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Ron Mc

Feb 2, 2005
I had a customer, and I might add good friend, ask for a desk set and this is what I came up with. Tomorrow I'll go to the store to find some cream colored paint to touch up the tube.
The pen is a BT Baron made with Amboyna Burl.


As always comments or concerns welcome.
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Thanks for the kind responds.
As everyone knows I will always post something out of the norm. Like this desk set.
Some will like it and some will be dumbfounded that I even posted a picture.
I really like this thing and may make another desk set so that I can keep it.[:D]
Ron, God forgive me, I Love the pen! I Love Wood. and maybe it's just the way the picture looks but the base brings an unpleasant vision, of an extremely nice pen falling into something my dog left in the yard. With utmost respect for your work, and I've seen a lot of it. This base doesn't work for me. But, I guess honesty is appreciated, I hope.[:)]
LOL...I have heard this from a couple people and I'll be darned if it's not true!
I really wanted to keep the natural look of the burl but it just doesn't quit look right.
For crying out load!! Now I have a fly in my office. LOL

The great thing is I like this "puppy" (bad choice of words) so it will rest on my desk at home for all to enjoy.[;)]

I couldn't bring myself to say it, but Charles has a point. I think it's great that you have a sense of humor about it. Naw, it's not a puppy, more like a Great Dane! [8D]
Originally posted by Charles
<br />Ron, God forgive me, I Love the pen! I Love Wood. and maybe it's just the way the picture looks but the base brings an unpleasant vision, of an extremely nice pen falling into something my dog left in the yard. With utmost respect for your work, and I've seen a lot of it. This base doesn't work for me. But, I guess honesty is appreciated, I hope.[:)]
OH man, I am glad somebody else saw the same thing... [:I][:I]

I am sorry Ron... the concept is great and the finish is first rate..
BUT, it does have "THAT LOOK"...
Maybe a different color burl with a less smooth texture will work better...
I'm going to run to Walmart today to see if I can find a little shovel to display with it. LOL[:D]
Originally posted by Turnitall
<br />
Originally posted by Charles
<br />Ron, God forgive me, I Love the pen! I Love Wood. and maybe it's just the way the picture looks but the base brings an unpleasant vision, of an extremely nice pen falling into something my dog left in the yard. With utmost respect for your work, and I've seen a lot of it. This base doesn't work for me. But, I guess honesty is appreciated, I hope.[:)]
OH man, I am glad somebody else saw the same thing... [:I][:I]

LOL i thought it was me as well..i was ready to sign back up for therapy...couldnt bring myself to call it pen poop......[:D][:D]

but...but...but.... the pen look great!!!
Originally posted by wdcav1952
<br />Ron,

I couldn't bring myself to say it, but Charles has a point. I think it's great that you have a sense of humor about it. Naw, it's not a puppy, more like a Great Dane! [8D]
Or my Boxer when she's eaten something she shouldn't have.

But I still like it.
Ron thanks for laughing, I was sweating bullets with that post, just glad we can all laugh at ourselves once in a while. It might even make us live a little longer![:D]
When I first saw the picture I thought it was the camera angle and shine of the flash that threw things off a little. Once I read the posts about dog dookey I laughed and looked again. I consider myself a dog poop expert ... heaven knows I shovel enough of it cleaning up my yard after my Golden Retriever.
I still think it's the photography that's throwing everybody off. I wish I could see it in person. When you look at it does it seem the same as in the photo? I really like the idea of mounting the pen in a burl. I wonder if it's just too much of the same color. I wouldn't give up on the idea if I were you. I'd keep the concept and try it with some other color of burl. I'm telling .... with the right color of wood and burl ... you are really going to set the mark with this idea.
Ron nice job on the pen and the holder. give us a profile shot, I agree the top shot makes it a little odd.
BTW if you decide that holder is not good send it to me. I can store it next to my Bullsac M & M holder and the cane someone gave me made of Bull private parts.
I had to go back and look at the holder again, I wasn't seeing the same image as everyone else. What I thought was your customer was either a butcher, hunter or doctor and that was the gut pile. [:D]

I like both the pen and the holder. [:)]
OK, Everyone....Let me shoo the flies off of it and get another picture. To date 4 people have seen it and they all love it![:D] And to think I'm going to get to keep this for myself.[:D]
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