The jury is still out on this one!

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Jan 2, 2009
Bastrop, Texas
Titled "Carnival", this pen is interesting! I played around with a couple of new (to me) techniques using ebony, buckeye burl, red-dyed maple burl, turquoise and pearl Inlace. My wife loves it!

What say y'all?



  • carnival1111.jpg
    34.6 KB · Views: 718
  • carnival5555.jpg
    34.9 KB · Views: 715
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Nicely done pen John. I have to be honest and say I am not sure if I like the colors/look or not. Very nice design and put together well. Probably one of those pens the more you look at it the more you like it. I have a few like that. The more I sit here and look at it the more I am digging it actually lol.
I like the colors and the design. Kinda' reminds me of the autumn colors we have now.
This Jury is back and the verdict is Beautiful as Charged. You will now be sentenced to spending the rest of your life trying to make ANOTHER pen that tops this one.

Good looking, well executed, and one that will bring big buck$! Keep up the EXCELLENT work, John! Your pens are always among the best looking ones here.
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Thanks, Andy! You are too kind, considering the level of talent displayed on this site!

This Jury is back and the verdict is Beautiful as Charged. You will now be sentenced to spending the rest of your life trying to make ANOTHER pen that tops this one.

Good looking, well executed, and one that will bring big buck$! Keep up the EXCELLENT work, John! Your pens are always among the best looking ones here.
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