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Jul 13, 2007
Martinsburg, WV, USA.
The Blog post is about Mexican Mezcal, and tasting of several offerings from different companies, but look at the part about Scorpion Mezcal.


Specifically this part

Oh yes, there is also a real scorpion in the bottle! They openly admit this is a marketing gimmick, riffing off the "worm" sometimes found in tequila bottles. It contributes nothing to the flavour. It does, however, contribute to the social good, because the company pays youngsters to gather the scorpions, as long as they can show they are attending high school regularly. An incentive not to drop out early.

Putting money in local kids pockets AND MORE IMPORTANTLY making sure they get an education. This is a company that's taking care of it's own. Way to go. I think I'll go buy a bottle.
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When I was in school they had us gather milkweed pods for the war effort - WWII. I think that was a tad safer than gathering scorpions.
Life Jackets

They were used somehow in making flotation material for life jackets. What was used was the silky material that is attached to the seeds. They used it as a substitute for Kapok because the supply was cut off by the Japanese.
They were used somehow in making flotation material for life jackets. What was used was the silky material that is attached to the seeds. They used it as a substitute for Kapok because the supply was cut off by the Japanese.

Well I'll be... If Unca Sam ever calls me, I'll send all I've got. We've got TONS here in Maine!! :biggrin:
Not uncommon is it?

They were used somehow in making flotation material for life jackets. What was used was the silky material that is attached to the seeds. They used it as a substitute for Kapok because the supply was cut off by the Japanese.

Well I'll be... If Unca Sam ever calls me, I'll send all I've got. We've got TONS here in Maine!! :biggrin:
Well Delaware is the first place I've lived where we didn't have more of it than I felt like I needed.
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