Turning Deer Antler

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Oct 21, 2004
Oakley, CA, USA.
The pastor of my church is a hunter and has asked me to make a pen out of deer antler he has. Is there anything I should take special note of when turning deer antler? Just don't want to mess it up. Thanks.--Den
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It smells. Really really bad. I'm not kidding. Wear a respirator. It turns pretty well, you want to fill any of the little holes with CA. I found an article on turning antler once, I'll try to see if I can find the link.
Stop periodically and examine your blanks. Because antler is porous, you may have to fill the pores with CA or it will split on you. I've sanded mine thru mm 12,000 grit and friction wax. They look great. Also, I use titebond adhesive to glue in the brass tubes. The CA doesn't work that great on antler. At least not for me. If you use titebond, let it set overnight before you turn it.
Den, The straighter the piece of antler, the easier it is to drill. Also short pieces of antler can be sandwiched between wood or put on the ends, etc. Sanding 12000 with micromesh creates a nice shine by itself. The latest one I did I only added Ren Wax. Kirk [8D]
For slightly curved pieces I mount between centers and round prior to drilling. This produces a straight piece which drills easily. No more ruined blanks from tryuing to drill surved antler pieces.
Do a good turn daily!
Originally posted by jkirkb94
<br />Den, The straighter the piece of antler, the easier it is to drill. Also short pieces of antler can be sandwiched between wood or put on the ends, etc. Sanding 12000 with micromesh creates a nice shine by itself. The latest one I did I only added Ren Wax. Kirk [8D]
I use a quick clamp with rubber grips. That way I can eye-ball it to see if it is aligned straight. Only one blow out from drilling.
I flatten one side on the belt sander before drilling. It seems to help hold it better. Also I have been cleaning them with bleach water to kill any bacteria and/or germs that may be on them. Not just for my sake but if your going to sell them the customers too.
Hi, Den. We have turned lots of antler, and all of these suggestions are great. A few I might try next time!

Be sure to wear a respirator! Not only for the smell, which is sickening, but because antler and horn are actually tiny hairs and animal matter, all stuck together. When you start turning, you are releasing all these particles into the air.

By the way, antler looks great when laser engraved, or burned in with wire.

Happy Turning!
All this talk about turning deer antler and I've had 2 full sets sitting downstairs now for 2 years and didn't have a clue as to how to go about turning them . I guess my next pens are definately going to be made from antler !!!!
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