What did you think about Birthday Bash 10?

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Loved the bash. Last year I stayed on the sidelines. This year I participated much more. I was going to enter some of the pen contests but got knocked out by the flu. Hopefully next year. The only thing I would like to see is some guidelines for who is a beginner/intermediate/advanced. I know there are not hard definitions but some direction would be nice so I can decide where I fit in best.

My other suggestion would be a set of guidelines/howto for those of us who are photographically challenged (experience and equipment wise) on how to get a decent picture using what is available to us and how to get it to the right size.

Thanks for all the hard work!
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I was amazed at the quality of the contest, then the craftsmenship snd artistry of the entries. Congratulations to all the entries and the contest coordinators. I thought it was fantastic. I am thinking how to compete next year for year #11.
This is a comment received by PM:

I'm very concerned about the beginners competition. In my opinion it was won by at the very least non beginners... At the worst professionals. I noticed that many of the entries has etsy and professional websites where they sell their pens and/or casting. I'm not claiming sour grapes (someone actually voted for mine, which is all the kudos I need), but I'm not sure how honest the honor system worked in this case.
This is a comment received by PM: I'm very concerned about the beginners competition. In my opinion it was won by at the very least non beginners... At the worst professionals. I noticed that many of the entries has etsy and professional websites where they sell their pens and/or casting. I'm not claiming sour grapes (someone actually voted for mine, which is all the kudos I need), but I'm not sure how honest the honor system worked in this case.

One year or less is beginner. Just saying. :)

You can make some pretty darn good pens in your first year.

Or under a certain amount of pens made.
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I thought the beginner criteria was 6 months turning or less when I started, but that is not in the rules this year. I think it should be. I would like to see some protection for that group because I think it is especially important to recognize the work of new turners. +1 for the under 14 category.

As far as professional, I went pro immediately after my first pen - maybe not professional quality, but I definitely liked when people voted for my work with cash, check or PayPal.:cool:

Now if I could just get those advanced guys out of the intermediate class, I could win :tongue: This year was brutal!!

What a great BASH!

How about having people submit their pens into one of two categories. "Advanced" and "To Be Determined".

I don't think anybody cares who wants to enter the advanced contest, so that's not much of an issue. If someone thinks they have what it takes and wants to self select as advanced, then we should encourage that.

For those who don't select Advanced, their placement in beginner, intermediate or advanced would be determined by one or more Bash ______ (call them whatever you want...judges, screeners, qualifiers...whatever).

This would help the members who don't have the confidence to take on the appropriate level of challenge to get where they belong. It would also help those who are tempted to sandbag (for whatever reason) to avoid that temptation.

The criteria the Bash _______ use to make their determinations shouldn't matter as long as they are applied consistently to all entries. As a matter of fact it would probably be better to not publish the criteria. People should be encouraged to make the best pen they can for the competition. Not a pen that they think will win whatever level of competition they are trying to get themselves into based on placement criteria.

Just a thought.

I have really enjoyed seeing all of the entries in all of the classes.I tried to vote in every one.

What suprised me is that with so many members here,the number of votes listed were so low.I just wonder why that is?

I'd like to try entering a pen next year,just for the fun of participating.My stamp pens that I enjoy making so much don't fit in the rules,so I need to come up with something else.I hope to learn more segmenting,so maybe with so many requests for that contest,I could give that a shot.

I'd like to thank everyone here that put their time and talents to do all the organizing,and running of all the different contests.Also,all the businesses and members that donated prizes.

Only negative is some of the drama of some of the posts.My fault for spending the time reading those posts......

I gotta say,there's some awesome talent in this group,that really inspire lesser penturners like me!

Thanks for the fun!
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I enjoyed the Bash, but I would like to see some updates/modifications…….

1. Notice of what contests will be conducted say 30days (WARNO) before the actual bash? So people can order and plan accordingly.

2. Rules! Different rules for each contest, really? I think there should be a set minimum of rules that should apply to all contests, then additions to, but not taken away. If a person enters a contest while failing to read and comply with the rules they SHOULD be disqualified……no if, and, or buts. (no hard feelings, but if you fail to read the rules then you shouldn't participate). A contest is a competition between rivals.....and if there is a prize to be given.....everyone needs to be on the same sheet of music and follow the rules.

