Trivia Contest

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Activities Manager Emeritus
Mar 18, 2004
Montgomery, Pennsylvania, USA.
This thread will be for everything related to the Trivia Contest. Once we have some one to head up the Trivia Contest, that person can take over this thread.
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Moved from Private Messages so others can weigh in.


Sorry to hear about your wife - let us know when you're getting too busy, and maybe we can pitch in and help with the bash duties?

As far as the daily trivia idea, if two questions means twice as much to keep track of for you, imagine how much extra there will be for Ed to keep track of for seven times his load! :)

Coordinating prize delivery is pretty hard, especially on an old coot like Ed, so we're trying to make the prizes easier to manage this year. I know that when I did the prize delivery two years ago, I was busy practically 24-7 for over a month trying to get everything organized - I wouldn't want Ed (or anyone) to have to be that busy.

One question, though: If each Trivia master is handling one week, couldn't they then be in charge of drawing the name of the winner for their week? They could do it on the last day of their week, and then they're done, with no overlap. There shouldn't be any need to pass names on that way.


Originally Posted by fiferb
First of all, you guys PM back and forth way too much. I have 10 PMs within 2 hours that took me way too long to read. :tongue:

Second, please be sure to include Rob in future messages so he has a chance to weigh in as well.

Third, last year we definitely did 2 winners 7 days a week.

Now, I do Not want to have two trivia questions per day. As it is to run this with one question requires logging in at least twice per day to update. I suppose that would not change with 2 trivia questions but there is twice as much to keep track of.

Andrew, if it's at all possible, could we have one trivia winner per day with one prize? This seems easiest for the trivia meisters. If we have a pool for each week we'll run into overlapped weeks. Keeping up with who won each day and passing it on to the next triva meister could potentially cause problems. I know good commo will alleviate this but for me easier is better.

For those of you that aren't aware, I'm having some issues at home and my time available for this is very limited. A week ago my wife broke her wrist and her ankle. She is immobile at the moment but hopefully by the 1st she'll be at least able to walk in the boot they gave her. Right now she is confined to bed or wherever I can take her in a wheelchair.

Thanks everyone,

Originally Posted by maxwell_smart007

Originally Posted by wdcav1952

Originally Posted by ed4copies
SEVERAL versions:
1) the original, marked "Trivia"-56 prizes
2) halfway through, marked "Damn trivia-28 left"
3) last week, marked "8 more prizes, plus clean up the ten bastards that have not sent their promised prizes yet.
4) "Trivia finished-except for the idiots that can't keep their GD promises"

I try to remind myself for future reference. Have I mentioned there will be a small army doing this.

Remember when that nice young Andrew GOT the prizes AND dispatched them. You never heard any BITCHING from him!!!! Too bad some old codger took over!!!


Originally Posted by wdcav1952
Never argue with someone nerdy enough to save spreadsheets!:biggrin:

For the record, Randy is out. Bruce has the Trivia Contest and that won't change. Bruce, run the contest as you see fit, just keep Andrew up to date on your prize needs.

Originally Posted by ed4copies
My spreadsheet from last year shows every day, two prizes. I CAN go back to the envelope with the names in it, if need be to confirm.

But that doesn't mean we have to do the same thing again, just prepare yourselves if we change it and Randy_ resurfaces.



Originally Posted by wdcav1952

IIRC, we did Monday - Friday last year. My thought was that two questions a day 5 days a week.

Bruce and Rob, we will go with whatever you decide to do.


Originally Posted by ed4copies
Lost me, Cav.

Aren't we working with seven day weeks for trivia?

In any event, wouldn't one question do the trick, then the seven winners (one a day). Or was this only during the week?? I thought we gave two prizes a day last year, EVERY day.

I am certainly willing to be corrected!!


Originally Posted by wdcav1952
I think the idea of two a day (if possible) trivia questions with a drawing at the end of the week using the 10 correct answering members for a weekly prize would work. That way, we would only need 4 prizes, albeit perhaps of a slightly higher value than a daily prize.

