Third meeting of the Southeast Chapter

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Local Chapter Leader
Jul 17, 2006
Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
My how the time flies. I have been approached by the activities director at Woodcraft to schedule our third pen meeting. I will schedule a Saturday later in June for the third meeting. If you have a preference, please speak up now, and I will collect the information over the next few days, and then get us on the schedule. The fourth meeting may be sometime in September, so if you guys want to also chime in here when would be good for the Septemberish meeting, I will go ahead and book a date then as well.........
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I'm not sure where, but I wouldn't mind seeing something a little further north. I'm sure there's others who would like to see it further South as well though.

If we switch off, I'll start browsing around for somewhere up in my neck of the woods so the SC and NC gang are a little closer to the next event.
I assume you're talking about the third quarterly meeting in Atlanta, not to be confused with meetings in the other population centers in the great Southeast.

I have nothing yet on my June calendar. Sunday June 21 is Father's Day. Pro for that weekend would be: I could go buy something and LOML would pay for it as a father's day gift. Con would be: it's father's day weekend, which might preclude other folks from traveling from out of town.

So, how's Saturday June 13th strike folks? That way the "pro" is still valid - I could buy something a week early and let LOML foot the bill. Now, where are those PM3520B's... :cool:
We would love to do a meeting between the quarterly meetings in Greenville, SC. I am working through the Woodcraft guy here to get a meeting up there. Our quarterly meeting in Atlanta will probably be June 20th. I have not heard anything from the folks over in Birmingham/Alabama area about a date that would be good for them, so I think we wont be headed over there, because we cannot get enough interest.

I received an email from someone over in South Carolina that has like 25 plus turners in a club that turn pens. I think they were interested in starting a South Carolina local Chapter. I will get his name and post it here if anyone is interested.

I would still like to come up to Greenville, SC sometime between the March 21st meeting and the tentative June 20th meeting, if there is enough interest.
The member is PATHARRIS. I hope he doesnt mind me posting his email here, but this is the bulk of it. If you guys in South Carolina are interested, please contact him through the IAP site.

Hi Robert,
My name is Pat Harris and I live in Lexington, SC. We have 15 to 20 folks that have met to form a Pen Turners group here in South Carolina. We will meet for the third time this month on Sat, Feb 7th at WoodZone in West Columbia, SC and will have a demonstration and show n' tell. I was asked to serve as the President.

I have been a member of our IAP group for a while and have been lurking and reading your post about the Southeast Chapter. It is a good 4+ hours to travel to Atlanta from Columbia for meetings and while I support your efforts and concept of Southeast Chapter, I'm just not sure what to do. Most of our 15-20 folks are also members of Palmetto Woodturners. The PWT group is 10 years old and has 186 members with lots of resources. I've considered establishing a SIG group of Pen Turners as a part of Palmetto Woodtruners, but we would meet at a different location. We are fortunate in having two stores located only about 1.5 miles apart that have clasroom space, a wide variety of equipment, supplies, etc. and are most supportive or our Woodturners and Woodworkers Clubs.

So if you guys are interested, Pat seems to have a good solid group of folks that could represent the South Carolina contingent more regular like. I would still consider you guys like family though...LOL...
I stopped in for the last meeting briefly and they probably had 15 people there and normally have more. Had a good demo, the store (woodzone) was great and had some really good prices on things.

A lot of them are somewhat new to penturning, so this is a good chance to share some knowledge with people who may not have been in it as long as most of us.

Pat seems to be a real likeable fellow and I'm sure any meet he throws together will be well worth the attendance.

Yes this will be one of the quarterly meetings. I still want to get out to Greenville, SC sometime between one of the Quarterly meetings. I will work on that soon. The Alabama trip looks like a bust, I havent heard anything back from the Alabama folks in our group. I hope we get some participation for a Greenville, SC roadtrip!
Robert, the Woodcraft here in Birmingham is going to be moving in the next couple of months.....Into a bigger building. Hopefully once moved the classroom will be big enough to hold a larger number. As it was their showroom had spilled over into the classroom long ago and there wasn't much room. They have a new owner and it looks as if he's making some needed changes!
Mick, so good to see you out there! Hey we would still love to come out there, but will just need to plan it when you guys can come out to the Birmingham store! Hope you are doing well. You coming over for the next meeting here? We would love to see you put on a pouring demo!
Ok, just to make sure that the next meeting on June 20th is being looked at by everyone!

Ben has volunteered to do some hidden clip demos! WOOHOOO...I need this information!

