Thank you Russ the Wood Turner

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Nov 21, 2004
De Pere, Wisconsin, USA.
Thank You Russ! - I was browsing a few days ago, and went to the website of Russ the wood turner. I thought his instructions on pen sanding & finishing were the most consice instructions I had run across. I learned about the application of CA as a stabalizer during the sanding process. I had never done that, so I tried it. WOW! What a difference it made at the end of the process. I'm so glad I found this organization!
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I want to add my thanks to Russ Fairfield too. I learned a lot from his site when I started turning pens, and still look at it once in a while. The site opened my eyes and got me started in going beyond the kits. For one thing, I learned what to do with center bands. Now I just collect them.

Thanks much, Russ !
Count me in too. Thanks Russ. There are a lot of things I do now based on the knowledge I gained from Russ' site. He helped me move to "the next level" in pen turning.

Mike L
I'll add my 2 cents worth also. I too copied and followed Russ's instructions in my early penturning. Thanks for taking the time and effort to create a wonderful web site!!! Kirk[8D] For the lurkers out there that wonder what we are talking about check this out:
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