Superbowl 2014 Grid

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If I'm dyslexic can I still win a quarter if it ends up 2-4?...or 4-2?..or ah forget it , can't send the correct mailing address anyway:rolleyes:
I'd be happy with a 36-21 score, but I don't see how Denver's gonna get that much. Can we give them 1 point for showing up?
if Seattle can score one more TD - I'm in the money!

I don't have to worry about Denver scoring again - I think they're allergic to the end zone.
THIS WAS FUN!!! Thank you for organizing (Didn't win s..t). But my cabinet got very slightly cleaned out!!! :biggrin:
So if I understand this correctly each of the 4 winners get 25 blanks unless they were in the quarter they won.
And each person sends one blank to the winner of their quarter.
So it only costs each player one blank and the winner of each quarter gets 25 blanks unless they were the winner in their quarter then they get 24 blanks.
I think I explained it the way I understand it.
There is a bright side to the score of this game......
I had no reason to celebrate - ever - so I remained sober
I had nothing interesting to watch after 1/2 time so I got my blanks boxed up and they are already in the mailbox to Burlman waiting to go out in the morning.......

Congrats to all the winners and Thank You to Ernie for running this.......
Each of us losers is supposed to send 3-5 blanks to the winner of our quarter. Otherwise you got it right.


So if I understand this correctly each of the 4 winners get 25 blanks unless they were in the quarter they won.
And each person sends one blank to the winner of their quarter.
So it only costs each player one blank and the winner of each quarter gets 25 blanks unless they were the winner in their quarter then they get 24 blanks.
I think I explained it the way I understand it.
If only Denver hadn't gone for the two point conversion...oh well :frown:

Congratulations to all the winners and thanks for running this pool. Always lots of fun!

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That was really fun, THANKS Ernie for organizing and thanks everybody who was involved. I'm new to this site and turning. And it was just a blast.
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