The Scorpion King-Jnr. Statesman closed end

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Feb 20, 2008
Trinity Beach, Queensland, Australia.
Won this on the Eagle site, apparently the blank and case made by "Workingforwood" on this site, so thanks to Jeff for this wonderful gift.
Jeff calls it "Red Scorpion" , I call it the Scorpion king because it looks better in presence than the photos, I just love this pen and case.
The case I finished with BLO. The pen finished with CA. Hope you enjoy it also. Amos


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Sure looks great, and I certainly remember making it, but I did not donate it. That would be someone else, that paid a pretty penny for it too, so better find out who that was!!! Major generous of them to do so. I don't remember the person, but it was in Nova Scotia, or somewhere in Canada near there. Now it's in Australia...that pen travels! Actually..I'm very happy to see that too. Now Antarctica is the only continent where I don't have anything I have created or had a hand in creating.

Oh...I see you have one more thing to do. You need to line your case with some felt. Don't use CA, use epoxy to glue in the felt. The felt will protect the pen and hide any burn marks from milling the bloodwood. Well worth the 5 cents it will cost you!
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I have a funny feeling that pen and case has found its final destination, I would guess Amos will make it a permanent part of his collection. That would be a difficult one to reproduce, but if anyone could, it would be Amos.
Stunning work!
Thanks for the replies. I am not sure of the donor but thanks for making it Jeff, what wood is used in it, and also the pretty penny, can you give an approximate idea. I am glad you mentioned that AFTER I made it, because had I known before hand I may have been shaking too much.
I will floss the inside, and then post a photo of it, I need too make the ends slightly bigger so it will sit down into it. Amos
Just checked the other site and it does look like John donated it. Amos
Last edited: must have made it extra long to not fit in that hefty case. The wood is Bloodwood and Staghorn Sumac. Sumac grows up here in the north, Like here in Michigan, and If I travel about 4 hrs south I can't find it anymore.
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