Swirling flag

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Aug 3, 2007
My next experiment trying to airbrush the flag in a pen. Went for a flag in a light breeze look so the stripes are chaotic rather than uniform. Put some stars in the blue area this time, could not decide what size they should be, so tried a few sizes. Tried some pearl essence in the blue but I think it came out too light. When i brushed some scrap with the same mix, it was much darker. Spalted Maple with CA Finish.


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Its a great start. Would a clear grained wood give a more uniform finish? It looks like the grain or spalt is giving the apearance of dirt in the picture. I like the concept.

Its a great start. Would a clear grained wood give a more uniform finish? It looks like the grain or spalt is giving the apearance of dirt in the picture. I like the concept.


Spalted Maple was the only light colored wood I had already turned and sitting on the rack with no finish. I ultimately want to do this with bleached curly maple.

I had considered Holly, but it is so plain grained that many non-turners think its plastic.

I think it looks cool. I'm amazed that someone can airbrush something small as pens.

Well they can airbrush women's nails in nail salons, and a pen is much bigger
Your test area may have shown darker because it was not sanded as smoothly as the pen blank. The smoother surface will not hold as much color. Excellent concept, looks good!
Eric, Why bleached curly maple? Why not good old maple, or even some regular Box Elder, I have a bunch if you need it

My idea is that I want the white stripes to be whiter and I want the red dye or transparent paint to highlight the curl. By bleaching first, I hope to get the white a little whiter, but first I will try with just some curly Maple, that may be light enough that it looks more like red and white stripes instead of red and yellow stripes.
Thanks all, I have lots of ideas for further airbrushing fun. I'll probably continue to play with this and the rainbow a bit more while trying some of the new stuff.
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