Unusual request on tube size

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Dale Allen

Oct 27, 2012
Massillon, OH
I have a situation where I would like to use a brass tube that is .488" ID
I have calculated that the probable OD would be about .510"
Also, the drill bit would most likely be a 33/64" or 13.3mm

Now, I see the Olympian Pen kit calls for this drill bit size.
Any chance someone has one of these kits and can check the ID of the larger tube?
If not I can always order a tube on my next supply order.

Thanks all.

Thanks Monty, was afraid of that.
I had not thought that such info would have been on that library page so I did not even go there.
That will be a bit too big I'm afraid.
It has to be spot on as it is the size needed for the nylon insert for the Electra socket.
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