Suggestions on a PSI blank...

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Nov 28, 2010
College Station, Texas
I haven't been turning very long...I started the hobby to make Christmas gifts (which turned out well!) and my dad told me today that he wants to buy 4 pens for his employees at work. I have 4 chrome Designer NT kits from PSI, and as I've been ordering all of my supplies from them, I'm looking at their blanks. I want to do something that looks professional/executive. Any suggestions on a blank? I was looking at the dyed box elder, but I'm not sure how those look on a real pen...
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In keeping with the Christmas holiday Bethlehem Olive Wood is always a good choice . It turns easily and finishes well with a simple friction polish , it looks and lasts even better with a better finish but if you are just starting out BOW is a good forgiving wood as the finish wears .
If your not afraid of acrylics , carbon fiber has a very classy , business like look and it don't require an applied finish , just some plastic polish .
I do like the carbon fiber, but I'm trying to keep the cost down since my dad's paying for the materials...I'll have to look up what an olivewood looks like on a pen. I definitely want to do a wood that looks interesting, if I'm doing a wood...
I've become a big fan of burl blanks. Most any variety is nice, just get some with some really eye popping eyes(pun intended):biggrin:. A friction finish iwill work but a nice CA finish will really shine!

I like that the BOW comes with labels and Certificates of Authenticity...I'm still a little torn on whether I want to maybe do an acrylic instead...I don't know the people that are receiving these, but do you think someone would be more 'wow'ed by the BOW or an acrylic? These could be my first word-of-mouthers, if the pens I make are impressive enough...
the point that you are missing is the quality of your work not the blank. Workmanship is just that. You can get a very nice blank, but if you are not comfortable turning it then it wouldn't matter. If you just starting out then work with what you are comfortable and let the craftsmanship sell itself. However, the BOW like Butch suggested would be and easy one and you can get them out quick too.
I'm fairly comfortable with the materials I've already worked with (Assorted hardwood bundle from PSI, and a handful of different acrylics). I haven't had a blowout in a while, at least! The only thing I'm uncomfortable with at the moment is the more expensive blanks...not that I think I'll crack/blow them, but I don't have a ton of money to replace things if I do.

Also, I haven't done a CA finish yet, I've just been friction-polishing my woods.
These are the ideas I had using the pen designing tool on PSI's site. I've asked my dad what his opinions are, and he said he'll get back to me...


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