The Churchill

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I just came back from reading your impressions on the Churchill. I will have to order some tomorrow as I have always liked the El Grande. I am particularly happy that we can use the same bushings and drills. Of course that messes up Frank's conspiracy theory. [:D]
It would seem that if you wanted IAP members to read your thoughts you would post them here rather than directing them to your site.
Look at the original post: pictures are at
Now go give your eyes a feast.
Do a goo dturn daily!
Originally posted by GregD
<br />I just came back from reading your opinion about the Churchill. It would be nice if we could actually see a picture.
Thanks Rich! I'm still not sure I'm sold on that particular kit, but that's just my take and personal taste. On the plus side, it sounds like Berea is listening to the people using the kits, which is great! I'd like to see some more kits available that allow the kinds of modifications you mention - not that I've progressed to that level yet!
Thanks Rich, I have been on the fence on this kit. Still am a bit.. I am not a big El Grande fan, but I like the look of the Churchill more... still looks like a bit too much plastic to me... but that is a person taste thing...
Appreciate the time you took to do the evaluation and post the pictures...
Why do we insist on being so petty?

The man is sharing information, If you find it too hard to click on the link then don't.

Thanks for sharing Rich.
Thank you Rich, for the information.

I appreciate that you took the time to provide your knowledge and your expertise to us here. I, for one, don't mind clicking a link or two to gain insight from an expert.

For those that do, maybe you yourself could provide such insightful and helpful information with all the energy you use to complain.
That is a beautiful pen Rich. What type of wood did you use? Looks a bit like curly Koa.
Originally posted by Mudder
<br />Why do we insist on being so petty?

The man is sharing information, If you find it too hard to click on the link then don't.

Thanks for sharing Rich.

I'm with you on this one Mudder. A couple of clicks gets you to the pictures, which with the off-site album system Rich started allows much larger photos to evaluate. Thank you Rich for doing this for us with the Churchill, Emperor, and Panache.
I am with you Griz. I am also on the fence with the Churchill, maybe if this was 1939 I would like it better but I am not fond of the new Sierra either but I did order some so I may get around to the Churchill...
Originally posted by cteaglesc
<br />It would seem that if you wanted IAP members to read your thoughts you would post them here rather than directing them to your site.
The entire nature of the web is hyperlinked data. There is not much point of posting duplicate information. There are links all over the place pointing back here too.
I agree with you both but you just have to remember that some will bitch even when you hang them with a new rope.


Originally posted by wdcav1952
<br />
Originally posted by Mudder
<br />Why do we insist on being so petty?

The man is sharing information, If you find it too hard to click on the link then don't.

Thanks for sharing Rich.

I'm with you on this one Mudder. A couple of clicks gets you to the pictures, which with the off-site album system Rich started allows much larger photos to evaluate. Thank you Rich for doing this for us with the Churchill, Emperor, and Panache.
What's the problem with looking or reading about the pen on another site? If you want to look or read go over and if you don't then don't. Does everything have to be posted on IAP? I don't see a problem. Read and look or don't. Posters can put stuff anywhere they want to. There are no rules about directing traffic to another site. Geeeeeez!
Do a good turn daily!
Originally posted by Gary Max
<br />Must be to much work to post the pen here???????????
Rich, thank you for making your knowledge and insights available to anyone who wishes to learn something. Please don't let the negative comments curtail your willingness to share your talents.
The post was made on this site
S-man could have just as easily copied and pasted it here.
(edit in)

For those who care for the Yoohoo format, fine.
I don't. I made an obsevation. Whether you are the fourum admin or an IAP member, my statement is valid and I stand by it.
This site was started, I believe partly because of a dissatisfaction with the YOOHOO format.
I like this format.
Links to cumbersome sites to me are a waste of time.
If you don't want to read what I wrote or write send Jeff a note pleading for the gump button and we can all be happy.
Or just ask Jeff for my removal.
Great evaluation and information on the new pen, Rich. Thanks for doing that. It's nice that you take the time to let us know what to expect before buying and that you contribute to both Yahoo and IAP. Much appreciated.
What a waste of time to put the pictures and article on different sites. If it bothers you so much then don't read it. (I don't need to be told you won't). Again I say...Geeeeez! What's the dirfference? Read it or don't.
Do a good turn daily!
This is like getting attacked from another site----I really just thought he was being lazy----but then I am not a Yahoo surfer so what do I know.
I have never seen any attacks from the Y! site towards the IAP but plenty of attacks from here to Y! penturnbers and the the PMG! Personally I think it should stop, but this is a free country and I suppose a free forum.

Being effecient does not relate to being attacked... and there is no laziness in Rich
Originally posted by Gary Max
<br />This is like getting attacked from another site----I really just thought he was being lazy----but then I am not a Yahoo surfer so what do I know.
Originally posted by cteaglesc
<br />....Links to cumbersome sites to me are a waste of time......

Sorry Buddy, I just can't agree with you on this one.

