Sweet Gum Seed Pod Pen

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Dec 10, 2008
Bowie, MD
Jon (GoodTurns) helped me cast the first blank. I've since cast a bunch more.

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I've still yet to turn the gaint Sweetgum pod blank I made(3" round by 6"length), it must have been sitting here for 4 months! But seeing this one, I might just have to find a rainy day and turn it into something~maybe a vase?

Did you happen to cut them pods in half before casting? Only reason I ask is I didn't have great results with the 'whole chunks' but the halves got good resin down in them.

Nicely done!!

Scott (plenty of them gum trees around) B

I didn't cut them in half. I can only imagine how difficult it would be to NOT cut off your fingers at the band saw when trying to saw these things through. There are going to be internal voids; there's no way around it. I've turned a couple and my buddy turned a few of them; the voids seem to stay small.


It's a Crown Jewel kit from PSI. I painted the tube and blank green, I think.

I too do Sweet Gum and you're right, you can't get resin into every nook and cranny when you're casting them. I do love what you turned.
Thanks for the reply, now I don't feel like I'm doing something wrong by not getting the resin in every single spot!

Cutting them in half is actually pretty easy, just don't drink two pots of coffee prior to doing it!:eek: And the thins actually lay flat in the bottom of the mold too, than I just stack the other half of the piece on top, tape them down and pour, pressure and wait!

Scott (lawn mowing projectiles - sweetgum pods) B
To split them I find that a sharp 3/4"-1" chisel will bust through them with just a little pressure. I cut one on the bandsaw w/ a 3/4" blade........only one
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