Stars & Stripes Baron Rollerball

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Feb 15, 2004
Webb, AL, USA.
I have had this kit sitting on my workbench for months. I finally took the time to press the stars and stripes into the pen and finish it. This is the first one that I successfully completed. I tried once before, but the stripes weren't pressed in deeply enough. You really have to take your time to get this one right. I am pleased with the outcome. The finish is CA, Mylands friction polish and TSW.

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Frank, don't let them scare you. They are a pain to glue up, but all-in-all, they are pretty easy. Just take your time. As you can see from Jim's pen, they turn out beautiful, and are well worth the effort. Jim, don't feel bad...I messed up one of my stripes, too. I really like that pen...congratulations on it!
Do not let the price or the laminations scare you. I have made seven of the stars and stripes and sold every one. I did find however, that instead of glueing and clamping each stripe one at a time I glued three at a time and used quite a few rubber bands to hold them in place. The rubber bands did not contort the barrel like spring clamps did and the glue up went three times as fast. I was able to make up three of them while watching a Seahawk game-go 'Hawks[:D][:D][:D]
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