Originally Posted by maxwell_smart007
Hey GUYS :)

I think that we need to decide rather quickly if we're doing daily trivia prizes or weekly prizes. If we don't do daily trivia, we're probably good for prizes...if we do, we'll get a large number of donations in a hurry if we ask the membership...

So we really need to get this bash nailed down and set in terms of contests and prizes. I'll email Curtis again and ask about Alumilte, and we'll be pretty much done with vendors.


Originally Posted by ed4copies
Hey Cav and Andrew!!

You want to reply to Bob, or I will if you tell me where we stand on contests and prize requests.



Originally Posted by bobskio2003
Hi Ed,
I may be too late but I figured I'd give it a shot. Jmhoff10500 was doing a small blank exchange but it got me wondering if we/I could do a BITB (blanks in the box) exchange and run it similar to the PITH? Just a thought. Thanks Bob I.

PS Is there going to be something cming out soon looking for prizes for the bash, as I'd like to donated 2 or 3 small flat rate boxzes of wooden blanks that most people have never heard of.

"When it is dark enough, you can see the stars"
- Charles A. Beard
Also moved from PM's.

Since Cav thought we only did five days a week last year, should we do that?? Cuts everybody's work load, will the membership care?

Just a thought

Is it possible to run a harder trivia question that will run all weekend? Something that has multiple answers and the winner will need all answers to win? Just a thought from the new guy.
Len, that's a good idea but I think it will reduce the number of participants to those people that have enough spare time on their hands to do the research. I think the idea is to make it a birthday celebration, raise awareness for the site, and most of all, have fun.
As far as the weekend/weekday question, there is no way to make everyone happy. The issue is # of prizes. If we give daily prizes, the simple fact is they need to be relatively low value prizes such as "box of blanks" from members. That would entail the trivia meisters searching out extra prizes as the prize hamper is not that full.

Let's try and come up with a final solution. I like 5 days per week. It can be Saturday - Wednesday, Monday - Friday or whatever. Other suggestions?

Prizes - If we do daily prizes, as mentioned, the prize hamper cannot support that level of prizes, number-wise. A thought would be to recruit a couple of our unused (so far) volunteers to scount out and solicit box of blanks prizes for daily prizes.

Please let me hear some thoughts.
If we don't come up with enough prizes, I would prefer to do the weekly drawing but using 7 days per week. If there are enough prizes to support it we could even have a second place or even third place winner.
I think (the operative word, since there is no evidence for or against) that if we ask for "box a blanks" donations from the members, they will respond in great number.

The difficulty is that some will be of much greater value than others. But, that's the "luck of the draw".

First let's see how the prize count works out with all the contests. But, the "box of blanks" for a daily prize, then maybe a weekly gift cert. from the prize bin????

Just random thoughts until we know if the prize equation is in balance or not.
I think (the operative word, since there is no evidence for or against) that if we ask for "box a blanks" donations from the members, they will respond in great number.

First let's see how the prize count works out with all the contests. But, the "box of blanks" for a daily prize, then maybe a weekly gift cert. from the prize bin????

Just random thoughts until we know if the prize equation is in balance or not.

Agreed - boxes of blanks are easy to come by.
I have no problem awarding a daily prize of box of blanks. What's really driving the decision on how to run the trivia contest is the number of prizes allocated for this event.
Well all on top of everything else that has gone wrong over the past week my wife decided to tell me today when she got home from work that she thinks she is falling in love with a guy she works with, SO as of right now I am not able to help with anything although I may need some help burring a few bodies. Screwed in PA, Len
Cav, I think we have it covered with the three of us. Everyone is willing to add a couple of days to pick up the slack. I know Billy has been with us quite awhile but I think we're ready to go. I'll keep him in mind in case any other emergencies arise.

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