The Russ Fairfield Memorial Challenge

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Sep 11, 2007
Laurence Harbor, NJ, USA.
Introduction to the First Annual Russ Fairfield Challenge by Scott Greaves (Scott) ;

I have been asked to introduce the Russ Fairfield Challenge. This is a new contest for the IAP Birthday Bash this year, and it is intended to honor our friend and mentor, Russ Fairfield, who passed away January 4th 2011.

The purpose of the contest is to award those who best demonstrate an understanding of Russ's teachings in the field of penturning. What we will be looking for are the pens that best fulfill the spirit of Russ's ideas.

Many of us learned penturning "at Russ's knee." Whether through accessing his website, viewing his videos or reading his articles, many of us first found a love of making pens on the wood lathe through Russ's influence. While each of these resources will continue to be available for new generations of penturners, his voice is now silenced. And what a loss that is. Russ was always willing to answer questions by phone or on Internet forums, gently guiding us to understand and develop our talents.

It seems that Russ was always there for us to lean on, and now that he is gone we realize just how much he aided the emergence of penturning as an art over the past twenty or so years. When Jeff and I were starting the IAP, Russ was instrumental in the early stages, guiding us to a philosophy of sharing our knowledge of penturning.

Back during that same time I was writing a monthly penturning column for the woodturning magazine More Woodturning. In July of 2004 I wrote an article about Russ, the only article I ever wrote that focused on an individual rather than some penturning topic. I would like to share with you some of the things I wrote in that article about Russ.

"Russ says he's been doing woodworking for many years, and that a lathe was always a part of his shop arsenal. Somewhere along the way, he became more interested in woodturning, and we're all glad he did! The reason we're glad is that Russ has not only developed his skills as a woodturner, but he has selflessly worked to develop the skills of countless others as well!"

"His discourse on penturning . . .contains all the information you need to know about turning pens, and on into modifying stock pens to achieve different results. Thousands of good penturners began this hobby after reading information from Russ Fairfield."

"The art of penturning is really about thinking outside the box. Pen kits and the instructions that come with them are the beginning. Russ's teachings are the progression beyond this beginning. He always seems to be coming up with new and interesting ways to make an exceptional pen from ordinary parts. And he is always sharing his knowledge with those of us who haven't quite figured it out yet! A new venture for Russ this year is teaching classes at his new workshop in Post Falls Idaho."

"Lately I've been working closely with Russ on the Organizing Committee for the International Association of Penturners (IAP). While discussing proposals on officers and rules of governance, Russ has been the person who says "what if" or "why not"? He has kept the whole committee centered on the goal of putting together a new association of penturners, dedicated to education on the topics of penturning."

About two years ago I got the opportunity to visit Russ at his home in Post Falls Idaho, and to meet his lovely Wife, Gerry. He had just finished a new video, and he took me to his shop and showed me all the stages he had worked through to produce this video. He then gave me one of the pens that were featured in shooting the video. We then had a nice discussion over a glass of wine of things of little consequence, probably more gossip and BS than anything that would "shake the earth." I will truly miss Russ.

But we still have his teachings, and through the efforts of the American Association of Woodturners, who will soon be hosting his website, Russ's presence will still be with us for future generations of penturners. Visit his site at , and take the time to make a pen in the spirit of Russ Fairfield to enter into this Challenge. And while you're doing so, honoring him in a way he would truly appreciate, smile, and take a moment to think of him.

Thank you.

Scott Greaves

Now , about the contest ;

This contest is open to ALL members . New members would do well to enter since it will teach you how to make your pens different and unique , and you will learn techniques that will help in all your penmaking .
The pen you make for this contest must follow the designs and teachings of Russ Fairfield , for more information on Russ's designs please go to his website , and read his tutorials . There is a wealth of information about penmaking on these pages and it is advised that you read it all , you will learn many important lessons here .
You will be using any of these designs to build your pen ,
The "Russ line"
The "Fat line"
The "Long line"
Please read all of the articles on Russ's pen pages to gain a better insight into how he designed and built these pens .
Please try to keep your entry as close as possible to one of his designs but don't just copy his work , make a pen that Russ would have been proud to call one of his designs .