3. Minimum 6 months member time to participate in the Bash in any such form. If you become a memeber 1 month before the Bash, sorry, but you can participate next year. I write this becuase of an active thread going on right now....it should solve that problem.

4. Do away with the beginners, intermediate, and advance contests…..have contest on a more specific range. i.e…….antler/horn, segmentation, casting, only wood, modification, closed-end only, fountain pen only, ball point, roller ball, open theme, one type wood only, under 16, under 21, over 60, over 70, etc……

5. Two pictures per pen, per contest. This forces the pen maker to emphasize the beauty of their work in only two pictures.

6. A token of memory to everyone who actively participated in the Bash, either organized, donated, participated in a contest via a submission, etc. Either a small patch or certificate, or something? Just something of minute value to remember the celebration. (I could help with this if needed)

7. Just a thought…..need a minimum of 3 pens to run a contest. 3-10 pens = 1 round of voting. 11-20pens = 2 rounds of voting. 21-30 pens = 3 rounds of voting…..etc. Each round should last no more than 3 days total. At the beginning of the bash have 1 week open time to submit your entry. Once that deadline has been met. The polls can then start according to how many entries were received. Which is why a 30day WARNO should be announced to let everyone get prepared.

8. 1 pen per contest, rule stands no preview of the pen anywhere, period. Failure to obey the rule = disqualification. We are grown folks here…..if you can't abide by a simple rule then you don't deserve to play.

9. It would be nice to have an IAP Constitution….basically the law of the land for the Bash.

I may be half the age of a lot of members here on the forum, however i've been part of the US military for half of my life. I've grown up with rules and regulations which has stuck onto me through the years. A lot of members have served time in the Military……and they know if you follow the rules and keep your nose clean everything will be alright.

This is a great forum that I enjoy visiting every day. Don't think of me as anal retentive, contrary to popular belief, i am a pretty decent fellow. It just erks me a little when rules are not followed….but that's just me.

If a person enters a contest while failing to read and comply with the rules they SHOULD be disqualified……no if, and, or buts.

I like to keep a bit of an open mind on the rules. The photo contest had pixel size limit for the photos, and around 15 of the photos entered exceeded those limits. It took me FAR less effort to resize the photos than it would have to disqualify the entries. Some people forget where they entered something and may post it by mistake, etc. There are so many innocent ways to violate the rules by accident, that I like try as hard as possible to get everyone's entry accepted within the rules, and if they need a little help that does not give them any advantage (I did not crop or adjust ANYTHING other than the pixel sizes...), that's what the Contest Chairs are for.

3. Minimum 6 months member time to participate in the Bash in any such form. If you become a memeber 1 month before the Bash, sorry, but you can participate next year. I write this becuase of an active thread going on right now....it should solve that problem.

Not trying to pick you apart Pitoon, but my wife and I discussed this at length yesterday (4 hours in the car...). I would hate for someone to have become a member here for just a bit shy of whatever this requirement is, and be held back from participating for an entire year. That may also preclude them from EVER being able to qualify as a Beginner. I could certainly see, in light of some events, not allowing people who sign up DURING the bash to enter the contests, but I'm still not sure that it is the best solution tho it may be necessary.

Outside of that, I think there are MANY great ideas being bounced around. I'm amazed at how much the Bash changes every year, yet how well the team keeps it feeling the same!!!
I like to keep a bit of an open mind on the rules. The photo contest had pixel size limit for the photos, and around 15 of the photos entered exceeded those limits. It took me FAR less effort to resize the photos than it would have to disqualify the entries. Some people forget where they entered something and may post it by mistake, etc. There are so many innocent ways to violate the rules by accident, that I like try as hard as possible to get everyone's entry accepted within the rules, and if they need a little help that does not give them any advantage (I did not crop or adjust ANYTHING other than the pixel sizes...), that's what the Contest Chairs are for.

