Uncle's Rocker

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Jun 12, 2008
Freeland, Michigan, USA.
My uncle made children's rockers as gifts for family and special friends for over 25 years. After he passed away earlier this year my aunt was going through things in his shop and found a rocker he started several years ago and asked me if I could finish the rocker. She wanted to give it to a family that has helped her over the years for Christmas.
Here's the parts and patterns she found.

Rocker Parts.jpg

Here's what I managed to make.


The rocker on the left is the first one my uncle made for my aunt around 1990.

Two Rockers.jpg

The wood working was a bit of a challenge but caning about drove me crazy but I think it turned out okay. My aunt was very happy.
It felt pretty good to finish a project my uncle had started.
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You did a mighty fine job on that chair, Mike.
I'm sure that family will cherish the chair you & your uncle made.
That old chair looks brand new - your aunt has obviously take great care of it.
Very Nice job on the chair!

Although I've not heard the term caning before other than what mom and grandma did with fruit and vegetables...
Making a custom chair is a very demanding project. A rocker is even more demanding. I was in the business of custom order furniture work for many years, as a one man shop. The occasional request for a chair or chairs proved to be quite a challenge. For a chair to "work", and also endure years of use, the design requirements are very exacting as is the needed high level of craftsmanship. Here, the design was provided by your uncle, but you carried through with the fine crafting. The result: excellent! You can be proud. Nice work (and courage :)).
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