What is the heck is this made with, again...???

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Aug 6, 2009
Australia - SA Adelaide Hills
Hi peoples,

Recently, when I cast that bowl with the Mediterranean Cypress cones, that last pour I made with the carbon/black Pearlex powder, was a little much for what I could pour into that cast so, and caught by surprised I looked around for something I could used it on but, all my molds were in use so, I could use any of my many casting bits of wood, nor the amount of resin would be sufficient to fill any of the molds so, with the resin setting at any moment, something came to my mind, the exact same thing happened some time ago when, I had some left over resin and nothing ready to pour it into.

Anyway, I spotted an strawberry clear pack base container, grabbed it pour the resin into it and started putting this other stuff/material into it. I never stirred it, that didn't work the last time, I simply "dropped" it on the top of the resin going all around the resin surface as I went and until it wouldn't soak in no more.

The bowl mold was already pressurized in the pot so, I couldn't put it in there unfortunately so, I left it on top of the bandsaw table, turn the light off (passed midnight) and went to bed...!

The next day, I took the mold out of the pot and put it in the sun for a little while while I checked this weird mix I had in that plastic container. It was soft, very soft indeed, not that I was that surprised because I remember the last time I used this stuff so, I put it in the sun and left it outside for 5 days before it had harden enough for me to cut it into 3/4 size pen blanks (correct length to be advised soon)

Not 100% hard, I soaked it with the 5 cup CA in all 4 faces and left it alone. The next day I sanded it down and most of the CA come come off so, never soaked that much at all, nor it should, really so, I re-coated them again but this time they didn't look as rough, picked one of the 4 existante and took it for a spin in my lathe and made a normal "sample", as many others.

I don't think that, when I took the pics, the light was right, the camera seemed to have difficulty in focussing so, after a few trials, I settle with the pics below...!

So, what is this material I mixed in this dark resin...???

001.JPG 003.JPG 004.JPG 006.JPG

Note: Game conditions as per previous games, winner get blank/sample shown + 3 other solid wood blanks in a 250gr padded envelop, free of any charges...!

Good luck

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Nope, folks none of those however, the "Perlite" looks the most identical but, it could not be, why...?

*- You can mix it with water.
*- it is made to preserve the moisture.

This stuff I used, nothing soaks in and works exactly the opposite way as Perlite well, that is the reason why it was invented...!

Those that take notice of my passed threads, are in with a good chance...!:wink::biggrin:

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Ceramic tile chips?

Either that, or cottage cheese...

Edit: (Didn't see page 2 until after I posted...the hint made me think of adsorbent...sodium silicate or similar)
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Yes Bob, is kinda of white(ish) stuff, is fairly heavy and has been used by me once before, not that long ago, saying more than this, and I would give the answer...!

I have mention it before, some of these games/questions are based on my interest to see how much attention you guys and gals take, of what I say and show here, unless everyone is as forgetful as I have been these last few years, in that case, my observation would be pointless...!:wink::biggrin::biggrin:

And we have a winner...!

So, "Is it the bones (the spine of the feathers) of the of the bird that was nesting on your band saw", seriously...!:eek::biggrin:

Well, only one person actually follow my hint that, the answer was in one of my recent(ish) threads, here, by using the exact answer I was looking for however, there were a few other previous guesses that, gave the name of the material used, which is a, DESICCANT

The name that describes what I used the best, in no doubt the "Perlite" and if you look at a simple Google search for Desiccant images, you see what I mean, here

The winner is rholiday he actually, hit the nail in the head multiple times so, congratulations mate...!:wink::biggrin:

Be worn, these are not suitable for the faint hearted, impatient turners and those without certain amount of experience and skill so, be aware. This is a material that doesn't allow anything to soak in, resin keeps the granules together and turning/sanding will brake the harder "crust" and expose the granules powderish material so, you need to use the 5cps CA as your best friend, go slow and gently and make sure you are well under the bushings to allow a thick layer of CA as the finish so, lets see what you are made of...!:wink::biggrin:

Thanks all those that participated..! maybe next time, huh..???:wink::biggrin:

Thanks, George.

I've enjoyed your contests and I'm eagerly awaiting the arrival of the blanks.
You've always had me stumped on your other contests!

So, thanks again.

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