Wasn't the entry form prompt to deny upload of a pic bigger than the stated pixel count? You did a good by helping those, but at the end a contest is a contest. There should be no help at all. All "t's" need to be crossed and all "i's" need to be dotted, unless it's upper case I :biggrin:. There should be no outside help. That's how i feel about contests and i'm sticking my ground.

Not trying to pick you apart Pitoon, but my wife and I discussed this at length yesterday (4 hours in the car...). I would hate for someone to have become a member here for just a bit shy of whatever this requirement is, and be held back from participating for an entire year. That may also preclude them from EVER being able to qualify as a Beginner. I could certainly see, in light of some events, not allowing people who sign up DURING the bash to enter the contests, but I'm still not sure that it is the best solution tho it may be necessary.

Outside of that, I think there are MANY great ideas being bounced around. I'm amazed at how much the Bash changes every year, yet how well the team keeps it feeling the same!!!

You're good. I don't feel picked on at all. My comments verse yours is what is going to help make the Bash better for next year. Yes, it would suck for a new person to not be allowed to participate in a Bash. However if we were to drop the beginner, intermediate, advance contests to a more specific entry it would work out.
Like Pitoon, I am a rules guy as well. I do think he has a good idea that is worth exploring. Where it is possible I think a basic set of rules should apply to all contests. These set of rules might only be time and durations for example. Then, as I think Pitoon explains, sub rules for like categories can share rules. I am not exactly sure how IAP is organized as far as the managers/decison makers goes. I imagine those that are decision makers that have been handling BASHes for a long time hear and give direction based on inputs. Those with historical knowledge of the various years inputs might see tweaks that have now gone full circle to look just like a BASH of the past. A basic set of rules that stay the same might help with this. This may also give those that volunteer to manage a particular contest some top cover. I do feel rules need to be basic. I am pretty sure the goal is to have friendly competition. I imagine it will be hard to strike the right balance between focusing on purpose (friendly competition,anniversary celebration, raising funds,...) and writing rules that are basic enough for intent but also specific enough for intent. I would hate to get to the point where rules need a lawyer and the contest (verb) of the contest (noun) becomes about rules and derails the purpose of the birthday BASH. Once the decision makers feel they have found the correct balance, I also believe when a person enters the competition he/she also agrees to be held accountable to the rules the decision makers set forth. The rules don't need to be seen as punitive and detracting from the fun but more of a fair starting point. Lastly, I like the skill level competitions. With a little comparison of last years entries I was able to make an honest assessment of where I though my skill level was. I feel I competed with folks in my weight class. I plan on pumping some iron in the gym (shop) and honing my skills to go up in my weight class next year. But this year I was certainly not ready for the heavy weight class. What is really the attraction of IAP is that my training partners are you. My base of knowledge comes from IAP.
Ok, here are some of my thoughts:

In the initial culling polls, I really liked those where I could "pick 3". Several contests had multiple excellent (but different) pens that I wanted to vote for. Let's do more of that.

It would be nice if the contest rules were published in January. That way, I could do some more planning up front and be better prepared to meet the entry deadlines.

The Bash still seems rather back-end loaded (most of the activity late in the month). I'd like to see more contests running earlier on. The Featured Pen and Library Article Contests, for example, could begin voting on day 1 and announce winners in the second week.

I like the suggestion of having one set of general rules that apply to all contests, and each contest having a small additional set. There were some contests this year with contradictory rules. I'd be happy to help proofread next year's rules if you'd like. Also, some of the rules were not enforced this year. I'm not a fan of rigid enforcement (as this is a fun event and I'd hate to lose that), but if we're not going to enforce a rule, then perhaps we shouldn't have it.

There was some confusion over multiple entries in the photo contests this year. Todd did a great job making allowances, but I think the simplest and most effective solution would be to allow only one entry per person next time.

The contest entry process (the form) worked quite well. Good job!

