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Passed Away Jul 4, 2008
In Memoriam
Jul 5, 2004
Camden, S.C., USA.
African Blackwood,black slimine components,30-06 nickel casing.

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Eagle, NPGF!
How is Blackwood to work with? Is it heat sensitive like I hear that Ebony is? Are all Ebonies so heat sensitive as reputed?

I'm not Eagle, but can tell you that blackwood is very nice to work. It's not an ebony at all, but a rosewood. I've not experienced any of the Gaboon (Nigerian) ebony problems with blackwood.
Originally posted by DCBluesman
<br />I'm not Eagle, but can tell you that blackwood is very nice to work. It's not an ebony at all, but a rosewood. I've not experienced any of the Gaboon (Nigerian) ebony problems with blackwood.

I am not DC, but I concur with his statement.
One problem to note with blackwood,I have had difficulties getting an even CA finish to adhere.
It really doesn't need a finish due to the oils, TSW does make it shine though and I would imagine REN wax.
Without a "finish" coat I would imagine it may be more susceptible to scratches and other surface damage but it is an extremely dense wood.

First off - Nice Pen, good work!

Now with a comment: I'm not sure it looks quite right with the banded top and the 30.06 bottom - I think the banded would have been Just right if you had used a 7mm Mag, instead. Or just smooth out the band to make it match the 30.06 better.

I really like the Black Enamel hardware with this one and I like it that you like to use spent cartridges rather than new brass - definitely adds to the character!

Still looks good to me, I'd take it off your hands in a heartbeat and use it everyday! Maybe you should send it to me!! LOL [}:)]
Thnaks to all for comments.
THe shape of the top is to suggest an casing shape not neccesrily duclicate it.
If I were to try to Dupe it I would have done it in sclaae.
I had been doing a lot of these and this was one I did because I done a blackwood wone in Rhodium plating.
I don't do production work and when they all get looking alike I get bored or feel as though I am not doing my best.
I am sure I made a 30-06 withought the mag band but not in blackwood.
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