Wanted herringBONE got fishy scales

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Passed Away Mar 22, 2022
In Memoriam
Oct 19, 2006
In a Skip in Wales
:redface: Aaaargh !!!! And I thought I had it too............:mad:
This damned thing took all day and I'm half brain dead from boredom. Cut,stick,glue,move,cut,stick,glue, move.........:eek:
I'm glad I only used crummy pine. I'd have been a real bear if I had wasted good stuff.

Right, back to the drawing board:biggrin:


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Steven, looks exactly like my fish scales,er herringbone!! Good luck........been off and on with that, oh for about a month. Got enough blocks now to build a small condo!!
An awesome try Skippy! That makes for a very cool pattern too. That particular design is on my to-do list, just need to get to it one of these days.

Keep it up, you'll get it!
This looks good. Now try a different variation by sandwiching a dark veneer or Pickguard material between each scale. I saw a very expensive pool cue once that was like that.

This looks good. Now try a different variation by sandwiching a dark veneer or Pickguard material between each scale. I saw a very expensive pool cue once that was like that.


Pool cue huh??? This nearly drove me bonkers and it was only 3 inches long.
Another half inch would have driven me over the edge:eek::biggrin:

Wolftat, if you ask for one more tutorial then I'm gonna call some bad people that I know to come and pay you a visit!!!:biggrin::tongue:
Actually, I think the fish scale look is neat. I'm still working on getting my head around the 360 Herring Bone and now you bring this up. So many things to try.....so little time in the shop.:wink:
Actually, I think the fish scale look is neat. I'm still working on getting my head around the 360 Herring Bone and now you bring this up. So many things to try.....so little time in the shop.:wink:

I retire in just under three years:biggrin:. Then I will have even more time to frustrate myself in the shop:mad:.
Wolftat, if you ask for one more tutorial then I'm gonna call some bad people that I know to come and pay you a visit!!!:biggrin::tongue:

It has been a while since I've been to New England......

Steve, That's a lot of scallops, bet you won't be eating anymore seafood for a while. It is a cool pattern though.
Sorry it wasn't what you were after, but man, thats a cool looking piece of work. I agree with Crashmph, I like it better than herringbone.
Hey guys, the 'fish scale' thing is no secret and has been around for many years. As has been mentioned, they are nothing more than scallops.

Easy to do, just boring.

I used a chop saw set at 45 only. No compound.
Take a square blanks of rubbish material
Mark the sides 1,2,3 and 4. 1 on the opposite side of 2, ditto for 3 and 4.
Make a stop along the fence.
Clamp the blank so that side 1 is uppermost and do the cut all the way through.
Glue a bit of the material that you want the scales ( or scallops ) onto this cut surface. Remove any overlap.
Without moving the stop, turn the blank over and do side 2. Glue a piece on this cut surface too.
Remove any overlap
Place the blank back in the chop saw against the stop and clamp it.
Loosen the stop.
You know the thickness of the stuff you are gluing on? Right, use something slightly thinner than this and place it between the stop and the clamped blank.
Clamp the stop
Un-clamp the blank and remove the little spacer thing. Don't lose it.
Position the blank with side 3 uppermost.
Now do the same for side 4. You have just finished one layer.
Do the trick with the spacer again........

Continue till your mind has gone to mush and you keep checking if the blank is long enough to match the kit tube. :frown:

Do about 4 or 5 layers longer than the tube.

Unless there is something wrong with you, you will promise yourself NEVER to do another one!!!!:mad::biggrin:

I've just conquered the herring bone but haven't bothered to make it long enough for a tube. I'll turn it anyway and post a pic to prove it:wink:

Never again!!!:biggrin:
I like the fish scale look. I've been trying the herring bone for a while, especially after seeing the 2008 graf von fabre castle pen of the year. Please post a picture and tell how you conquered the herring bone.
............. Please post a picture and tell how you conquered the herring bone.

Sorry Paul, you'll have to figure it out yourself. It's not mine to share:wink:

Here's what I ended up with. I missed half a layer and the rest looks crappy as I went off line a bit. :frown:But now that I understand it, I'm done with it.

I don't know how the others have done it, but I'll tell you what tools I used on this 'attempt'. Chopsaw just to cut the little bits that get glued on and a router with large diameter bit. The router was set to 45. In fact, if I had made sure it was dead on 45 then I wouldn't have gone off line.


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Nice work on both blanks Skip. Now we just have to work on these violent tendencies you have. If you want to do me in, you're going to have to come and do it yourself, I'll even buy dinner. Mike, you're welcome to join us, but these voilent thoughts have to be set aside. "Can't we all just get along?" :biggrin:
I know I kid around a lot on here and won't always give a serious answer, but that is how I am. Many people know that a quick PM to me will normally get you the answer you are looking for or at least the best answer I can give. But I really want to say that I have a lot of respect for those that are out there trying this on their own, or any other design for that matter. Anyone can follow an instruction sheet, but it takes a lot of heart to keep trying. Skip, you kept at it and in the end you got done and as always, you have my respect.
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