Triple Play

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Feb 24, 2012
Claremont NH
My son goes to a Mid Vermont Christian School in Quechee Vermont. These pen are for three of my his teachers. They have done so much for the kids where he goes to school. They are truly giving of themselves.

The first is a Jr. Gent 2 Rhodium with Blood Wood and Cocobolo, The second is Blood wood and Madrone Burl and the third is Blood Wood and Maple Burl.

Hope you like them.
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I wrote a long reply and deleted it for knowing I would get ridiculed.:) I think I know what you are thinking after looking at the photo and knowing your caliber of work. So with that, I think these will be well received and glad to see the finger is well enough to get back to the pen turrning. Thanks for showing.
Mike you are having way too much fun with these scallop pens!!:biggrin:

Slight 'oops' on the middle one, but all still look great. Well done.:wink:
I cannot always make home runs. Yes I do make mistakes too. This one was obvious in that middle image.
These pens took me the best part of the week to do as I am really down by a finger. I got it pinched really badly tuning up a band saw. No power no blade on the band saw but I got the finger pinched in the lower fly wheel. Ended up with 6 stitches and will loose the nail on my middle finger right hand. This happened about a week and a half ago but things are starting to come around now.
Don't know if you've mentioned it before, but what type of adhesive do you use when segmenting and how long do you let them cure before you spin them? Thanks in advance.

I have been using UFO odorless thick CA by Hot Stuff on my pens. I let it sit overnight if it is a full glue up but only a few minutes for some operation as long as they are not going to include drilling or turning. I do use accelerator though for the quick glue ups. Now there is more than one way to glue these. Others use epoxy this is just how I do it.

Don't know if you've mentioned it before, but what type of adhesive do you use when segmenting and how long do you let them cure before you spin them? Thanks in advance.

Ask Mike how he smashed his finger. Power off, bandsaw unplugged for safety. 1 minute or less, finger split open and headed for the hospital. Not bad pens for a wounded guy Mike.:biggrin::biggrin:
Nice pens. Glad to see your human at least once every 50 pens or so. I had a kickback accident several years ago. Couldn't woodwork for several months( and didn't want to). Looks like you got right back into it.
Ok so here is the story.

We were going to tune up Altons saw. He had the blade off, I pulled the power. Looked things over for about 30 seconds. Decided to start with the lower wheel on his saw. I had a metal ruler against the tire and was scraping it as I turned the wheel by hand. All of a sudden the wheel came to an abrupt stop and my finger was the cause. Happily I still have the end of my finger. I stopped tuning up the saw after about 1 minute of work, I think Alton thinks I was trying to get out of it.:)

Off to the doctors office for six stitches and 3 holes in the finger nail. Then back to Altons to finish what I had started. He had the saw all tuned up and running. I wasn't much help to him at that point. We cut up some cocobolo that he had and some that I had.

I found out one thing for sure. The wheels on Altons Rikon band saw are heavy and have lots of momentum.
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Sorry about the injuries Mike. :eek: I hope you heal quickly.
You beat me, as I only managed to drench my moustache in CA. Don't ask !!

Now Skip. Do you think you can just throw that out there and be done with it??? Honestly now what is the story behind this??? Oh this has to be good!!!!!!!!!!!!!:biggrin: I promise no one will laugh (out loud):biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
I have to agree with John on this Skiprat. Alton called me out to tell more so I think John just did the same and I a happy to second that one. Is this a new application method that you are holding close to the vest?
You must like the smell of CA a lot better than I do Skip. I have heard of people sniffing glue, but CA? Hope all is well.

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