A link is posted that brings you right to the information referenced. I fail to see where that is cumbersome. Why waste the bandwidth and server space from this site if it is posted somewhere already?
Originally posted by its_virgil
<br />I have never seen any attacks from the Y! site towards the IAP but plenty of attacks from here to Y! penturnbers and the the PMG! Personally I think it should stop, but this is a free country and I suppose a free forum.

Being effecient does not relate to being attacked... and there is no laziness in Rich
Originally posted by Gary Max
<br />This is like getting attacked from another site----I really just thought he was being lazy----but then I am not a Yahoo surfer so what do I know.

.. and it is always the same bunch who is complaining and whining here about other pen turner website, either Yahoo or the Guild. Get a life and enjoy when other people are so kind and share their vast kmowledge
with us. It was just a click away.
For crying out loud! Take your pissant, personal grievances to casual conversation or, better yet, take them to another site altogether and quit hijacking threads. Those who start and those who continue this kind of bull-hockey are a giant pain in the posterior. I'M SICK OF IT! And I'm NOT the only one!
Thank you Rich for taking the time to share that information with us!

I for one appreciate the work, that is a great write up on the Churchill and pictures are excellent.

Dont let the "few" get under your skin![;)][:)]
I remember I found this place via a link!!
Hi Rich,
Thank you very much for taking the time to post here. I hope that BS does not stop you from posting here again...
Since you mentioned "those who continue" I must defend myself. I too and disgusted with those who must continually post negative thoughts and have the "I don't care what one thinks" attitude. But, my friend, by keeping quiet and not responding is giving my acceptance to this kind of behavior. I can't keep quiet about wrong stuff going on. I just can't. Sorry to be such a pain to certain parts of you anatomy. If as you say, others are "SICK OF IT TOO", where is their voice? I see or hear very little protests. Too many have been too quiet for too long! I can't be one of those. If you wish me to leave this site, just ask and I'm out of here...but keeping quiet about such negative posts and attacks I cannot! And I will not! Just remember, I do agree with you and wish it would stop.

Do a good turn daily!

Originally posted by DCBluesman
<br />For crying out loud! Take your pissant, personal grievances to casual conversation or, better yet, take them to another site altogether and quit hijacking threads. Those who start and those who continue this kind of bull-hockey are a giant pain in the posterior. I'M SICK OF IT! And I'm NOT the only one!
Originally posted by GregD
<br />Ok, so what am I doing wrong?? I click on the link to the pictures and get all the text about the pen but no pictures.
I just edited the top post in this thread - had the wrong tinyurl there... Had you read that text you might have noticed a tinyurl there that WAS correct and would have taken you to the pics. Sorry about that! Here's the link again so you don't have to go back there

As for some of the nonsense in this thread: I'm having a very sad and very busy day, I'm in no mood for BS or replying to it. I am convinced there are more happy than unhappy people here, I posted for those. What would be the point in posting for discontents?

Someone called me lazy: Yup, you summed me up nicely and concisely - even typing the initial post was taxing.
Wow unbelieveable, dont you negative people have anything better to do,can't we get back to what this site is all about, sharing and helping our fellow turners.
I'm fairly new to this board and I really appreciate all of the tips, reviews, pictures, links and so on. I have earned so much in the little time i've been here because of all of the talented people that post. Please keep it up and thanks to all of the helpful and knowledgeable people who don't mind taking time out of their schedule to share with everyone.

Originally posted by scubaman
<br />
Originally posted by GregD
<br />Ok, so what am I doing wrong?? I click on the link to the pictures and get all the text about the pen but no pictures.
I just edited the top post in this thread - had the wrong tinyurl there... Had you read that text you might have noticed a tinyurl there that WAS correct and would have taken you to the pics. Sorry about that! Here's the link again so you don't have to go back there

As for some of the nonsense in this thread: I'm having a very sad and very busy day, I'm in no mood for BS or replying to it. I am convinced there are more happy than unhappy people here, I posted for those. What would be the point in posting for discontents?

Someone called me lazy: Yup, you summed me up nicely and concisely - even typing the initial post was taxing.

Rich, you are right,here are much more happy people than unhappy ones, but these few always start a pissing contest. I do not know what is wrong with them, but I am getting surely fed up with them and I have voiced this already quite some time ago to Jeff. For myself, I always like your very concise and exact reviews of new kits and I do not care that they are posted on another site. This site is here is my main site, but I also visit daily the Yahoo site and a couple of times a week the Guild site (I am not a member, but we can read the messages, just not post). In my post I just agreed to what Don said re attacking.
Rich, once again you have shown your talent and consideration. I for one always enjoy seeing your pens and reading your thoughts. Please keep sharing with those of us who know how to appreciate the time it takes to help. Thank you.
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Yep, I dislike the negativity, like Lou.
Also, like others, I am glad Rich can overlook the negativity and continue to post excellent information and graphics for a crumby pen hack like me.

Thanks Rich, and others, who continue to share and inspire!
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