The Rules For The Russ Fairfield Memorial Challenge Are ;

1 - Must use a Slimline kit as a basis for this contest .
2 - The pen must be made for the contest by the person entering the contest and not have been shown before Feb 1 2011 .
3 - Winners will be chosen by how closely you follow Russ's teachings and designs as well as Fit and Finish . Take the best pictures you can since this is all we will have to judge the quality of the pen . To keep the thread to a manageable size I ask that you only post two (2) pictures per person please .
4 - A panel of judges will choose the top three pens .
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The contest opens on February 1 , 2011 at 12:01 AM and closes on February 25 , 2011 at 11:59 PM . No entries will be accepted after this time , NO EXCEPTIONS .
Attached are the pictures of my entry in the challenge. This is my first attempt at a Russ-line pen. My entry is based on the Fat-Line pen. It's made from a gold and black slimline pen kit. Since it's super bowl week, and since I live in Pennsylvania the entry is my interpentation of a pen in the colors of the Pittsburg Steelers ( Black and Gold with a white stripe ) or as close as I could come with the wood I had available. The pen is made of Wenge and Osage Orange with a Maple center band.

I have only been turning since last November so my work and photos may not be up to par with many of the entries on this site, but I'm trying and having a blast!


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Briarwood Fat Line

This is a "FAT LINE" Made from Briarwood burl it is segmented with black/ white/ tortoise shell pick guard. The Center band is gold acrylic, and it has a BLO/CA finish. :biggrin:


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Here's my submission for the Russ Fairfield Memorial Challenge:

"Fat-line" with rhodium plating
The material is "Goldwood" celluloid with a blue PVC centerband
sanded to 12,000 micromesh and buffed

The centerband is 3/32" wide, which was Russ' preferred size for this style.

Russ Fairfield said:
The "Fat-Line" allows a variation in diameter from only slightly larger than the "Slim-Line" up to dimensions that approach those of the "Cigar" pen. And, it is all done with a 7mm pen kit.

This pen is on the narrow end of the spectrum, being only slightly wider than the "Slim-Line."


Here's a closeup of the fit and finish:


- Joe
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My Entry

This is the "Fat-Line". Black enamel kit with Bethlehem Olive Wood. Center band is solid black acrylic. The finish is CA/BLO exactly as taught by Russ in his video available in the IAP library.


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I had two comments here, then looked at the rest of the pens. I am replacing those comments with only one:
I don't envy you, Scott and Jeff!!!!

These are remarkably well made pens from some really extraordinary woods. A true tribute to a master!!

Great work, all!
Desert Ironwood in a modified slimline. P.S.: Is it legal to enter the same pen in 2 different contests? If not, let me know and I will remove this one as it is in the beginners category also.


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Yes, it is most definetely illegal! It's too nice of a pen to be in two contests! :biggrin:
I will put this one in .
Keeping true in form of the Russ Line style , I added orings instead of burning the cut grooves


I think this one will be my new daily pen for a while .
Here is my entry for the Russ Fairfield modified slim contest. It is a spalted sycamore with a turquoise center band. Since I started making the modified slims, it has been hard to make one using the center band.

I really enjoy these. This is also one of the last 20 that I turned for Pens for Troops using the kits that Smittty supplied.


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Here is my entry. This is my interpretation of the Russ-line. The plating is titanium gold and unfortunately the wood was not marked and I'm not sure what it is. I chose it because it was simple but elegant and not overwhelming which I think goes along with Russ's ideas and pens. The finish is CA and of course the burn lines are added.


