true stone and plastic

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Dec 21, 2011
hot springs, ar
I have to make a true stone pen for one of my kickstarter customers.

I'm planning on sandwiching the truestone with black acrylic for threading, and to stretch out the blank. I only have one piece.

THis is what I'm planning...


The cap will have an acrylic insert for the entire length since it's getting a clip and finial. I'm pretty comfortable doing that.

Any reason I shouldn't just epoxy glue the pieces together? Is there a different way I should approach it? Never worked with TS before. Don't know how it will glue to plastic.

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I would think thick CA would work, too. CA FUSES with acrylic. The strength of that particular bond is absurd in my experience. I don't know too much about the Tru Stone, though.
Tru-Stone has some resin in it to bind the stone. You can treat it just like any resin blank except for cutting threads. So gluing inserts should work fine.
Shawn, which trustone is it? Some are much easier to work with than others and knowing which could help give some more advice with the drilling and turning.

All of them should take the inserts without a problem. Bob(o) :tongue: was spot on with his comment.
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