Suprise gift for postman

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Dale Lynch

Dec 12, 2011
Yesterday I was in the driveway spreadin some salt on the sheet of ice that came through.While I was out there fighting the wind chill I seen the post man walkin his route.I thought to myself he's probably thinking to himself"this is bullsh". Felt for the guy dutifly bravin the cold. I thought It would be a nice suprise to find a token of apreciation.So I quiclky boxed up a twisted ballpoint and left it for him to find.
Composite wood twist.jpg

Today I get a call,it's the postman.He thanked me for the gift,he was so suprised.This was the first time somebody has left something for him."At first I didn't know what it was.then I figured out it is a pen.Did you make this yourself?" He said he's been showing it to everybody.his dad and brother thought it was just a stick"big deal"When they figued it out they thought it was really neat that there was a pen hidden inside.

We got to talkin and he asked if he could come over sometime to watch me make something.I told him that he's welcome to stop by and I'll throw a few shavings on him.That it'll have wait till warmer weather cause I'm not workin out here for any length of time,it;s just too cold right now.He did ask if he could buy one.I got skittish at that point cause that's not why I gave it to him.tried to scare him off the subject with a high price tag,but he didn't flinch and asked if he could come over and see some of my other pens and stuff.I told him I would be happy to show them but that I didn't give him the pen hoping he'd come back and buy some of my work.I just did it in the christmas spirit and it made me feel like a good person to do it.

Really made my day getting that call.
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Great Christmas spirit, Dale. It sounds like he really appreciated your thoughtfulness.
Love your Christmas Spirit, Dale.
The more Spirit the Merrier.
Christmas of course, is more than just giving Gifts, it is Recognising and Appreciating those around us.
I am delighted that he Loved your Pen, but, if it was that Cold, he might have equally appreciated a Hot Cup, of Coffee. or Chocolate. ( I always think of my Personal Comfort)
Beautiful Gesture and Thoughtfulness, Dale.
And a Very Merry, Holy, Healthy,and Loving Christmas, to you and your Loved Ones.
Kindest regards,
I just made a peppermill for our letter carrier. She is very taken with our dog, Bear, and always puts Milk Bones in the mailbox for him. She is our relief carrier, so she doesn't come every day, but Bear knows when it is her and barks like mad.

Sometimes I go out and I don't have any mail at all, but Bear does!
Ho Ho Ho, well Done!!!

Awesome gesture, and the thought behind it is even more admirable!

Thanks for sharing.

(Random acts of kindness are so easy, and so rewarding!)
Thanks ladies and gents.To be honest.I was just tickled he liked it and it brightened his day.Blushing on the phone is not a common occurance for me.

Left me a thank you note in the mailbox today.
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Thanks ladies and gents.To be honest.I was just tickled he liked it and it brightened his day.Blushing on the phone is not a common occurance for me.

Left me a thank you note in the mailbox today.

A drop in the pond has many ripples! Well done!
Love your Christmas Spirit, Dale.
The more Spirit the Merrier.
Christmas of course, is more than just giving Gifts, it is Recognising and Appreciating those around us.
I am delighted that he Loved your Pen, but, if it was that Cold, he might have equally appreciated a Hot Cup, of Coffee. or Chocolate. ( I always think of my Personal Comfort)
Beautiful Gesture and Thoughtfulness, Dale.
And a Very Merry, Holy, Healthy,and Loving Christmas, to you and your Loved Ones.
Kindest regards,

I just made a peppermill for our letter carrier. She is very taken with our dog, Bear, and always puts Milk Bones in the mailbox for him. She is our relief carrier, so she doesn't come every day, but Bear knows when it is her and barks like mad.

Sometimes I go out and I don't have any mail at all, but Bear does!

I thought other people around the world did things like that.Feels good.

About that coffee though.I didn't want to hold him up on his rounds and spend any more seconds out there than he need to.The thought is equally as nice

Peppermills is a cool idea too.
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