This weeks pens... so far.

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Sep 4, 2006
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

My first Olivewood. (its not BOW, but still a nice wood.)

A spalted Maple (used a heck of alot of CA, tho. What a PITA)

and finally a Brazillian Rosewood.

First time really using the CA/BLO finish method.. just haven't figured out how to get that ultra shine I see on other peoples' pens, however, I'm warming up the the 'warm' finish it does give. :tongue:

And now... back to the basement. Either to make shavings or pens... its always a crap-shoot with me! :dog:
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All three beautifully done! My abso fav will always be Olivewood, BOW or otherwise. Striking grain pattern and yummy to turn and finish!! Thanks for sharing.

Terry Hefner
Dallas, TX

td is me!
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