Super Glue your Needle Nose

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Jun 8, 2011
Suffolk, VA
I have never used thin CA, well I got some and was going to do some with it. The Medium I squeeze the bottle a little and see the glue move, so I know I nipped enough off the end. Well I did that with the thin, and it shot up, and all over a pair of cheap needle nose I use for a lot of different things around the shop. Well they are super glued open. LOL, at least I didn't get in on my glasses or face!
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I knew a guy that was working with a small bottle of super glue and right beside it was a small bottle of murine eye drops. Well, I guess you know what happened next.....
I use the thin Ca often.. especially on soft spots in some of my bowls... I ALWAYS open it carefully and watch for the back flow... but still every so often I'll glue the bottle to my soon as I feel the CA backwash to my fingers, I get the bottle out of my hands...:biggrin: so far I've not permanently glued the bottle to my hand.... when they say it's water thin, they're not kidding.
I knew a guy that was working with a small bottle of super glue and right beside it was a small bottle of murine eye drops. Well, I guess you know what happened next.....

Guess its better than gluing your wife's hand to the bench, and leaving to go get some acetone from the store. :eek::eek::eek:
My friend glued his finger to his forehead with CA. He was gluing a broken toy and scratched an itch on his forehead. He called me with his left hand and asked me what dissolved CA. Fingernail polish remover to the rescue. His wife laughed about it for weeks.
We can laugh about it and it's probably a little funny the predicaments we can get into with the CA, but it also can be very dangerous stuff if we aren't careful... I've not been seriously hurt (YET), but there is definitely a possibility... CA in the eye can be a particular danger.... we do CA finishes on our pens and can easily get the stuff slung into the eyes if we aren't careful.... I have a face shield that I just threw away because it had a line of CA right over my left eye.... you can't get CA off a face shield without ruining it... can't get it off your glasses either if they have plastic lens - DAMHIKT.

I've had a couple of panic moments when I suddenly realized that I had glue all over my hand and was getting stuck to something... so far (Knock on wood -- two raps to the side of the head ) I've gotten my fingers open and been able to keep from gluing them to anything... I hate it when I get CA on my fingers and glue my nails down... fortunately, we slough off the top layer of skin regularly and it doesn't stay on too long... it is more difficulty to type when your finger tips and your finger prints are all filled in with CA and the fingers are slick like the pen finishes...
My appologies for taking this to a sophmoric level...

but i can't help but think of the story (urban legend?) about Sean Young and James Wood. :eek:
I don't even pick up a bottle of ca without having my safety glasses or face shield on. I've glued my fingers together enough times to know I don't want it in my eyes. I also always keep acetone within reach in case I glue my hand to something.
That's part of the reason I always use a full face shield with removable static shield covers. If/when they get splattered with CA or scratched, I peel off the shield cover and slap on a new one. That being said, I did glue my heavy duty scissors closed the other day when I nipped off the tip on a new bottle of CA. I didn't realize that I'd gotten glue onto the blades so I just closed them up and put them away. Needless to say, it was a bit difficult to open them the next time I picked them up:rolleyes:

Jim Smith
I thought about fixing my needle nose, but I think I am going to leave them laying around the shop. I can ask someone for them once in a while when they are there, when they say they are messed up have them hand them to me and grab a pair just like them, and pick on them for not knowing how to use needle nose!
And when he tried to rub his eye, his finger got stuck to his face. They took him to the hospital with his finger stuck! LOL!
I knew a guy that was working with a small bottle of super glue and right beside it was a small bottle of murine eye drops. Well, I guess you know what happened next.....
Didn't they make a movie of that?

Eyes Wide Shut!?!?!

Ok, Ok, not really funny. But it's FRIDAY!
I used to work with tools like tweezers, small screwdrivers, etc on small oilfield instruments. One guy used to put a drop on each tool and set them back down on the bench. The next morning, I would try to pick them up and they would all be stuck. Funny guy, felt like chokin' him! LOL!
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