Some people have opined that member voting doesn't always adhere to the stated criteria, and that skilled judges may be fairer and more consistent. I understand, and agree that people tend to vote mostly on "wow factor", but I still prefer it to secret panel judging. Firstly, I don't think we should discount the opinions of members simply because they are less experienced. After all, art and craft are meant to appeal to everyone, not just other artists and craftsmen. Secondly, I understand the likes and dislikes of the the membership on the whole much better than a small anonymous group. I prefer competitions where I know the judges' preferences. Thirdly, and most importantly, open voting is simply more fun. The contests are not just for those who enter, but for everybody who joins. Voting is an important way to participate in the Bash.

I accept that the membership overwhelmingly prefers anonymous competition, but I miss the banter that accompanied open posting of entries in bygone Bashes. We would discuss and compare the pens, and make ridiculous boasts - all in good fun. The Birthday Bash used to be more collegiate and jocular than it is now (except for the Trivia Contest - that one still seems to have a two drink minimum).

Thanks again to everyone who participated - let's have an even better Bash next year.


I thought the bash was a little subdued this year by comparison to previous years myself. Just an opinion.

I think starting/ending times for auctions should be posted very early on.

I also think run times for auctions should be shortened. We have auctions that go for two days without a bid - most seem to reach the final bid in hours, then go a day or two with no bids.

I'd also like to see the ability to send a bid and say "I'll go this high" without jumping to that figure and killing the bidding fun of others.

I personally think the terms "beginner", "intermediate" and "advanced" should be stricken from all contests.

If unmodified component sets are allowed, it should be made clear that the blank and how suited it is to the style and plating of the set will be the focus. The exception would be slimlines and other kits that give the turner a lot of leaway with the final shape of the blanks - such kits should be in separate catagory.

"Modified" rules should be clear about what constitutes a modified kit for modified contests. Do modifications have to be substantive or just very minor things like taking a clip from one kit and installing it on another.

I think I'd like to see more division of contests based on material use in the blank. Wood, Acrylic, PR, PC. etc. I personally have a preference for wood and will always vote in favor of wood except in rare instances where there is a lot of had work in the blank like JohnU's feathers or CaptG's watch parts....I'm sure other's have the same kind of preference for other materials.
I very much enjoyed this year's BASH, my second. Kudos to all who ran the contests and to all the wonderful folks who provided the fabulous prizes. Congrats to all the winners AND those who submitted their artistic efforts to be judged by the membership.

A few suggestions:

  • As noted by Fred Pike (edman2), a listing of winners would be helpful
  • After the skills contests have concluded, edit the entry photos to show who they were submitted by
  • Publish a calendar of when the individual skills contests will start, when submissions must be presented by, when voting begins and when voting ends.
  • The calendar should be published well before the BASH starts so folks may begin to make pens/prepare castings/plan photography well in advance
  • Create a "Today in the BASH" thread to indicate what is happening on a particular day (contests start/end, don't forget to ..., witticism of the day, best post from the day before, etc.) and summarize what happened yesterday (winners, contests closings, etc.).
Here's a thought:

How about we add a "Rules" contest. All those really interested in rules could compete to see who could develop the most perfect set of rules. All entries would be openly posted and could be debated in the "Rules" contest forum throughout the bash.

This would eliminate the need to debate rules in the contests where people are more concerned about making pens and having fun.

Since there could only be one perfect set of rules, I guess there would only be one prize. Maybe a laminated copy of the winning perfect set of rules.

Like I said, just a thought....

Several posts have mentioned the need for a calendar or schedule of events. We had a calendar published. Here is a link.

There was a link to this calendar on the front page. Is this a case of the calendar not being sufficient or is it that people did not see it? If not sufficient, what was it lacking?


  • Desktop.jpg
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There was some confusion over multiple entries in the photo contests this year.

(...)I think the simplest and most effective solution would be to allow only one entry per person next time.

Eric, This is such an absolute certainty for next year, I consider it not anything that needs any debate. Thanks for bringing it up!!
There was a link to this calendar on the front page. Is this a case of the calendar not being sufficient or is it that people did not see it? If not sufficient, what was it lacking?

I rarely go to the front page. Usually use Active Topics=>New Posts.

Was it ever mentioned in any of the Bash posts?
There was a link to this calendar on the front page. Is this a case of the calendar not being sufficient or is it that people did not see it? If not sufficient, what was it lacking?