We have also decided that a pen swap is in order! Details to be placed in another thread.

Perry has cut up the sewer pipe blanks, and they will be available for those who dont have any of the "sewer wood blanks"....

Keep your calendars open, and as always, we had a great time with all the folks there last meeting, so come on DOWN!!!!!
If it's from that large piece I brought to Atlanta, it's fresh water blue pipe, not the sewer green stuff.
Robert, if Ben is going to do the hidden clip demo could we look into taping it with the possibility of making copies or even a You Tube video?
I'd really like to see this and won't be able to be there that weekend.

Sure, since its all about you, we will tape it for you and send it out to you....LOL...just kidding!

If Ben's agent can come up with some reasonable release terms, I think we can certainly do that. I have a camera set up that is capable of capturing the video on Digital tape. I have no idea how to do the You Tube thing, because I dont have any experience with it, but if someone else does, I will be happy to send the file to them and see what they can do with it. Maybe if we get enough "stuff" we could make a Southeastern Disc and distribute it out to the "members".

Mick, you know what this means though right? Since your video debut was sans tape, that means you gotta come back and do it again, so we can record it for posterities sake! We would love to have you come back and do it again. As a matter of fact, you were so convincing that ANYONE can do the PR stuff, I have all the ingredients sitting in the kitchen, and my wife is itching to create some "pink" stuff. So in a few days, I will post her first PR concoction!
What dye's did you use? I've went out and bought the pearlx and some PR and Alumilite to try them both, but I can't remember which dye you said to use.
What dye's did you use? I've went out and bought the pearlx and some PR and Alumilite to try them both, but I can't remember which dye you said to use.

Andy for opaque dyes I just use the basic Castin' Craft brand they sell at Hobby Lobby or Michaels. I normally just get the primary colors plus white and black. From there I can mix any color as a base and then soup it up with Pearl Ex.
Robert I've got my agent working on distribution terms. Meanwhile I'll get my rider together ;)

Just one stipulation, our new baby is due at the end of May so i may not be able to make this meeting. We will just have t play that part by ear. I'm practicing my hidden clips so I'll be ready.
Ben I got a little nervous when Boras called me to negotiate the terms! We look forward to having you "enthrall" us with the topic, and we are lucky to have you share your talent with us. We understand the "extenuating" circumstances, so we will try and have a back up plan, like maybe mimes, face painting, or a balloon animal contest...LOL.....
What group is meeting on June 20th? Is it open to the public? What are the requirements to join? I am from Griffin, but I go to Woodcraft whenever I get the chance, actually I took a pen turning class there in October(I think) of 2007, that is how I got started turning pens.
Greetings NascarBowl dude ...

Just come to the meeting at Woodcraft and sign-in ... you are then part of the Southeast crowd. Come on up we would be happy to meet you!

Welcome! We will have the meeting in the training room of the Woodcraft. We normally start the meeting around 9:30am and go until about 3:30pm or so. We lay out all of our work, and let other folks take a look at it, and we trade blanks, and give blanks away, and just stand around and talk about pens and turning in general. We have access to some Jet mini lathes, and occasionally we will have some folks turn pens during the meeting. We also have a demonstration of sorts in order to tell the other half that it really is an "educational event". We look forward to seeing you there!


Ken Kallenshaan has generously donated another set of his laser cut pattern pens that we will be able to hold drawings for! WOOOHOOO!!! Ken has been a super supporter of the local chapters, and if this generates as much excitement as the first meeting, we will have a very spirited time giving away the laser cut patterns.

Please take a moment to send something to LASERTURNER on the IAP site and thank him for his generosity in supporting the Southeast Chapter, and his extremely generous gift.

I would like to take pictures of any of the completed kits that you have finished from the very first meeting. If you have completed one of the previously donated kits, please bring it so we can take pictures of them.

Another exciting give away will be the casts that Mick did last meeting with the gold and black, and red and black blanks! My wife and I have been playing around with the casting, and will have some give aways as well.

We look forward to everyone coming on June 20th! If you have not sent Ben an email or posted in the pen swap, please do this as well, as we will have fun matching people up!
It looks like I may be backing out of the show I had scheduled for the same time as our next meeting, so guess what.........Looks like I'll get to come keep you guys company. Unless we plan a small mini vacation the same weekend. Even if we do It'll be at Stone Mt so I'll still get to drop by!
....and if you needed more enticement to join us on June 20th, MICK IS GOING TO BE THERE......WOOHOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We can't wait to see you MICK!!

