The hunter's pen.

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Mar 19, 2004
O\'Fallon, MO, USA.
I had a number of requests to make a shell casing/antler pen, so here is what I came up with. I used a 30-06 shell and deer antler.

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That is AWESOME Mike! I hope you took good notes so we can put this one in our catalog of how to build. This is one that would have been good for the pen design contest. Great Job!
Nice job Mike. I have made lots of cartridge pens and I attached a pic of the two I make most. There is a picture if a full cartridge pen in my photo album. I love making these pens. The brass tarnishes quickly. Some like that and others don't. I have started powdercoating the brass with clear powder coating. It is harder than woodpecker lips and will never wear or scratch. I have a bullet piece powdercoated and have carried it in my change pocket for months and no signs of any distress. Thanks for sharing.
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Originally posted by Mike_O
<br />I had a number of requests to make a shell casing/antler pen, so here is what I came up with. I used a 30-06 shell and deer antler.
dougle40: Very nice Mike, How was the clip attached?
I cut one shell off about a quarter inch from the end and the turned it to size to press fit it back on to the end so that the clip came out of the groove in the shell. I also had to use a dremel to make a notch in the end of the barrel to accomodate the clip. I guess that I should have taken pics to document it all.
Thanks Mike,
Yes I drilled out the bullet with two sizes of bits. I'll look up the sizes and get back with you. But one the small size is the size of the writing tip on the refill and goes all the way through and the larger size is the size of the refill itself and goes almots all the way through from back to tip. Makes the profile of the refill end inside the lead. The lead is tricky to drill, it is soft and wants to wrap the shavings aroung the bit and clog up the works. Difficult to hold withour squashing it. I have some directions and photograhs of the process and parts laid out. I should post them in an article soemtime. I'll send them to you if you wish.

I also make a pen useing an arrow shaft. Here is a picture of it.

Do a good turn daily!

<br /><br />Very nice pens, Don. How did you make the bullet end? Just drill out the bullet?
Beautiful work all of it.

Just remember not to take a cartridge pen on an airplane trip. The dumb nuts at security can actually get you arrested for carrying a gun !!! Stupid but true.
Hey Mike--Nice work!!!! It appears there's some gold coloring in the antler which I like---is that natural?? Or did you sand some of the brass into the antler??

Don does a great job on his pens too---always neat to see the variety of ideas a person can come up with. (What do you suppose the hardness of Woodpecker lips is?)
Thanks and that is one reason I love the slimline...its uses and customization possibilities are endless. I must give Bill B credit for the woodpecker lips comment. He used it once with me in a conversation about stabilized wood. I use it often. I wonder if stabilized woodpecker lips are harder than non-stablilized woodpecker lips. Thanks again.
Do a good turn daily!
Originally posted by Tom McMillan
<br />Hey Mike--Nice work!!!! It appears there's some gold coloring in the antler which I like---is that natural?? Or did you sand some of the brass into the antler??

Don does a great job on his pens too---always neat to see the variety of ideas a person can come up with. (What do you suppose the hardness of Woodpecker lips is?)
WOW Great pens! I have not tried a shell casing pen yet but after these photos their high on my list. I have tried one arrow shaft pen and missed the bulls eye by about 25 yards (looked like s---)
What is the size of the arrow shaft? 19,20,or 21 (1912,2012,2112)?
I've been interested in trying this, but haven't had time to get to an archery shop to check shaft sizes. Thanks.
The arrow in the picture was a 2213 with a 5/16 brass tube glued inside to shim down to accept the 7mm tubes. The 2117 ahd 2613 will fit the slimline tubes very nicely. No archery store in my town and I had to use what I could find at Walmart. The 2117 anhd 2613 are easier to use, no 5/16 tube to glue in. The 2213 is an aluminum arrow and the 2117 and 2613 may be grahpite. Maybe someone else here knows. I'nm not a hunter.
Do a good turn daily!
Originally posted by joeyh
<br />Don,
What is the size of the arrow shaft? 19,20,or 21 (1912,2012,2112)?
I've been interested in trying this, but haven't had time to get to an archery shop to check shaft sizes. Thanks.
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