I rarely go to the front page. Usually use Active Topics=>New Posts.

Was it ever mentioned in any of the Bash posts?

I can't specifically recall if it was mentioned or not. I can say we were not trying to keep it a secret. :tongue:
I did notice the calendar. The font size on the thing was just too small for me to read comfortably. Sure, if you moused over stuff it would pop up a little bigger, but it was still hard for me to read. I gave up on using it.

The first thing i did was go to the calender and look at the deadlines.....once i knew my deadlines i started to place orders to enter into the contest.

This is my 3rd Bash, and the best one so far. I've read all the post, and I think nearly all of my ideas have been suggested. But I'll still throw in my 2¢.

  1. I think the contests should be announced by Jan 1 (or even earlier). Some of us don't have the shop time others have. And a little additional time should increase the number of entries.
  2. I think all the photos submitted should be shown in the Poll Thread along with any comments. For example: In the casting colors poll, only 1 picture was shown. To see the other picture, and any comments, you had to go back to the original thread. Not a biggie, just a little cumbersome.
  3. I don't think there should be a time limit for entering a contest. If someone has been here a week, and wants to enter a pen, then great. I can't see anything being gained by making someone wait a year.

Ok, maybe thats 2.5¢ :wink:
There was a link to this calendar on the front page. Is this a case of the calendar not being sufficient or is it that people did not see it? If not sufficient, what was it lacking?

I'm one who commented on a calendar. I'll admit, I was unaware of the existence of the calendar on the front page, as I normally use my iPad and Forum Runner to check on things, but do post from my Mac when I see something I wish to comment on (it's a dinosaur thing.:wink::biggrin::rolleyes:).

Perhaps what is missing, is more prominence. Rather than including it as part of a link list, as it has a modicum of importance to the overall BASH, I suggest putting it in its own box at the top left of the front page prior to and during the BASH.

If others are OK with where it is, then fine. I now know where to look.
There was a link to this calendar on the front page. Is this a case of the calendar not being sufficient or is it that people did not see it? If not sufficient, what was it lacking?

I rarely go to the front page. Usually use Active Topics=>New Posts.

Was it ever mentioned in any of the Bash posts?

I can't specifically recall if it was mentioned or not.I can say we were not trying to keep it a secret. :tongue:

Put D Oliver in charge of calendar publicity? :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
Loved it all. Just pondering how to make the wood identify event effective for everyone. Our International family probably were not able to enjoy this due to timing.

You all running this bash do an amazing job for all the coordinating that is required for us crazies out here. Honored to be a part of the IAP Family.

Forgive me if this has already been discussed....
What if each day people could email their answers, much like the trivia questions, and those with the correct answer could then be selected at random. This would allow everyone more time not just those able to be at their computers when its posted.
To think that this is all done on a volunteer basis is simply mind boggling. I doubt there is a much better group of people anywhere. What I have learned from people here is more than anyone could ask for, but then we get to do this as well.
My admiration to everyone that had a part in the birthday bash.
Just a thought, with the marketing contest, maybe require the photo's to have the IAP logo. I felt some a logo would make it feel more like a professional ad, not just a really good picture. Using a designated logo (ie IAP) that would not allow someone to use their own logo to promote their own product.
Just a thought, with the marketing contest, maybe require the photo's to have the IAP logo. I felt some a logo would make it feel more like a professional ad, not just a really good picture. Using a designated logo (ie IAP) that would not allow someone to use their own logo to promote their own product.

That's a great suggestion that another person brought up to me by PM also. I have a couple of different ideas as options I'm gonna put out there is a bit, see what people think may work...
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Even though I did not participate in the contest I enjoyed looking at all the entries and voting. As an observer I did notice that some things that I think could be and improvement. These have already been mentioned but I say again for another vote.
-In contest such as Beginner make it a little more restrictive. I am sorry but some of those pens were very advanced for "beginner" in my book.
-I would like to see a segmenting contest. There were some awesome segments in there but a dedicated contest would be great.

Thanks to all who were involved and the work that you put into it!
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