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Jan 29, 2004
Lynn Haven, Florida, USA.
It's been rainy and nasty all day, never got out of the 50's (OK, remember that this is Florida). Wish I had been in the shop all day drinking hot coffee and making shaving, but these slavedrivers that I work for insist I come put in a day's work! The day is finally done in my classroom so before I leave I check the weather and find out that we may have had better weather here than most of you had. As much as I love the Christmas season I am really looking forward to Easter [8D]
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ray,don't bother coming to texas for the winter or you're gonna get it,16 degrees this morn and gonna get colder tonight.
It's snowing right now. Everything is shut down for tomorrow. We're at a whopping 5 inches as I type and listen to cars spin tires on the hill outside. Why do people in 1986 Hondas insist on going out in this kind of weather? They always end up stuck at the bottom of a hill somewhere.
Well it got above 32F today first time in a couple days (take that you bugs). This weekend will be back to the 60s. Winter is tough this close to the border. I love tshirt weather in the winter.
Rain ain't nothing. I'm an hour north of Charles (Tangboy) and it's been snowing 1" per hour since 4:00 PM. Supposed to keep it up until after midnight. And we haven't seen the 30's in about a week and aren't forecast to for at least another. YUCK! I hate winter! [V]
Well I am about two hours north of Tangboy and about an hour east of Billy. and it started raing bout 6 here. I already had to go out and clean the driveway off so the wife can get her car in the driveway. And I am guessing I will have to do that in the morning as well.

Columbus OH
We're supposed to get 3-6 in the DC metro area, just in time for the morning rush hour. Ain't life swell!!?!?!?
Well here in southern IL. ours started with freezing rain and sleet and then we got about 6 inches of snow. We had our road crews out with everything we had but it came to hard to fast. It seemed that there was accidents all day long, even had a ambulance over turn. Its almost midnight here and most state highways are now in passable condition. But no school tomorrow for the kiddies, that means my wife doesn't have to work. they dismissed school at 10:30 morning and that was a little to late. Well off to bed for me I have to be back at 6:00 am
After reading this, I am glad I live in Minnesota. 4' of snow on ground and still haven't needed a jacket. Talk of mid 20s for the weekend.
I won't be answering my e mails tomarrow, have an 11:20 tee time, may be shorts , may not. But the sun will be out and the grass is green [:p]
Snow here as well. Temp on bottom of computer monitor reads 19 degrees. Still I have to go to work soon so I hope there's no ice under the snow as there is just south of here. Have a few pieces of mulberry in the bed of the Ranger but still a VERY light truck!!!
Well, the kids are happy here this morning. Schools are closed. We got about 6" of snow, the winds are about 15 - 20 mph. and -3F. Just another lovely day in Ohio.
Snow did cause a slight problem in Chicago last night. A Southwest Airlines plane skidded of a runway at Midway Airport and into a street, hitting two cars. Imagine reporting that to the insurance company. Unfortunately a young boy was killed and his parents and brothers are still in the hospital.
I am confused, what is all this stuff they area talking about. Snow????? Ice?????? Single digit temp???????????????????

*puts shorts and tee shirt on to go play some volleyball*[8D]
airrat: snow's great stuff! and it's double digits here - they're just negative! positively balmy...

North Dakota Temperature Chart:
70 above-
Texans turn on the heat and unpack the thermal underwear.
Harley's start but idle roughly.
People in North Dakota go swimming the lakes.

60 above-
North Carolinians cancel outside sporting events.
People in North Dakota plant gardens.

50 above-
Californians shiver uncontrollably. Harley's have a hard time starting.
People in North Dakota sunbathe.

40 above-
Italian and English cars won't start. Harley's won't start unless jumped.
People in North Dakota drive with the windows down.

32 above-
Distilled water freezes. Harley's start leaking more than just oil.
Senior citizens in North Dakota wear long-sleeve shirts.

20 above-
New Yorkers don coats, thermal underwear, gloves and woolly hats. Schools close. God has to be involved to get a Harley to start.
People in North Dakota throw on a flannel shirt.

15 above-
Philadelphia landlords finally turn up the heat.
People in North Dakota have the last cookout before it gets cold.

People in Miami flee to Cuba.
North Dakota people wear hats when outside.

-20 below-
Californians fly away to Mexico.
People in North Dakota get out their winter coats.

-40 below-
Hollywood disintegrates.
The Girl Scouts in North Dakota are selling cookies door-to-door.

-60 below-
Polar bears begin to evacuate the Arctic.
North Dakota Boy Scouts postpone "Winter Survival" classes until it gets cold enough.

-80 below-
Mt. St. Helen's freezes.
People in North Dakota go ice fishing.

-100 below-
Santa Clause abandons the North Pole.
College students in North Dakota get frustrated because they can't thaw the keg.

-297 below-
Microbial life no longer survives on dairy products.
Cows in North Dakota complain about farmers with cold hands.

-460 below-
All atomic motion stops (absolute zero in the Kelvin scale). BR!
People in North Dakota start saying, "Cold 'nuff for ya"?

-500 below-
Hell freezes over.
School buses in North Dakota run one hour late.
Tomservo- that's a good laugh to start the day. 54 here this morning, wore my biggest coat and now on my second cup of coffee, also wore a long-sleeve tee and a hoodie to teach in today instead of my usual shirt and tie. I have only visited ND in July when it was cold to me but a beautiful place, I can see why people live there but I could only do it in the "warm" months. [8D]
My daughter and wife are excited... no school today... daughter because it is first snow day of the year, wife becuase she is a school bus driver and the roads are horrible...
Got about 7 inches of snow over ice....
Needless to say we are staying around the house...
MMM sounds like a nice day to make some Italian hot sausage, meatballs and gravy... nice stick to your ribs dinner tonight... got to get started...not good unless it cooks all day... Right Anthony [:D]
Hey Griz

Glad to hear you call it gray. Unless you are from South Philly everyone thinks you are talking about the brown stuff. And yes it has to cook all day.

Just let me know when dinner will be[:D]. I'll bring the bread.
Originally posted by Woodbutcher68
<br />Snow did cause a slight problem in Chicago last night. A Southwest Airlines plane skidded of a runway at Midway Airport and into a street, hitting two cars. Imagine reporting that to the insurance company. Unfortunately a young boy was killed and his parents and brothers are still in the hospital.

Sad. I remember as a photographer for the Chicago Tribune in the 1960's, I made regular runs to Midway to photograph similar accidents. Smack in the middle of a population center, that airport should be closed to the large passenger planes. It has had it's day, many decades ago.
Originally posted by ashaw
<br />Hey Griz

Glad to hear you call it gray. Unless you are from South Philly everyone thinks you are talking about the brown stuff. And yes it has to cook all day.

Just let me know when dinner will be[:D]. I'll bring the bread.
Actually from NY... I used to call is sauce until I was "CORRECTED" by my then Sicilian GF and her family...
Here in MD it is still tomato sauce... I get real strange looks when I call it gravy...
As for bread.. they have no idea of what good crispy bread is here... the stuff around here is all soft and squishy.... YUCK!!!!!!!
I have been reading the company emails all morning on the incident last night at Midway airport. It is truly sad about the loss of such a young life. His family are definatly in my prayers.

A little info for you all. The plane was a 737-700 and just over 1 year old. The pilot has been with southwest for 10 years and is based in Baltimore.
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