Ken Kallenshaan has generously donated another set of his laser cut pattern pens that we will be able to hold drawings for! WOOOHOOO!!! Ken has been a super supporter of the local chapters, and if this generates as much excitement as the first meeting, we will have a very spirited time giving away the laser cut patterns.

Please take a moment to send something to LASERTURNER on the IAP site and thank him for his generosity in supporting the Southeast Chapter, and his extremely generous gift.

I would like to take pictures of any of the completed kits that you have finished from the very first meeting. If you have completed one of the previously donated kits, please bring it so we can take pictures of them.

Another exciting give away will be the casts that Mick did last meeting with the gold and black, and red and black blanks! My wife and I have been playing around with the casting, and will have some give aways as well.

We look forward to everyone coming on June 20th! If you have not sent Ben an email or posted in the pen swap, please do this as well, as we will have fun matching people up!

Great, how come we didn't have these kits for the last meeting when I was able to be there? :tongue: Now I'm going to have to juggle my schedule to see if I can get there.:confused:
Great, how come we didn't have these kits for the last meeting when I was able to be there? :tongue: Now I'm going to have to juggle my schedule to see if I can get there.:confused:

Ok everyone, if Bruce can actually make the meeting, we will have the giveaways the next meeting....LOL.....

Sorry we didnt have some for the last one Bruce. The support from Ken is that he gives us a set every 6 months, as long as we have meetings. That means that every other quarterly meeting would have them. Please thank Ken for his generosity!

Perhaps we could disperse half of the kits at the June meeting, and half at the next (Sept?) meeting? Or better yet, save some for the other regional meetings.
Well it is getting closer! The third meeting of the Southeast Chapter will be June 20th (not this weekend, NOT next weekend, but the weekend after that (thanks to NASCARBOWL...LOL)) at the Woodcraft store. The meeting will begin around 9:30 and go until we have too much fun. Please bring some extra blanks, kits, tools, or other stuff that you have laying around to either put on the give away table or to use for trades.

Some of the things available for this next meeting would be:

1. Micks blanks from the last demo (We have a bulldog mix, and a yellow jacket mix to choose from)

2. Some blanks from me and my wife (We tried Micks techniques)

3. Laser kits from Ken (havent received them in the mail yet, but we should get them before the meeting)

4. Ben will be doing some demo's on how to jazz up and do some cool things with kits (I havent heard about the pending birth of his child, so will check on that)

5. PEN SWAP- If you havent joined this yet, please go to the thread in the SOUTHEAST FORUM and sign up. So far we have about half a dozen of us swapping pens.

6. SEWER PIPE BLANKS- These are courtesy of SKYE and were graciously cut up by Perry (papaturner).

Hope to see everyone there! If you have any questions or concerns, please post here!
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Actually. it will be 3 weekends.(not this weekend,or the next weekend, but the next weekend). This weekend is the 6th and the next is the 13th and then the 20th.
Sorry, I have OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) sometimes.
Actually. it will be 3 weekends.(not this weekend,or the next weekend, but the next weekend). This weekend is the 6th and the next is the 13th and then the 20th.
Sorry, I have OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) sometimes.


I think Obsessive-Compulsive-Disorder is hyphenated...but not sure.....LOL....see I have it too on occasions....
Ok, Ben and family have received their new addition! Congratulations BEN!

It looks like Ben will rightly be busy supporting his wife and new daughter during the pen meeting and he will not be able to do the demo! Ben has volunteered to slide his presentation over to the next meeting. This means we are wide open for a demo during our next meeting! Anyone want to volunteer???? Otherwise we will just have some open time during the meeting.

Again, Congratulations to Ben and his new family member!
OK everyone, this weekend will be the next IAP meeting! We will meet at the beautiful facilities located at the Woodcraft store in Roswell on Saturday, June 20th at around 9:30 am or so.

My wife and I have been having fun applying the lessons learned with the wonderful instruction given at the last meeting by MICK. We have poured 75 PR blanks, and will have some available at the meeting on Saturday. We hope some other folks took MICK's instructions to heart and poured some of their very own blanks. If we get some time, we might actually have some of the blanks turned into pens (crosses fingers).

We look forward to seeing everyone, so bring a few blanks to trade or give away, and we will all talk about pens and everything related! See ya there!
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My wife and I have put MICK's instruction to good use. These are the first batch of PR pours we did. We have a second one "cooking" now, and should be at the next meeting for folks to look at. Thanks again MICK for the instructions and the inspiration to give it a whirl!


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