The differences between Statesmen verses Majestic

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Oct 18, 2007
San Bruno, CA, USA.
I have never used a majestic so I have several questions for those of you who do.

1. What percentage do you turn Jr. Majestic verses Majestic ?
2. How does the public like the majestic ?
3. Do they buy it ?
4. If you compared the Majestic to the Statesmen how would you compare the two ?
5. Is there something about the majestic that makes it sizzle ?
6. Please add comments about the majestic kit. I'm looking at the the rhodium +22KT

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I only sold one in 3 years. I have sold several jr majestic, but the bigger pen is just not very useful for everyday use so my customers all love it and leave it! Oh my one three year old majestic is jade tru-stone.
Interesting take... I'm thinking about trying the majestic with that gorgeous super-precious gemstone ;)

I only sold one in 3 years. I have sold several jr majestic, but the bigger pen is just not very useful for everyday use so my customers all love it and leave it! Oh my one three year old majestic is jade tru-stone.

This is just one man's experience, and I do not know what it means for others, but I have had poor sales response to the "Jade" Tru-Stone material. I sell many other Tru-Stone pens and offer a wide variety of pen styles in different price ranges. The Jade T-S just keeps being there at the end of the sales day. I hope your experience is better!
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