Sunday night at the movies will die Sunday!

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Mar 25, 2005
Racine, WI, USA.
As we end 2013, we will also be ending "Sunday Night at the Movies".

Which will NOT be the end of me making movies---just the end of me rushing to get them done, to meet a deadline----instead of trying to do the best I can.

For those who look forward to the movie, THANK YOU for telling me and for watching!! Just like old Star Trek episodes, you (well, at least Dawn) can watch the movies hundreds of times---gaining something each time (yeah, right!!)

Honestly, I recently read reviews of someone else's vid and realized I could do better--I have the tools and have learned to use the software, so the "fly in the ointment" is time. I need to be happier with what I present.

So, I hope you will all see much better presentations---that will be my goal. After "indexing", I realize I have made 43---I have achieved "quantity". NOW, I hope to achieve QUALITY!!

Enjoy Sunday Night, December 29, 2013. I hope my first presentation in 2014 is "noticeably better"!!

Merry Christmas!!

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Well I can certainly understand the decision to end the deadline conflict but it's my belief that the reason for the videos is to impart knowledge and ideas and you certainly do that with your videos. Otherwise my philosophy has always been, "If it ain't broke don't fix it!"

I enjoy you videos and tho it may not have been a new learning, it was a reminder or a new way to doing a project. Thank you for the info shared and I look forward to more from Exotic Blanks.
I have videos with 11,000 views.

Recently I get 100--(Average viewer watches about 60%, then "turns it off")--it IS broke.

Besides, I am personally a little "hung up" on "If you are going to do it, do it right"!!
Thanks for the positive comments though---I also do enjoy "positive reinforcement" of my efforts and I DO get that often---I am ALWAYS grateful!!

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I hate to see this, when I have time, I watch them. However they are always there.

"If I put it on the internet, it is there forever"----so the existing 44 (counting this Sunday) will live on. Any time, anyone can view them.

I hope to improve---only time will tell.
I didn't see any issues with the videos posted. Its great seeing how someone else deals with issues that we all have or will have.
I for one appreciate your efforts as stated before.
Thanks Kevin!!

As I said, I find myself rushing to get it done instead of concentrating on getting it done WELL.

I do appreciate all who have told me they are "great", THANK YOU!!
I understand the rushing to meet the deadline thing. You probably no more than finish one and then on to do the next one. I will however miss the sunday night movies. So for me, it wasn't about the quality of the videos, it was about tips and technics that you shared with us. Thank you Ed

I understand wanting to do it better. If that is what you need to do.......then go for it.
I will echo that the movies have become part of my Sunday pleasure. I will be sorry to see them missing. Lucky for all of us, you have them 'stickied' for all of us to find easily.
Your information is for everyone. The reminders for the 'old guys' so they don't get hurt. And the tips for the new guys, so they can do it better. All of this has been great and personally, I thank you very much.
I will be looking for the 'new and imporved' videos you will be putting out in the future. Honestly, I think you do a wonderful job now.

No timeline, no deadline, no pressure......enjoy your Sundays. Just remember, some of us are missing the information we get each time we see a new video.
Thanks for now,
If you view every one of the vids in the index, one each Sunday, you will occupy the first 44 weeks of the year. By the time you have finished, I hope to have at least another 8 done that I like better. So, from Halloween until year end next year, you can be watching "Better" vids!!! At least, that's the current plan!
You know in hindsight what you could have done was build something more advanced upon something basic like a pyramid, using skills and techniques shown earlier in.
Sunday night will not be the same. In my opinion there was Quality in each of the videos. They helped me with quite a few things I did not know. Thank you. :frown:
Ed, I looked, forward to each of your sunday videos. They each have held value to me. I understand the wish to add value and will anxiously await your next one. Keep up the great work at your own pace.
Everyday I'm vertical is a great day
I subscribe to several woodturners/pen makers who produce weekly YouTube videos. Most of them are very good but there are those few that don't have narratives, use camera angles that are not optimized for the viewer or are seriously out of focus. which detract from the value of the video. I have always found your videos to be spot on - topics, narrative, camera angles, etc.

I can certainly understand your desire to make sure you are presenting the very best that can and am looking forward to your new videos but I can honestly say, I find no fault with your current body of work.

Well done, Ed.
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