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Please allow me to submit my humble entry.
Gun metal fat line with extended top dressed in red ceder (knots and all) with a cocobolo center. Finish is CA/BLO.
Thank you Russ for all the help. I only wish I could have met you.

This is my version of Russ Fairfield's Long-line.

The base is Santos Mahogany and Ash. The pen is Mahogany with black pickguard centerband.

I made a modified mandrel according to Russ' article. I cut the centerband into the top section of the pen, instead.


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My Entry - Russ-line

So here is my entry:

This is the Russ-Line featuring snakewood. My glutes were tight as all mighty while I was drilling, turning, sanding and finishing this as I know Snakewood will crack just because. Because of this I omitted Russ's signature burned in rings near the center of the pen. I also feel even if I added them it would ruin the look of the snakewood.

This was a fun pen to turn, which will now sit on my personal stash shelf :biggrin:


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Well here's my entry. This is my interpretation of the "Russ-Line". It's on a gunmetal kit.


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My version of Russ's long line. I'm in the process of redoing the kitchen in ash and figured a long line desk pen from the same material would be good in the kitchen by the phone, as well as provide a contest entry. Added a little finial at the end for looks. One change from Russ's method is I did not use a center bushing. The two sections butting against each other provide enough friction for light turning and you get a perfect match at the joint. Two pieces of wax paper between the sections prevent them from getting glued together when applying the CA finish.


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Here is my entry: HRB Russ-line with CA finish. I didn't put any burn lines in this one bc the grain is so pretty I didn't want to disrupt the flow of it. The second pic is to better show fit and finish. Thanks and best of luck to everyone!


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Longline, cherry burl pen that fades to sap wood. The centerband is pickguard. The holder is antique heartpine from a local mill that was demolished. Finish is CA, MM to 12000 and then Plastix polished.


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:question: Well I wasn't sure which one I wanted to make so I did two a fat line & a Longline.
The fat line is cocobola with a 3/32 centerband made of pickgaurd +2 layers, with an inlay of Corian with black & White styrene. The MM to 12000 & finished with BLO/CA.
The Longline is made of Mardi gras Corian with a Festival Corian 3/32 Centerband, finished with MM to 12000 then Magquires & Hut Polish. I was going to make a stand for the Longline but I didn't have any more of that color Corian so I will once I get some more.

Thank you
Fatline & Long Line Pens

Of course the Pictures would help


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My Russline

I made a Russline out of Tambootie but chose not to make burn lines because the wood is so dark. Instead, I made the "burn lines" using very thin maple inlays. I also replaced the end cap with a turned Tambootie button. Kit is satin chrome slimline. Finished with CA and MM.


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My submission. A Ultimate Russ Line with hidden clip. Red Malle with African Blackwood.

Russ wrote a great article on hiden clips. I've been meaning to give it a try, and this seemed like a wonderful time to do so.

Since I was closing the end to do the hiden clip, I segmented in the Blackwood at an angle, borrowing this design element from Russ's J-line. Then, I echoed the segmentation at the nose-cone.

The Red Mallee had small voids in it, so I used Russ's CA sanding slurry technique - being very cery careful to not pick up blackwood dust.

At the center band, I have to admit that there is one thing Russ did in his designs that are not to my tastes - I do not care for the burn rings (just a personal preference). However, I retained the dark ring design element by segementing in thin blackwood rings.

I hope Russ would approve.


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My submission. A long-line. The centerband and nib holder are made from black madreperlato. I have no idea what the wood is...
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My version of a "Russ Line" made of cocobolo using a titanium slim line kit. It has a CA finish using Russ' method(my first successful Ca finish) and of course the trademark burnlines. The reflections are caused by my amateur photography which needs a lot of work.



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There are really some awesomepens here. I can't wait to get back in the shop and try to do Russ proud like all of you did!!
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This contest is Closed !!!

Thank you for all your fantastic entries in the First Annual Russ Fairfield Challenge . There are some awesome entries and I don't envy the Judges task of picking the winners .
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