Week Three Blank Identification Contest

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Okay time to chime in. For now I going with Aruacaria bidwilli (Bunya Pine) because of Dave's clues. I still have some reservations about this guess as there are a few things that don't line up. There a couple of others that are close but again just don't quite fit.
And not to be out done by Gary I've been reading a conifer books as well - Yew Can Pine Fir Her; How to Spruce up Your Love Life by Torreya Larix
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My first reaction to the clue was to see if either of the cedars really wasn't a cedar. I wouldn't put it past Dave to come up with a 'pseudo-cedar.' Something like Cryptomera Japonica - Japanese Red Cedar. AKA Sugi the national tree of Japan where it's used a lot around temples and shrines. You wouldn't do that, would you DAve?




From what I understand, the vast majority of trees we in North America call cedars are not actually cedars.

(that was a tough pill for this west-coaster to swallow (grin))

Dave, please correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think that you're playing a word-game here, and you do mean that it ain't either a "true" cedar OR a pretend one.


OK, I'm takin' the leap and am throwing this out there:

What we got us here is a chunk o' "Pehuen", aka "Pinonero", aka "Monkey Puzzle Tree"

Auracaria Araucana

Kingdom: Plantae

Division: Pinophyta

Class: Pinopsida

Order: Pinales

Family: Araucariaceae

Genus: Araucaria

Species: A. araucana

And that's all I have to say about that....


ok heres a side quiz nothing to do with the coniferous quiz
what is a sure fire method to tell if you have a log of dogwood??

Answer Below

you can tell by its bark ......... wel I thought it was funny
Boy Dave you really went out on a limb with that joke. Hopefully it doesn't take root. You better leaf them to the professionals and branch out to something else. We don't want you to look like a sap, do we? Bob I.
Mmmmmmm.... Newcastle......

I swear, everything I come up with has been said already. Must... use... thinking... cap...
This one puzzled a few monkeys then! well this was a good quiz there were a couple of correct answers this time so I have assigned both a number in the order they came in and asked my wife to choose a number between 1 and 2 she said that she would get back to me on that and that maths was never her strongest subject. so I used a random number gernerator on the internet

Here are your random numbers:

2 </pre> Timestamp: 2009-02-21 08:56:11 UTC

Well gary thats 2 for 3 we have one last birthday bash quiz which will be put up tomorrow a mention has to go to marc who came in very early with the correct answer well done marc you have covered yourself in glory the random number generator picked gary though so its a case of the rise of the machines really, the generator is here...

The monkey puzzle tree (Araucaria araucana) is an evergreen conifer and indigenous to the Andes mountain range spanning Argentina and Chile. The Pehuenche Indians, native to Chile, have long believed that the Monkey Puzzle is sacred, and their seeds form the basis of their diet to this day. its related to parana pine which was used a lot here in the uk the blanks will be sent to gary well done.

the new next quiz will be placed tomorrow there will be no mid week clue but I may give a hint in the time and place of my choosing. :confused:


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WooHOOOOOOOo!!!!! I guessed right again!

Er, I don't mean "guessed", of course, but rather diligently researched, divined, rolled the bones, and consulted the oracle.

Thanks again, Dave, for what you're doing here.

Question: Can I share my blanks with Marc? If there's extra postage costs I'll be happy to pony up.



P.S. Dave: PLEASE make the last one easy because it'd be a shame to get 3 in a row and then fail on the last one! ;)
P.S. Dave: PLEASE make the last one easy because it'd be a shame to get 3 in a row and then fail on the last one! ;)

Dave asked me to make up a question for Gary.

This (pine) wood comes from a coniferous tree. It is extremely rare, except
in the places where it grows. It (pine) is pale in color, has a distinctive (pine)
aroma and is used extensively in construction. It only grows in the northern
and southern hemispheres. Absolutely nowhere else.
The (pine) cones only fall underneath the (pine) tree. It also has (pine) needles
that fall under the same (pine) tree. When damaged, the tree weeps (pine)
It rhymes with dine, fine, line, mine, nine, sine, tine, vine, and wine but
not cine or zine. and it begins with a P.

More hints will be available mid week.
Dang! I had a couple of good ideas right up 'til the rhyming part.

Oh well, at least I have a week to work on it. I'm on my way up the mountain to see the oracle: Anybody want anything while I'm out?


Dang! I had a couple of good ideas right up 'til the rhyming part.

Oh well, at least I have a week to work on it. I'm on my way up the mountain to see the oracle: Anybody want anything while I'm out?

Yeah.. Could you grab a package of (pine) nuts?
Ain't it sublime?

While you're out, you could pick up some oranges and (pine)apples, too.

Snow is about to start here.. should be getting 12-16 inches. Maybe I'll
do some al(pine) skiing tomorrow

A-Ha: A clue! OK, Mr Smarty-pants, I'll get it now... 12-16", huh? OK, there's a place to start. OK, where's my trusty copy of "Timbers of the World"???

Oh, by the way, the oracle says "hi." My, there's a lot of Spruce and Fir up on that hill....

Here are your (pine)nuts...


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