relax and enjoy. I am too much a perfectionist, still, and usually over think my way out of trying something!

Being I started this topic I thought maybe I should include my weakness. That is I have way too many ideas floating in my head. creativity is never a problem with me. I see an object or something that can be made into a pen or even a clock or some other scrollsawn project or woodworking project. I am getting old and my time is limited here on earth and I will never be able to complete these ideas I have. What is the curse of it all, is that now I think about the project and start thinking what materials I need. Now I start buying them and hoarding them and probably never get to use them. I have things that I have no idea why I bought them but at the time it was the thing to do.

Call it a weakness or a curse but I have it bad. :)
I do this with a lot of things, not just pens. I have material for ideas in drawers, on the shelf, etc. my biggest weakness is along the lines of another post up the line, is to just relax and enjoy. I am too much a perfectionist, still, and usually over think my way out of trying something!

Being I started this topic I thought maybe I should include my weakness. That is I have way too many ideas floating in my head. creativity is never a problem with me. I see an object or something that can be made into a pen or even a clock or some other scrollsawn project or woodworking project. I am getting old and my time is limited here on earth and I will never be able to complete these ideas I have. What is the curse of it all, is that now I think about the project and start thinking what materials I need. Now I start buying them and hoarding them and probably never get to use them. I have things that I have no idea why I bought them but at the time it was the thing to do.

Call it a weakness or a curse but I have it bad. :)

Both of these quotes are examples of visionaries! Not a weakness! :good:
I saw this question on Facebook the other day and it did not get much air time there but I found it to be an interesting question. I will not take credit for the question but will repeat it here somewhat. Being this is what we do here. Of all the aspects of pen turning and that includes everything from buying the kits, learning the artform, to assembly and finishing and also selling or giving away, what area is your weakest point or you may have more than one. This would be something that you need to make a conscious effort to improve. Are you doing anything to strengthen this now?? How as a pen turner can you become an even better pen turner???

Just another silly question to get some chatter. :)

Oh boy, I'm happy that you specified that the question only has to do with the perturning world, my life weakness would be many to specify but as a penturner, I know I could do better if I had the patience and a self- interest/motivation to do so however, the biggest "push" anyone can have in this issue is to see/witness some of the imagination and artistry/skill of some of the folks on IAP, they themselves may have answered that same question to themselves and as a result they pushed themselves to be better.

The one question I could consider when thinking of this issue is, when would I be satisfied that I reached my very best...?:)

Just another silly question to get some chatter. :)

No way a silly topic. I'm happy with results for what I have been doing. My biggest flaw/weakness would have to be rushing or trying to produce various kits. I'm ok doing a run of the same pen but when tubes sizes get mixed a mismatch always occurs. Have learned to check/recheck and use caliper if any doubts. Nothing worse than assembling and the wrong bushings were used. Biggest flaw would be concentration. That goes a long way. Rushing and short cuts take longer.
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