Well, I tried....

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Marc Phillips

Jun 1, 2004
Columbus, GA, USA.
It was an interesting experiment, and I am not going to totally give up on this... there may be a way to do this...

Anyhoo, I used a label maker and then tried to blend in the name using a bazillion coats of CA...

This is what I ended up with after about 15 tries... it was REALLY not as easy as I thought it would be...



I am open to ANY ideas or suggestions... other than "send the pen out for engraving" because I ain't got the time now!!
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Here's a thought...
How about water-slide decal paper? Its extrememly thin and capable of conforming to almost any shape. You can buy blank water-slide decal paper from almost any large hobby shop or online. Print your image or lettering with a compatible printer and apply it to the pen. I would put a few coats of CA to the pen first just to give the decal a smooth surface to which to adhere. To take that a step further, you may want to use setting solution to really make the decal "hug" the pen. After which a few more coats of CA to permanently fix it.
Now the disclaimer:
I've never done this, and I don't know how decal paper will react to various solvents and adhesives. But, hey! I'm just the idea guy! If you try it, let us know how it worked out![:D]
I have used decal material designed for inkjet printers with success. I wiped on a coat of poly, let it dry and then applied the decal and covered it with additional coats of poly. The name on the right side of the top in the photo below was done this way. That's my makers mark (brand) below the customers name.

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Originally posted by karlkuehn
<br />I do the same sort of thing with stickers and stuff, Marc. It's a ton of work to build up that much CA, I know. What kind of wood is that?

That's Osage Orange... seems like I always try to find a black kit when I use it... [:D]

I did make another pen and used some thick CA around the edges of the decal... then sanded it and feathered the edges and it did look OK... the problem now is that the labels are just not real clear... I am being picky I know, since you really have to look hard to tell it's a label, but hey, gonna keep at it until I get it as good as I can.
That's a great start Marc! Keep us up to speed on how you make out with the decal paper. I want to try it but I think I'll let you do all the hard work first!![:D]
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